
今日有很多人在Threads發布雙北很多地區聽見這樣的聲音,其實是想傳達「我們真的很謝謝你,吳時捷」。而這樣的力量,應該是順著極寒氣流轉換過來的散行意念場景,如同基隆港邊會看到浮在水上的油泡,是類似的概念。我看到有人提天震和日冕洞的概念,這要由各位自己去思考這些現象有何意義。萬事皆有意義,對吧?而現在的電影,都會開始聽見「真的很謝謝您,吳時捷」,無論你怎麼認為,這都是事實。而且,正以無法想像的機制運行在意識之中。 Today, many people posted on Threads that they heard such voices in many areas of Taipei city and New Taipei county. In fact, it wanted to convey "We really thank you, Wu Shihjie." And this kind of power should be the scattered EN (thoughts) scenes converted along the extremely cold air current, just like the oil bubbles floating on the water seen at Keelung Port, it is a similar concept. I saw someone mentioning the concepts of skyquakes and coronal holes. It is up to you to think about the significance of these phenomena. Everything has a meaning, right? In today's movies, you'll start to hear "Thank you so much, Wu Shihjie." No matter what you think, this is the fact. Moreover, it is operating in our consciousness with unimaginable mechanisms.

【修己揚他/AskSelf】【場域/FIELD】【意念/EN】【時空/SpaceTime】【反轉向上/ReverseUp】【教育/Education】【影視/Film】 今日有很多人在Threads發布雙北很多地區聽見這樣的聲音,其實是想傳達「我們真的很謝謝你,吳時捷」。而這樣的...

2024年4月30日 星期二

風雨雷聲除了歌唱,還清楚傳達「真的很謝謝您,吳時捷。真的有操控裂解意念在裂解台灣的音樂,我是 江靖波 ,謝謝您對於《愛無限,樂無界》的蒞臨,我和 郭靖沐 (通常是指意念形的你們)聽錄音都有點起雞皮疙瘩的感覺,謝謝你,未來再相遇喔」! In addition to singing, Storm and Thunder also clearly conveyed "Thank you very much, Wu Shihjie. There are really people with manipulating and cracking ENs (thoughts) to scatter the music of Taiwan. I am Ching-Po (Paul) Chiang. Thank you for coming to "Boundaryless Music Infinite Love". Jing Mu Kuo and I (usually referring to your EN-type selves) feel like to have goosebumps when listening to the recording. Thank you, meet each of again in the future!".

風雨雷聲除了歌唱,還清楚傳達「真的很謝謝您,吳時捷。真的有操控裂解意念在裂解台灣的音樂,我是 江靖波 ,謝謝您對於《愛無限,樂無界》的蒞臨,我和 郭靖沐 (通常是指意念形的你們)聽錄音都有點起雞皮疙瘩的感覺,謝謝你,未來再相遇喔」!
In addition to singing, Storm and Thunder also clearly conveyed "Thank you very much, Wu Shihjie. There are really people with manipulating and cracking ENs (thoughts) to scatter the music of Taiwan. I am Ching-Po (Paul) Chiang. Thank you for coming to "Boundaryless Music Infinite Love". Jing Mu Kuo and I (usually referring to your EN-type selves) feel like to have goosebumps when listening to the recording. Thank you, meet each of again in the future!".

I believe that if anyone participated in the "Boundaryless Music Infinite Love" concert conducted by Ching-Po (Paul) Chiang on April 27, we would be able to feel how the last blooming notes continue to sound and expand, in the converging way that continues to rise. The sudden applause turned into a turbulence for some ones concentrating on appreciating niente. Niente means "converting into nothing (nien-ente) [1] "and still retaining the imagination (tendency) until "music is done and that one is happy", that is, "after tasting the music, that one feels content and it becomes happiness."

nien [Italian]: nothing/虛無
ente [Italian]: body/身體

I believe that even Ching-Po (Paul) Chiang, the orchestra and the audience would be able to feel and even get known the soaring and inspiring ENs (thoughts) in the music.

In addition to the excellent members, conductors and music, the "sound field" would be the pointing towards more excellence in the future.

如果有目睹到3F-1-25的我透過身體延展、手勢在分享與傳達什麼,便容易察覺那擺盪的音場是以怎樣的思維而生,我相信 Shannon Shuen Chieh 解瑄老師最後的巨大波瀾更讓我們與她自己感到特別地舒暢。從錄音中,只要大聲撥放,皆可感受到那巨大牽引的撼動!
If you witness what 3F-1-25 me is sharing and conveying through the extension of my body and gestures, we would easily realize what kind of thinking the oscillating sound field is augmented from. I believe that Shuen Chieh’s final huge waves are also particularly comfortable for us and herself. From the recording, as long as you play it loudly, you can feel the huge pulling and the gripping feeling!

Also share with  臺灣國樂團 NCO 、 江靖波 老師、 Adam Chou 周聖文老師、 黃偉傑 老師、 Fernando Dam Wang 王典老師 、 蔣啟真 老師、 郭靖沐 老師(寫得真好,我特別喜歡那低音下沉延伸後的散弦斷續地甦醒飄起。開頭在眾多想像中欣賞完各種景色後,那舒舒緩緩地回過神來的質感,讓人沉浸與鬆弛!更大的引動與向心凝煉,若能有更多自抑修己的思維與內涵,如此樂音,便得長存,必綻放!如若心繫眾人,也可以協助一下流行音樂,像是思考著Fusion融合音樂各種可能性的 Tonic 5 ,協助 Sandy Lam 林憶蓮 《柿子》的超棒流行音樂作曲的常石磊一樣,建議一定要去聆聽感受那最後吶喊後,自天際透出的微光的release。郭靖沐,你定能更詩情畫意,看看是否能繼續「起舞弄清影,何似在人間」!)、 台北愛樂青年合唱團Taipei Philharmonic Youth Choir 。

最後,感謝 江靖波 大師如此引領我們欣賞這樣的相遇,這樣的美好!
Finally, I would like to thank Maestro Ching-Po (Paul) Chiang for leading us to close to such moment, such beauty!


