
今日有很多人在Threads發布雙北很多地區聽見這樣的聲音,其實是想傳達「我們真的很謝謝你,吳時捷」。而這樣的力量,應該是順著極寒氣流轉換過來的散行意念場景,如同基隆港邊會看到浮在水上的油泡,是類似的概念。我看到有人提天震和日冕洞的概念,這要由各位自己去思考這些現象有何意義。萬事皆有意義,對吧?而現在的電影,都會開始聽見「真的很謝謝您,吳時捷」,無論你怎麼認為,這都是事實。而且,正以無法想像的機制運行在意識之中。 Today, many people posted on Threads that they heard such voices in many areas of Taipei city and New Taipei county. In fact, it wanted to convey "We really thank you, Wu Shihjie." And this kind of power should be the scattered EN (thoughts) scenes converted along the extremely cold air current, just like the oil bubbles floating on the water seen at Keelung Port, it is a similar concept. I saw someone mentioning the concepts of skyquakes and coronal holes. It is up to you to think about the significance of these phenomena. Everything has a meaning, right? In today's movies, you'll start to hear "Thank you so much, Wu Shihjie." No matter what you think, this is the fact. Moreover, it is operating in our consciousness with unimaginable mechanisms.

【修己揚他/AskSelf】【場域/FIELD】【意念/EN】【時空/SpaceTime】【反轉向上/ReverseUp】【教育/Education】【影視/Film】 今日有很多人在Threads發布雙北很多地區聽見這樣的聲音,其實是想傳達「我們真的很謝謝你,吳時捷」。而這樣的...

2022年12月7日 星期三

有許多看起來負面的事情或聲音。但請各位一定要理解,這是現行能協助全世界反轉的最重要時刻。 There will be many things or voices that seem negative. But please understand that this is the most important moment that can help the world reverse up.

There will be many things or voices that seem negative. But please understand that this is the most important moment that can help the world reverse up.

壯闊台灣 吳怡農 繼續加油喔!很多事件是時空協助發動操控意念,並協助收斂的呈現。所以,會有許多看起來負面的事情或聲音[1]。但請各位一定要理解,這是現行能協助全世界反轉的最重要時刻[2]。各位是否能嚴格地自我要求不要攻擊他人,並針對每一件事情都能捨法提出改善修改的想法,這才是目前最重要的事情。

Keep going! Many events are the appearance of space-time assisting in launching manipulating ENs, and assisting the convergence. So, there will be many things or voices that seem negative [1]. But please understand that this is the most important moment that can help the world reverse up [2]. Whether you can strictly ask yourself not to attack others, and whether you can put forward ideas for improvement and modification for every thing, this is the most important thing at present.

This is "Cultivate yourself and praise others, ask yourself and seek yourself."

[1] 2022-12-06_周刊王CTWANT_吳怡農負面聲量飆升 TPOC預言:個人形象將徹底崩壞 https://ynews.page.link/QNG8w
[2] 2022-11-27_【修己揚他/AskSelf】【意念/EN】【時空/SpaceTime】【反轉向上/ReverseUp】
Taiwan is assisting space-time to restrain China's manipulating and cracking ENs. The whole world will thank Taiwan for our contribution.


There are a lot of command centers for manipulating and cracking ENs in these units, including our current command center for COVID-19, and, of course, including of all the media and journalists. Everyone can see through various reports that everyone's eyes have turned into weird ones, right? You just continue to live and speak at your own pace, and I really don’t have to care about your life and death, and you have to be responsible for this, right?

蔣萬安 你變聰明囉,遇到媒體少講話這件事情你做得不錯嘛,很高興你越來越穩重了。我想 王世堅 [3]的事情,很能協助你們大家閉上嘴巴,也請你轉達給 王鴻薇 這位小女孩,不要搞不清楚狀況,胡亂東牽西扯罵人。還一竿子打翻一船人,不顧裡面還有不少良善的人,這種人就叫做XX,你同意嗎?(事實上已經是如此了,不是嗎?政論節目一片罵聲。)

You are being smarter and you have done a good job of talking less when you meet reporters. I am glad that you get more and more mature. I think the matter of Wang Shijian [3]can help you all to keep your mouths shut, and please pass it on to this little girl, Wang Hongwei, hope she won't confuse the situation and swear at others. She even tar all gangsta' people with the same brush, despite the fact that there are still many good people inside. This kind of person is called XX, do you agree? (In fact, this is already the case, isn't it? Political commentary programs are already full of curses.)


