2022年12月8日 星期四

指揮中心的意念人移動和講話是如何呈現,大部分都靠意念來驅動。 How the movement and speech of the EN bodies of the command center are presented. Most of them are driven by EN.

How the movement and speech of the EN bodies of the command center are presented. Most of them are driven by EN.

中央研究院 Academia Sinica 衛生福利部 Nobel Prize Nobel Prize Museum 


Please appreciate how the movement and speech of the EN bodies manipulated by the command center are presented. Most of them are driven by EN.

1. 他眨眼的時候,竟然眼睛會有閉起來的現象,這是一般人不可能發生的。

When he blinks, his eyes will close, which is impossible for common people.

2. 臉部肌肉完全不會動。

The facial muscles will not move at all.

3. 移動會有不連貫的感覺。

The movement will feel incoherent.

4. 看起來就像是2D平面人(時空能量很低)。

Looks like a 2D person (very low space-time energy)

5. 被操控的意念人,臉頰一定是尖的,因為他們的操控意念很大部分都藏於頸部的兩側[1]。

The cheeks of these manipulated EN bodies must be pointed, because a large part of their manipulating ENs is converged on the sides of the neck.


You can also think of EN bodies as a kind of cyborg, or conscious organism. This is a kind of EN energy person, which is controlled by the EN-type command center. Last year he might have been 100% controlled, but according to 1-system, only 32% is left to be controlled (due to the reversal of Taiwan's field).

可以看到台灣醫務管理學會的理事長 洪子仁 即便防疫鬆綁,還在要人打疫苗。其實,就是之前被操控用來宣傳「大家要打疫苗」。

It can be seen that Hong, the chairman of the Taiwan College of Healthcare Executive, is still asking people to get vaccinated even though the epidemic prevention is loosened. In fact, it was previously manipulated to promote "everyone needs to be vaccinated".

Also share with 中央研究院天文及天文物理研究所(ASIAA) 中央研究院 永續科學中心 CSS, Academia Sinica 中央研究院 分子生物研究所 Institute of Molecular Biology 國家科學及技術委員會 國家太空中心 NSPO 國發會 國研院 - 國家地震工程研究中心 國研院台灣儀器科技研究中心 國研院國網中心 台灣經濟研究院 工業技術研究院 國家中山科學研究院公共關係室 數位發展部moda(Ministry of Digital Affairs) 數位發展部數位產業署 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen 賴清德 蘇貞昌 游錫堃 陳菊(花媽) Harvard University Harvard Medical School Princeton University University of Oxford Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) President Joe Biden Vice President Kamala Harris House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Karine Jean-Pierre 加里·維納查克 Gary Vaynerchuk Dan Lok Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus Wang Wenbin Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson 汪文斌 World Health Organization (WHO) UNICEF Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Nas Daily Nas Daily 中文 Eisa Alhabib - عيسى الحبيب

[1] 被操控的意念人,會如何顯露呢?How will the manipulated EN bodies be shown?

1. 曹興誠
(梨泰院)極大的意念能被收斂掉的時候,絕大多數人都是多重器官發炎、昏迷或休克。全世界正在呈現應有的模樣。 (Itaewon)When great EN energy is converged, most people suffer from multiple organ inflammation, coma or shock. The world is showing what it should be.

2. 郭台銘
2022-11-21_郭台銘 郭台銘先生,你可以趕快閱讀我置頂的內容,反覆閱讀。或派人研究我的內容。