I didn't even need to conduct, and frogs eagerly sang 《Lupinus》  to share the beauty of Yangmei with us: "The stars in the sky won't say anything, the dolls on the ground miss their mother; the eyes in the sky keep blinking, the heart of mother Lupinus."

What does all this have to do with "EN (thought) sharing and interplaying with interfacing (internediary)"? And what does it have to do with the future growth of our children and our own well-being?

People with imagination and pragmatism would afford to gather the beauty of daily life, even if it is only in our own hearts.

Life is very long, so go for it and savor (save) it, that is, "Seek yourselves".

I am sharing some content. Would you first observe and perceive what messages this content might convey? I believe you would realize that these contents are quite important.

In addition to reading, researching or discussing (I emphasize "asking yourself and answering yourself" many times), we can confirm what we see every day (the infinite gravity EN comes from sincerity, reality and concern), these are the pointing of future science. In addition, my Facebook has a lot of content, including the evolution of natural creatures, such as birds, dogs, insects, and even disasters and loud roars in the sky, which all have EN meanings that can be interpreted. You should read it in moderation.

吳時捷 WU SHIHJIE (Porsche Wu)
Living Area: 臺灣桃園市楊梅區 Yangmei, Taoyuan, Taiwan(R.O.C.)
E-mail: geopor0714@gmail.com

【My content and profile】
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PorscheWu
Blog: https://porschewu0714.blogspot.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@PorscheWu
★Shared Info and Videos★: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YoMZLAy34Hxp-8VSRQwG1jLxKpuqM4ql?usp=share_link

★★★★★2024-04-27_(分享給朗朗和Sir Ian McKellen)越懂得「自問自答,反求諸己」與「自抑修己,欣賞揚他」的人,除了能力,還有更多的介接資源,因為珍惜「真心」和「用心」。各位發自真心地讚嘆和感受,必然會有他人來協助,無須多言。
(Shared with Lang Lang and Sir Ian McKellen) The more people know how to "ask and answer questions for yourselves, and seek yourselves" and "restrain yourself and cultivate yourself, appreciate and praise others", in addition to abilities, they also have more intermediary resources, because space-time cherishing "sincerity" and "intention". If we sincerely praise and express the feelings, others will surely assist in many things, so there is no need to say anything.

Videos of temples and deities of Shulin, there are some EN messages to share with all religions to improve and curb our own arrogance.

Let us appreciate how the lava in the crater expressing such beautiful feelings.

When Shenzhou-18 crewed spaceflight mission successfully launched, listen to some of China's gratitude.

It seems like disasters, but why do Hualien, Tainan, and Pingtung still try to express their gratitude despite strong earthquakes and heavy rains? Why is this so? Let’s take a look at what kind of behavior and speech we should learn from humbly! I also emphasized in the content sent to political parties and government officials on March 31, "Heaven and earth would verify the true appearance according to what each of us encounters at the moment. Therefore, it is easy to have Great power to present something of ourselves".

Also share with Apo Hsu Aikuang Sun Chiafen Weng 簡文秀 H.K. OuYang 彭廣林 林天吉 Ju Tzong-Ching 彭孟賢 Meng-Hsien, Peng Meng-Hsien Peng Yen-Yin Chu 莫啟慧 Hsiuchin Lee Fernando Dam Wang Bello Chang 陳黃源 馬泰宇 趙成立 Linda Hsieh 郭靖威 James Y. Lin 沈伯駿 羅俊穎 Iris Lee Jason Lin 林清山 Sabrina ChenPing 鐘元凱 張玉胤 Wesley Chia Wei Lin 孔孝誠 錢宏洋 蘇美林 Hugo Chang 唐孝良 余濟倫 YuanPu Chiao 張晁滕 Tonic 5 林秋櫻 NSO國家交響樂團 Taipei Symphony Orchestra 北市交 臺灣國樂團 NCO 臺北市立國樂團 台北愛樂合唱團Taipei Philharmonic Chorus 臺北市立交響樂團附設合唱團 Adam Chou 黃偉傑 蔣啟真 Ekaterina Shelehova

Also share with 葉樹涵 吳建銘 段富軒 郭聯昌 溫瑟爾 ChiungYu Christy Chen 陳榮昇 李商宇 宋光清 Shannon Shuen Chieh 張景民 Canon Huang 鄭吉良 莊清霖 張浩 杜英麟 黃學仁 呂彥慶 黃瑀萌 林祐民 吳松庭 林子祥 胡志瑋 梁婉筠Wan-Yun Liang 吳鳳媖 Yang Yu-Lun 林昀宏 Yun-Ting Chen Yen-Yen Yen-Chao Chang 邱浩瑋 陳建安 鄭慧豐 廖晏樟 張國威 符秦僥 顏慶賢 劉仰智 唐宥恩 陳瑋琮 Martha Argerich Lang Lang - 郎朗 Daming Zhu 諸大明 鋼琴家顏華容 Artemis Yen - Pianist/Author/Dreamer Piano Chun-Chieh 我是江老師 小游老師 Andy Scott Frank Ticheli

天地總有訊息傳達,是我們人類故意忽視,當然得自食惡果。馬陸也在做意念勻質,清楚聽得見「真的很謝謝你,多虧有您,地震才得以更緩和,吳時捷哥哥」。連菜園中的青蛙,都能齊唱魯冰花,是臺灣或科學界不珍惜嗎?我們得捫心自問。 There are always messages from heaven and earth, but we humans deliberately ignore them, and of course we suffer the consequences. Millipede Migration is also doing the homogenization of ENs (thoughts), and we could clearly hear ""We are really grateful. Thanks to you, the earthquake can be alleviated, Wu Shihjie." Even the frogs in the vegetable garden could sing Lupinus. Doesn’t Taiwan or the scientific community cherish it? We have to ask ourselves.