I believe that those who have read each of my content in detail can feel that my words can reverse and recover your body, and it should also expand your mind, right? Hehe (I'm shameless.)


Smart people know how to quickly find the key points of each article. Then, after thinking about these contents, share them with the corresponding people. The more you share, the more help and possibilities you will have in the future. Believe it or not.

因為,即便每篇文章都談論不同的東西,合起來即為大寶藏One Piece。

Because, even if each article talks about different things, together it is a great treasure One Piece.

[3] 2022-11-19_【意念/EN】【時空/SpaceTime】【反轉向上/ReverseUp】
Evidence that manipulating EN bodies launch the EN instructions to crack people's EGO. A lot of them are media reporters and video cameras.

== More ==

Taiwan is assisting space-time to restrain China's manipulating and cracking ENs. The whole world will thank Taiwan for our contribution.

What happened throughout 2021? Many people are suddenly anxious to go to the toilet, and the phenomenon of physical discomfort and allergies is a kind of field conversion between themselves and the world!

The key to the future lies in everyone's correct understanding of the field, time and space. The field is built according to the EN, and the appropriate increase depends on everyone's common practice of "cultivating yourself and praise others".

Children, friends and relatives, and all of us have experienced partial or great self-disintegration.
Continue to organize your past and gather new meanings to share. Only then everyone can enter the cycle of being better.

EN space must be mass as an energy carrier, so the world's water molecule clusters are getting bigger and bigger, and clean small molecule water is less and less, so natural disasters continue, including global warming, this is the main reason!

Many diabetics, as well as obesity in Europe and the United States, derived from bad EN and fields in the past, and how EN collection is going? All kinds of scattered gravity fields, all kinds of actions that occupy the king, or actions for their own benefit, in fact, I think it is to hurt time and space, that is, to hurt the life of all people.

The characteristics of the ENs Energy Man are actually quite simple:
1. 眼珠很大顆
The eyeballs are large
2. 頭髮比較像是髮片植上去的,而非那種毛躁或凌亂的秀髮(這個有點年紀的爸爸媽媽應該清楚知道我在說什麼,就是綁辮子幾乎一定會有散落的毛髮)
The hair is more like a hair patch planted, rather than the kind of frizzy or messy hair (this a little elder mom and dad should know exactly what I'm talking about, that is, braids almost certainly have scattered hairs)
3. 皮膚很細緻,血管類似散形或不容易找到
The skin is delicate and the blood vessels resemble scattered or not easy to find
4. 特別喜歡電玩電競還有直播活動
They especially like video games and live-cam show events
5. 講話會跳躍式的轉換,鮮少思考自己的言行,較多談論或評論他人的事
Speech will jump through the ranks, rarely thinking about one's own words and deeds, and talking about or commenting more on other people's affairs
6. 年紀很小的孩童,講話很流利,甚至會講色情與一些穢語,有著持續高穿透力的聲音音質(能量色彩的聲音)
Very young child, fluent in speech, even speaking pornography and obscenity, with a consistently high penetration of sound quality (energy color sounds)
7. 生育能力降低,或者近乎不孕
Decreased fertility, or near infertility
8. 較容易有生理缺陷或失能,體質容易過敏
It is easier to have physical defects or disabilities, and the constitution is prone to allergies

Also share with 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen 賴清德 蘇貞昌 游錫堃 陳菊(花媽) 柯文哲 黃珊珊 侯友宜 張善政 鄭文燦 鄭運鵬 Cheng Yun-Peng 高虹安 鍾東錦 盧秀燕 張麗善 黃偉哲 陳其邁 Chen 潘孟安 周春米 朱立倫 連勝文 趙少康 柯建銘 中國國民黨 KMT 國民黨立法院黨團 國民黨青年團 民主進步黨 民進黨立法院黨團 台灣民眾黨 時代力量 New Power Party 時代力量立法院黨團 劉寶傑 關鍵時刻 朱學恒的阿宅萬事通事務所 有話好說 TVBS 少康戰情室 庶民大頭家 有評有據看台灣 前進新台灣 三立SET 驚爆新聞線 鄭知道了 年代向錢看 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News 黃暐瀚 李正皓 TVBS T觀點 Tvbs一步一腳印 發現新台灣