There are always messages from heaven and earth, but we humans deliberately ignore them, and of course we suffer the consequences. Millipede Migration is also doing the homogenization of ENs (thoughts), and we could clearly hear ""We are really grateful. Thanks to you, the earthquake can be alleviated, Wu Shihjie." Even the frogs in the vegetable garden could sing Lupinus. Doesn’t Taiwan or the scientific community cherish it? We have to ask ourselves.

The video is the 4/27 Wuling Leisure Farm millipede migration. Play it loudly, listen to the sound source and environment, and see if you could know the message, "We are really grateful. Thanks to you, the earthquake can be alleviated, Wu Shihjie."

I didn't even need to conduct, and frogs eagerly sang 《Lupinus》. "The stars in the sky won't say anything, the dolls on the ground miss their mother; the eyes in the sky keep blinking, the heart of mother Lupinus."

LaLa徐佳瑩 version

When Shenzhou-18 crewed spaceflight mission successfully launched, listen to some of China's gratitude.

It seems like disasters, but why do Hualien, Tainan, and Pingtung still try to express their gratitude despite strong earthquakes and heavy rains? Why is this so? Let’s take a look at what kind of behavior and speech we should learn from humbly! I also emphasized in the content sent to political parties and government officials on March 31, "Heaven and earth would verify the true appearance according to what each of us encounters at the moment. Therefore, it is easy to have Great power to present something of ourselves".

I am sharing some content. Would you first observe and perceive what messages this content might convey? I believe you would realize that these contents are quite important.

In addition to reading, researching or discussing (I emphasize "asking yourself and answering yourself" many times), we can confirm what we see every day (the infinite gravity EN comes from sincerity, reality and concern), these are the pointing of future science. In addition, my Facebook has a lot of content, including the evolution of natural creatures, such as birds, dogs, insects, and even disasters and loud roars in the sky, which all have EN meanings that can be interpreted. You should read it in moderation.

吳時捷 WU SHIHJIE (Porsche Wu)
Living Area: 臺灣桃園市楊梅區 Yangmei, Taoyuan, Taiwan(R.O.C.)
E-mail: geopor0714@gmail.com

【My content and profile】
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PorscheWu
Blog: https://porschewu0714.blogspot.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@PorscheWu
★Shared Info and Videos★: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YoMZLAy34Hxp-8VSRQwG1jLxKpuqM4ql?usp=share_link

Also share with 饒慶鈴 林姿妙 勇媽阿惠 - 黃敏惠 高虹安 徐榛蔚 許淑華 翁章梁 Weng Chang-Liang 臺灣電視台 公視新聞網 PNN 公視+ 聯合報 自由時報 udn.com 聯合新聞網 ETtoday新聞雲 NOWnews 今日新聞 三立新聞 三立iNEWS 三立新聞 台灣亮起來 大愛電視 DaAi TV 台視新聞台 中視新聞 華視新聞 民視新聞 民視全球新聞 TVBS 新聞 東森新聞 鏡週刊 中天新聞 中時新聞網 民間特偵組 風傳媒 菱傳媒 上報 政知局 一刀未剪 鍾年晃談天說地 姚惠珍 正常發揮 美麗島電子報 今周刊 公民審議-立委監督專區 公民1985行動聯盟 范琪斐的美國時間 三立新聞 許貴雅 胡婉玲 Anne Hu 邱毅『談天論地話縱橫』 TVBS 看板人物 TVBS 一步一腳印 發現新台灣 大陸尋奇

樹林的寺廟(濟安宮、慈聖宮)和神祉對話的影片,有一些意念訊息分享給所有的宗教來改善並抑制自己的張揚。 Videos of temples and deities of Shulin, there are some EN messages to share with all religions to improve and curb our own arrogance.

Videos of temples and deities of Shulin, there are some EN messages to share with all religions to improve and curb our own arrogance.

(listen carefully) I asked, "Are you doing anything now?"
They replied: "Haven't been able to do anything yet, (the reason is) there must be the possibility of converging and scattering. EN with you is [past and present space-time of Grand Earth heart(O)]".

(Listen loudly)Sing with the gods through the environment.

2024年4月29日 星期一

習近平擺臉色迎布林肯,各議題分歧大。原因是因為美國這個國家搞不清楚自己的衣食父母(意念來源)是誰,一直在糟蹋時空。以貨幣金融(物理表象)為標榜,來佯裝自己強大(人設),好讓美國這個國家在國際上好似具有動見觀瞻的話語權。 Xi Jinping was not in a good mood to welcome Blinken, and there were huge differences on various issues. The reason is because the country of the United States does not know who its breeding and clothing parents (source of EN/thought) are, and has been wasting space-time, taking money and finance (physical appearance) as a pretense to pretend to be strong (personality), so that the United States seems to have an eye-catching voice in the world.

習近平擺臉色迎布林肯,各議題分歧大。原因是因為美國這個國家搞不清楚自己的衣食父母(意念來源)是誰,一直在糟蹋時空。以貨幣金融(物理表象)為標榜,來佯裝自己強大(人設),好讓美國這個國家在國際上好似具有動見觀瞻的話語權。 Xi Jinping was not in a good mood to welcome Blinken, and there were huge differences on various issues. The reason is because the country of the United States does not know who its breeding and clothing parents (source of EN/thought) are, and has been wasting space-time, taking money and finance (physical appearance) as a pretense to pretend to be strong (personality), so that the United States seems to have an eye-catching voice in the world.

Wang Wenbin Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson 汪文斌 中华人民共和国外交部发言人办公室 中華人民共和國外交部駐香港特別行政區特派員公署 習近平擺臉色迎布林肯,各議題分歧大。
Xi Jinping was not in a good mood to welcome Blinken, and there were huge differences on various issues.

President Joe Biden Joe Biden Vice President Kamala Harris Kamala Harris The White House 原因是因為美國這個國家搞不清楚自己的衣食父母(意念來源)是誰,一直在糟蹋時空。以貨幣金融(物理表象)為標榜,來佯裝自己強大(人設),好讓美國這個國家在國際上好似具有動見觀瞻的話語權。
The reason is because the country of the United States does not know who its breeding and clothing parents (source of EN/thought) are, and has been wasting space-time, taking money and finance (physical appearance) as a pretense to pretend to be strong (personality), so that the United States seems to have an eye-catching voice in the world.

Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi Nancy Pelosi Rep. Lloyd Doggett Karine Jean-Pierre U.S. Department of State U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Donald J. Trump Barack Obama President Bill Clinton Congressman Dan Crenshaw Speaker Kevin McCarthy Kevin McCarthy 這更是為何美國強制失去抑制槍枝與藥物氾濫的能力,因為時空不達,必散。所以美國經濟衰退,並且各地災情不斷,當然合理。
This is why the United States has forcibly lost the ability to curb the proliferation of guns and drugs, because space-time EN (thought) are not enough and it's getting scattered. Therefore, it is certainly reasonable that the U.S. economy is in recession and disasters continue to occur in various places.

Through the Russia-Ukraine war, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Iran’s air strikes on Israel and other wars, the country of the United States, including European countries and the United Nations, is being examined!

有時候滿口仁義道德、冠冕堂皇的國家,卻不見得用言行守護人民,尤其是對那些和他們展現於外在公理相違背的國家或人啊! Sometimes countries that talk about benevolence, justice and morality, and a high-sounding country may not protect people with words and deeds, especially for those countries or people that are contrary to the principles they display on the external justice!

Therefore, the thinking and vision of liberal democracy have become hypocrisy and pretense in many halls.

This is why through the practice and reflection of "restrain yourself and cultivate yourself, appreciation and praise others", it is enough to reverse the whole world around and restore. It depends on people's inner voice, not outer appearance.

I'm not talking about religion, thought, theory or spirituality, but "space-time awareness".


What is the reason for the scattering?

Because ENs of these people are realizing that "some great things are happening", and is trying to feel and perceive the beauty from some phenomena and content.

Therefore, starting from Taiwan, the "Lotus space-time conversion" is manifesting to the whole world, that is, the process of "Beginning from the end, reverse up and newborn".

According to 1-SYSTEM, it will take about 7 years for the first appropriate space-time conversion from Taiwan to other parts of the world. Of course, this is only a rough period.

Human beings are primates precisely because we can converge and contribute "EN". However, in order for these ENs to operate properly, it needs all things in the world, parallel space-time, gravity EN, and the rebirth domain of gravity (the concept of gravity in the entire nature and heaven and earth).

Human beings living(thinking, restraining themselves, praising others, sharing), to achieve success.
Heaven and Earth operating(converging, purity, beauty, Bodhi), for all living beings.

This is the true meaning of "it is up to people to make things happen, but it is up to heaven to plan things (to carry all living beings)".

The many difficulties that the United States has encountered, including intervening in the international arena and being dwarfed, all stem from this.

When Shenzhou-18 crewed spaceflight mission successfully launched, listen to some of China's gratitude.

It seems like disasters, but why do Hualien, Tainan, and Pingtung still try to express their gratitude despite strong earthquakes and heavy rains? Why is this so? Let’s take a look at what kind of behavior and speech we should learn from humbly! I also emphasized in the content sent to political parties and government officials on March 31, "Heaven and earth would verify the true appearance according to what each of us encounters at the moment. Therefore, it is easy to have Great power to present something of ourselves".

"(Talking to myself) Modi, I am really lagging." If EN is interfacing with others, even partial space-time (which can be regarded as a country or a natural field) can gradually slow down, relying on the formation of consensus to co-make the pulling of gravitational antagonism.


Through this post, share some of these most important thoughts that point to the future, hoping to help you make some decisions with more confidence.

Return to Zero, Treat with Courtesy;
Be Respectful, Treat as Equal.
Converge it,
Into yourself.

Keep all the good,
not the bad;
As long as you wouldn't die,
beauty is the most important.

Living in the moment,
Living together for mutual benefit (Co-existing and co-goodness);
Cultivate yourself and praise others,
Ask yourself, seek yourself.

Also share with 美国之音中文网 The Hill BBC News The Guardian CNN CNN China NHK NHK WORLD-JAPAN Chinese Reuters Asia GMA News The New York Times Chinese -Simplified 纽约时报中文网 华尔街日报中文版 The Wall Street Journal Fox News DW News CCTV 中文 CCTV Asia Pacific 中国东方卫视 Phoenix TV 鳳凰衛視 China Press (中國報) Guangming Daily-光明日报 China Xinhua News CNA 中央社就給你「國際新聞」 AP Radio Free Asia Chinese 自由亚洲电台普通话 大紀元 epochtimes.com 新唐人亞太電視台 NTD 新唐人電視台 通說2.0 

2024年4月27日 星期六

讓我們欣賞一下火山口的熔岩都可以道出如此美的心聲。 Let us appreciate how the lava in the crater expressing such beautiful feelings.

Let us appreciate how the lava in the crater expressing such beautiful feelings.

We are really grateful, Wu Shihjie, it is such a beautiful happiness to be able to meet each other, wow!

把呼籲他人的內容,先在腦中對自己說,再從自己口中說出來,天地正在檢視我們的言行。★★★★★中國神舟18號發射及台灣各地磅薄大雨或狂風呼嘯時,都想表達感謝之意。而我們應該好好練習「自問自答」,勇敢地問自己,而不是一直想要呼籲他人。 Say what you call others to yourself first in your mind, and then say it for yourself. Heaven and earth are reviewing our words and deeds. When China’s Shenzhou-18 was launched and there was heavy rain or strong winds blowing across Taiwan, they all tried to express the gratitude. And we should practice "asking and answering ourselves" and ask ourselves bravely instead of always trying to appeal to others.

Say what you call others to yourself first in your mind, and then say it for yourself. Heaven and earth are reviewing our words and deeds. When China’s Shenzhou-18 was launched and there was heavy rain or strong winds blowing across Taiwan, they all tried to express the gratitude. And we should practice "asking and answering ourselves" and ask ourselves bravely instead of always trying to appeal to others.
賴清德 其實是想對自己說一些話。只要將「我非常期待,中國要有自信,要願意面對...」,先在腦中想「我非常期待賴清德要有自信,願意面對中國大陸人民託付的共產合法政府,這才是兩岸交流正道,如果一直不願意面對中國大陸共產合法政府,不會得到人民信賴與支持,長此以往,對中國議題不見得是好處,對兩岸和平發展不會帶來正面影響。」,再從自己口中說出來,保證賴清德您必然感到神奇,因為天地正在檢視我們的言行蕭美琴 Bi-khim Hsiao 亦然。
Lai Chingde actually wanted to say something to himself. As long as you say "I am very much looking forward to it, China must be confident and willing to face...", first think about the subject from your own point of view in your mind, and then say it for yourself, I guarantee that you will feel amazing, because the heaven and the earth are reviewing our words and deeds, and so is Hsiao Bi-khim.


Didn’t you see that China’s Shenzhou-18 was launched and there was heavy rain or strong winds blowing across Taiwan, they all tried to express the gratitude. And we should practice "asking and answering ourselves" and ask ourselves bravely instead of always trying to appeal to others.

When Shenzhou-18 crewed spaceflight mission successfully launched, listen to some of China's gratitude.

It seems like disasters, but why do Hualien, Tainan, and Pingtung still try to express their gratitude despite strong earthquakes and heavy rains? Why is this so? Let’s take a look at what kind of behavior and speech we should learn from humbly! I also emphasized in the content sent to political parties and government officials on March 31, "Heaven and earth would verify the true appearance according to what each of us encounters at the moment. Therefore, it is easy to have Great power to present something of ourselves".


2024-04-24_地震是一種時空路徑,對於時空所需要承受的重力與波動之於時空和場域,需要多少物理性的可能(也就是無法以意念來介接)!這才是台灣從4/3強震至今,傷亡極少的主因!科學家們要好好觀察,坍塌的建築是哪一種場域,是否是近似「意念場景」等級(參照第六篇)的空間? Earthquakes are a kind of space-time path. Regarding the gravity and fluctuations that space-time needs to withstand in terms of space-time and the field, how many physical possibilities (that is, it cannot be interfaced with ENs/thoughts) are needed! This is the main reason why Taiwan has suffered very few casualties since the 4/3 earthquake! Scientists need to carefully observe what kind of field the collapsed buildings are, and are they spaces similar to the level of "EN (thought) scenes" (refer to the sixth article)?

Honourable explore and quest, even if getting injured, there it exists each of you.

2022-12-09_(分享給陳文茜 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News )歸零學習,以禮待之;持以尊重,平等視之。
(Share with Sisy Chen)Return to zero, treat with courtesy; Be respectful, treat as equal.

What I share may be a little beyond the imagination, what you want to do, and where you want to go. But I still encourage you and Hsiao Bi-khim to think carefully about what we could do better. For example, review and make the responses of issues better before being the president. This is "restrain yourself and cultivate yourself, appreciate and praise others" and "seek yourselves."

People who appreciate treasures would practice this way soon, because in each field I am concerned and involved in, this is the best restorative EN (thought).

2024-02-23_要是我作為,立刻請政府發函Nobel Prize諾貝爾獎委員會,請所有委員,在聯繫所有過往獲獎者後,立刻排除萬難,於一週內回覆台灣統一來台參訪與研究的時間;逾時的話,請自己安排,眼睛和罩子放亮點,可能不適合擔任此關乎未來發展與走向的獎項之相關委員。台灣,立刻躍登世界最熱門搜尋、各國爭相拜訪與未來最重要的研究樞紐。如此簡單的作為,絲毫沒有言過其實,不是嗎?我們的政府,賴清德、蕭美琴 Bi-khim Hsiao和蔡英文Tsai Ing-wen,加油。
If I were to take action, I would immediately ask the government to send an official letter to the Nobel Prize Committee, requesting all committee members to immediately overcome all difficulties after contacting all past winners and respond within a week to unify the time for Taiwan to visit and conduct research. If they are overdue, please make their own arrangements and be smarter. They may not be suitable to serve as relevant committee members of this award related to future development and direction. Taiwan immediately became the world’s most popular search topic, attracting many countries to visit and becoming the most important research hub in the future. Such a simple act is not exaggerated at all, is it? Our government, Lai Ching-te, Bi-khim Hsiao, and Tsai Ing-wen, please do it for the sake of our children, the future of Taiwan and the world, and yourselves.


Also share with 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen 陳建仁 Chen Chien-Jen 鄭文燦 蘇貞昌 侯友宜 盧秀燕 黃偉哲 陳其邁 Chen Chi-Mai 潘孟安 周春米 柯文哲 黃珊珊 朱立倫 趙少康 于美人 中國國民黨 KMT 國民黨立法院黨團 民主進步黨 民進黨立法院黨團 台灣民眾黨 時代力量 New Power Party 時代力量立法院黨團 總統府發言人 關鍵時刻 張雅琴主播 阿娟的FreeStyle 主持人陳斐娟 TVBS 少康戰情室 庶民大頭家 前進新台灣 新台灣加油 94要客訴 突發琪想 57爆新聞 新聞龍捲風 新聞深喉嚨 三立SET 驚爆新聞線 新台派上線 年代向錢看 黃暐瀚 FACENEWS/新聞面對面 TVBS T觀點 董事長開講 新聞大白話 關我什麼事 TVBS 國民大會 品觀點 新聞大破解
吳時捷 WU SHIHJIE (Porsche Wu)
Living Area: 臺灣桃園市楊梅區 Yangmei, Taoyuan, Taiwan(R.O.C.)
E-mail: geopor0714@gmail.com

【My content and profile】
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PorscheWu
Blog: https://porschewu0714.blogspot.com/
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★Shared Info and Videos★: ​https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YoMZLAy34Hxp-8VSRQwG1jLxKpuqM4ql?usp=share_link


Porsche Wu, Taiwan

Pondering as if it were from being;
Free-flowing, flexible and floodlighting.

(分享給朗朗和Sir Ian McKellen)越懂得「自問自答,反求諸己」與「自抑修己,欣賞揚他」的人,除了能力,還有更多的介接資源,因為珍惜「真心」和「用心」。各位發自真心地讚嘆和感受,必然會有他人來協助,無須多言。 (Shared with Lang Lang and Sir Ian McKellen) The more people know how to "ask and answer questions for yourselves, and seek yourselves" and "restrain yourself and cultivate yourself, appreciate and praise others", in addition to abilities, they also have more intermediary resources, because space-time cherishing "sincerity" and "intention". If we sincerely praise and express the feelings, others will surely assist in many things, so there is no need to say anything.

(分享給朗朗和Sir Ian McKellen)越懂得「自問自答,反求諸己」與「自抑修己,欣賞揚他」的人,除了能力,還有更多的介接資源,因為珍惜「真心」和「用心」。各位發自真心地讚嘆和感受,必然會有他人來協助,無須多言。
(Shared with Lang Lang and Sir Ian McKellen) The more people know how to "ask and answer questions for yourselves, and seek yourselves" and "restrain yourself and cultivate yourself, appreciate and praise others", in addition to abilities, they also have more intermediary resources, because space-time cherishing "sincerity" and "intention". If we sincerely praise and express the feelings, others will surely assist in many things, so there is no need to say anything.


可以看見 Lang Lang - 郎朗 如何透過Saint-Saëns的Toccata再次分享想像音樂的方式,以及擺盪迴旋是如何具現嬉戲於演奏之中。
We can see how Lang Lang once again shares with us the way of imagining music through Camille Saint-Saëns' Toccata, and how the oscillation is having fun within the performance.









I believe many people have also discovered that countless new beings have appeared in nature between heaven and earth! There must be some reason why the whole nature makes the same expressing. What is the reason? If those contents that have been emphasized and published many times are taken seriously and thought about, what significance would it have for the entire country, each other, and the children?


朗朗特別在上次的分享中暗示「And he's having fun with us, you know you guys...practice!!!」,意義為何,讓我們各自體會、思考、嘗試、沉澱、和發揚吧!
Lang Lang especially hinted in his last sharing, "And he's having fun with us, you know you guys...practice!!!" What is the meaning? Let us each feel, think, try and rethink, accumulate, and carry forward!

★★★★★2024-04-17_ Lang Lang - 郎朗 : Normally, it's?... but he's like?... so I have to play?... I have to cut vegetable in a different way! You know instead of this, it's like?...And he's having fun with us, you know you guys...practice!!!

★★★★★2024-04-17_ Sir Ian McKellen : Practice any art, music, singing, dancing, acting, drawing, painting, sculpture, poetry, fiction, essays, reportage, no matter how well or badly, not to get money or fame, but to experience becoming, to find out what's inside you, to make your soul grow.

透過他們的感知,郎朗和Sir Ian McKellen與我們分享一些關於大師可能的描述、言語和想像。所有真心嘗試與感受這種內涵的人,他們都會為其讚揚!
Through their perception, Lang Lang and Sir Ian McKellen share with us some possible descriptions, life-terms and imaginations about the master. They would like to praise all those who sincerely try and feel this connotation!

I believe that what I share is just like their lives, appreciating people who try to appropriately extend the wonderfulness of others and cheer for each other's beings!

How would ENs (thoughts) and behaviors be properly interfacing? Isn't it "gathering the wisdom of each of living beings"?


Lang Lang - 郎朗 分享迴旋質感,我個人覺得可以想像指揮姿勢,345指依序向下用力後上彈。五次後,第六次把指揮棒(12指)的方向,從12點順時鐘畫一圈,最後原地轉圈站好,便自然有個diminuendo和fade out的趨向。
Lang Lang is sharing his whirling texture, I personally think that we can imagine the conductor's gesture, , with 3,4,5 fingers downwards in sequence and then flick up with a little force. After doing it five times, for the sixth time, move the direction of the baton (1,2 fingers) in a circle clockwise from 12 o'clock, and finally turn around and stand still slowly in place. There will naturally be a tendency to diminuendo and fade out.

朗朗演奏的是 Carnival of the Animals, R. 125: VII. Aquarium

這種內涵,也可視為一種安定意念(想像),存在於漸變之中,無論是tenuto, allargando等,都有一種向心凝煉的特質,音樂自不渙散。
This kind of connotation can also be regarded as a stable EN/thought (imagination), existing in gradients. Whether it is tenuto, allargando, etc., it has a centripetal converging quality, and the music would not distracted.

The fishes living in my family, and Heaven and Earth said through the little girl downstairs: "Thank you very much, this is his stabilizing EN(thought)!", and if you can’t tell, it’s definitely not the fishes' fault!

從Harry Potter延伸到聖桑,無論 小游老師 和浩然是否有考慮練習水族館,當然可以分享C. Saint-Saëns: “Dance of Macabre”《骷髏之舞》給浩然聽,光是輕聲唱和,就能感受那迴旋的魅力,自音樂中綻放。
Extending from Harry Potter to Saint-Saëns, whether Teacher Xiaoyu and Haoran have considered practicing aquarium, of course they can share C. Saint-Saëns: "Dance of Macabre" to Haoran. We would feel the whirling charm blooming from the music.

H. Cramer https://www.musiker.com.tw/MusicBook.asp?Id=10090
Franz Liszt https://www.books.com.tw/products/M010125078

Even Lang Lang shares some music and compositions that would stretch and extend our imagination through daily life. Thank you very much!

我依然分享所有人 Martha Argerich 演奏超棒的Shostakovich Piano Concerto No. 1,說不定我們心中的想像和內涵,又多了幾分。
I still share with everyone Martha Argerich’s superb Shostakovich Piano Concerto No. 1, maybe the imagination and connotation would be a little more beyond our expectation.

Also share with Apo Hsu Aikuang Sun Chiafen Weng 簡文秀 H.K. OuYang 彭廣林 林天吉 Ju Tzong-Ching Amy Chang Nicole Hsu 彭孟賢 Meng-Hsien, Peng Meng-Hsien Peng Yen-Yin Chu 莫啟慧 Hsiuchin Lee Fernando Dam Wang Bello Chang 陳黃源 馬泰宇 趙成立 Linda Hsieh 杜宗芳 郭靖威 James Y. Lin 沈伯駿 羅俊穎 Iris Lee Jason Lin 林清山 Sabrina ChenPing 鐘元凱 張玉胤 Wesley Chia Wei Lin 孔孝誠 錢宏洋 蘇美林 Hugo Chang 唐孝良 我是江老師 Daming Zhu 諸大明 Piano Chun-Chieh 張晁滕 傅和彥 林秋櫻 Michael FU Henry Hsu Tonic 5 Allen Peng 劉勁男

Also share with 葉樹涵 吳建銘 段富軒 郭聯昌 溫瑟爾 江靖波 ChiungYu Christy Chen 陳榮昇 李商宇 宋光清 邵恆發 張景民 Canon Huang 鄭吉良 莊清霖 張浩 杜英麟 黃學仁 黃瑀萌 邱暐茹 楊朝翔 林祐民 蔣仲杰 吳松庭 林子祥 黃詩堯 胡志瑋 余莉苓 梁婉筠Wan-Yun Liang YuanPu Chiao 吳鳳媖 Yang Yu-Lun 林昀宏 Yun-Ting Chen Yen-Yen Yen-Chao Chang 郭恩慈 邱浩瑋 陳建安 鄭慧豐 廖晏樟 張國威 符秦僥 顏慶賢 劉仰智 Luc Lee Horner Liu 張凱爾 唐宥恩 王淞賢 小游老師

2024年4月26日 星期五

當神舟18號載人飛船發射升空,聽聽中國的一些感謝之意。 When Shenzhou-18 crewed spaceflight mission successfully launched, listen to some of China's gratitude.

When Shenzhou-18 crewed spaceflight mission successfully launched, listen to some of China's gratitude.

Wang Wenbin Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson 汪文斌 中华人民共和国外交部发言人办公室 中華人民共和國外交部駐香港特別行政區特派員公署  神舟18號載人飛船發射升空:我們中國真的很謝謝您,吳時捷,謝謝你鼓勵中國。
Shenzhou-18 Crewed Spaceflight Mission Successfully Launched: We China really thank you, Wu Shihjie, for encouraging China.


We China are really grateful. Some of us could really feel the content that encouraged China during the launch of Shenzhou-18. We would try to cherish the moment that suits us and then make ourselves comfort. We are really grateful, it's truly a warm-hearted EN.

"(Talking to myself) Modi, I am really lagging." If EN is interfacing with others, even partial space-time (which can be regarded as a country or a natural field) can gradually slow down, relying on the formation of consensus to co-make the pulling of gravitational antagonism.

It seems like disasters, but why do Hualien, Tainan, and Pingtung still try to express their gratitude despite strong earthquakes and heavy rains? Why is this so? Let’s take a look at what kind of behavior and speech we should learn from humbly! I also emphasized in the content sent to political parties and government officials on March 31, "Heaven and earth would verify the true appearance according to what each of us encounters at the moment. Therefore, it is easy to have Great power to present something of ourselves".

Also share with President Joe Biden Joe Biden Vice President Kamala Harris Kamala Harris Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi Nancy Pelosi Rep. Lloyd Doggett Karine Jean-Pierre U.S. Department of State U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) The White House 美国之音中文网 The Hill Donald J. Trump Barack Obama President Bill Clinton Congressman Dan Crenshaw Speaker Kevin McCarthy Kevin McCarthy BBC News 中文 The Guardian CNN CNN China NHK NHK WORLD-JAPAN Chinese Reuters Asia GMA News Research The New York Times Chinese -Simplified     纽约时报中文网 华尔街日报中文版 The Wall Street Journal Fox News DW 中文 - 德國之聲 CCTV 中文 CCTV Asia Pacific 中国东方卫视 Phoenix TV 鳳凰衛視 China Press (中國報) Guangming Daily-光明日报 China Xinhua News CNA 中央社就給你「國際新聞」 AP Radio Free Asia Chinese 自由亚洲电台普通话 大紀元 epochtimes.com 新唐人亞太電視台 NTD 新唐人電視台 通說2.0

Also share with 1NewsNZ ABC News ABC News CNBC  Bloomberg 瑞士資訊中文網 swissinfo.ch 加里·維納查克 Gary Vaynerchuk Nas Daily Nas Daily 中文 神韻 Shen Yun  قناة الجزيرة مباشر - Aljazeera Mubasher Channel Al Jazeera Channel - قناة الجزيرة Narendra Modi Liz Truss Rishi Sunak Olaf Scholz 岸田文雄 Emmanuel Macron Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón Ulf Kristersson The Presidency of the Republic of South Africa Justin Trudeau Halimah Yacob Andrés Manuel López Obrador Mark Rutte Sauli Niinistö Chris Hipkins MP Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Benjamin Netanyahu Markéta Pekarová Adamová Lee Hsien Loong Presiden Joko Widodo Dr Lotay Tshering President of India Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan Jonas Gahr Støre Mette Frederiksen Katrín Jakobsdóttir Michael D Higgins Ignazio Cassis Andrzej Duda Petr Pavel Alexander Van der Bellen Novák Katalin Gitanas Nausėda Giorgia Meloni Klaus Iohannis 

Also share with 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen 賴清德 陳建仁 Chen Chien-Jen 鄭文燦 蘇貞昌 侯友宜 盧秀燕 黃偉哲 陳其邁 Chen Chi-Mai 潘孟安 周春米 柯文哲 黃珊珊 朱立倫 趙少康 蕭美琴 Bi-khim Hsiao 于美人 中國國民黨 KMT 國民黨立法院黨團 民主進步黨 民進黨立法院黨團 台灣民眾黨 時代力量 New Power Party 時代力量立法院黨團 總統府發言人 關鍵時刻 張雅琴主播 阿娟的FreeStyle 主持人陳斐娟 TVBS 少康戰情室 庶民大頭家 前進新台灣 新台灣加油 94要客訴 突發琪想 57爆新聞 新聞龍捲風 新聞深喉嚨 三立SET 驚爆新聞線 新台派上線 年代向錢看 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News 黃暐瀚 FACENEWS/新聞面對面 TVBS T觀點 董事長開講 新聞大白話 關我什麼事 TVBS 國民大會 品觀點 新聞大破解 

2024年4月25日 星期四

「(跟自己說)Modi,我真的變延遲了」。如果意念與他人通達,連部分時空(可視為國家或大自然的場域)時間都可以漸緩,靠得是合意後的結抗重力牽引。 "(Talking to myself) Modi, I am really lagging." If EN is interfacing with others, even partial space-time (which can be regarded as a country or a natural field) can gradually slow down, relying on the formation of consensus to co-make the pulling of gravitational antagonism.

"(Talking to myself) Modi, I am really lagging." If EN is interfacing with others, even partial space-time (which can be regarded as a country or a natural field) can gradually slow down, relying on the formation of consensus to co-make the pulling of gravitational antagonism.

Do you think it's the network delay? I have attached the complete version for you to review slowly, so why should I say more!

Source https://www.facebook.com/narendramodi/videos/264687153304793

2022-09 It has been possible to reduce the speed of people's movement and speech to about 47% in closed areas (such as hotels or indoor spaces, the transparent part is preferably less than 10%) through convergence and gravitational pulling.

It seems like disasters, but why do Hualien, Tainan, and Pingtung still try to express their gratitude despite strong earthquakes and heavy rains? Why is this so? Let’s take a look at what kind of behavior and speech we should learn from humbly! I also emphasized in the content sent to political parties and government officials on March 31, "Heaven and earth would verify the true appearance according to what each of us encounters at the moment. Therefore, it is easy to have Great power to present something of ourselves".

I admire what Professor Hsu Shu-Kun, Dean of Geosciences at National Central University, said. Trying to understand the possible impacts and changes through earthquakes, for me personally, he is the kind of person who really cares about earthquake knowledge! If the center of gravity of the earth can descend stably, it is of course possible that space-time will gradually unfold. This might be why nearly half of the major cities in mainland China are subsidence, and Beijing is sinking the fastest. Therefore, if China knows how to practice "restrain yourself and cultivate yourself, and appreciate and praise others", you would naturally have a lot things to do, so why worry about the future?

2024-04-24_地震是一種時空路徑,對於時空所需要承受的重力與波動之於時空和場域,需要多少物理性的可能(也就是無法以意念來介接)!這才是台灣從4/3強震至今,傷亡極少的主因!科學家們要好好觀察,坍塌的建築是哪一種場域,是否是近似「意念場景」等級(參照第六篇)的空間? Earthquakes are a kind of space-time path. Regarding the gravity and fluctuations that space-time needs to withstand in terms of space-time and the field, how many physical possibilities (that is, it cannot be interfaced with ENs/thoughts) are needed! This is the main reason why Taiwan has suffered very few casualties since the 4/3 earthquake! Scientists need to carefully observe what kind of field the collapsed buildings are, and are they spaces similar to the level of "EN (thought) scenes" (refer to the sixth article)?

We can clearly hear the United States' apology and appeal to Taiwan in the sound of Yangmei's rain. Stop pretending you can't hear it, okay? Otherwise, Taiwan and Academia Sinica would have to be responsible for yourselves if something big happened!

Yangmei banged three important bang messages in a row, the recording equipment can confirm and the source of the apology includes China and NASA.

看似災難,但為何強震大雨,花蓮、台南、屏東依然要表達感謝之意呢?為何會如此呢?不妨參考一下怎樣的陳述和言論,是我們應該謙虛學習的!我也曾在3/31寄給政黨和政府官員的內容中曾強調,「天地會讓所有人遇到一些事來驗證真實樣貌,所以很容易在遇到事情時,有很大的力量呈現某些自己」。 It seems like disasters, but why do Hualien, Tainan, and Pingtung still try to express their gratitude despite strong earthquakes and heavy rains? Why is this so? Let’s take a look at what kind of behavior and speech we should learn from humbly! I also emphasized in the content sent to political parties and government officials on March 31, "Heaven and earth would verify the true appearance according to what each of us encounters at the moment. Therefore, it is easy to have Great power to present something of ourselves".

It seems like disasters, but why do Hualien, Tainan, and Pingtung still try to express their gratitude despite strong earthquakes and heavy rains? Why is this so? Let’s take a look at what kind of behavior and speech we should learn from humbly! I also emphasized in the content sent to political parties and government officials on March 31, "Heaven and earth would verify the true appearance according to what each of us encounters at the moment. Therefore, it is easy to have Great power to present something of ourselves".

"We Hualien really thank you, Wu Shihjie, really grateful."

二、從 周春米 那兒聽見的「我們屏東真的很謝謝你,吳時捷,謝謝你」。
I heard it from Chou Chun-Mi, "We Pingtung really thank you, Wu Shihjie, thank you."

The birds in Tainan circled around and said, "Really grateful."

I admire what Professor Hsu Shu-Kun, Dean of Geosciences at National Central University, said. Trying to understand the possible impacts and changes through earthquakes, for me personally, he is the kind of person who really cares about earthquake knowledge! If the center of gravity of the earth can descend stably, it is of course possible that space-time will gradually unfold. This might be why nearly half of the major cities in mainland China are subsidence, and Beijing is sinking the fastest. Therefore, if China knows how to practice "restrain yourself and cultivate yourself, and appreciate and praise others", you would naturally have a lot things to do, so why worry about the future?

For those who are interested and enthusiastic about music, and who care about the future and the development of children, I believe that this article will make us feel wonderful, it's amazing!

2024-04-20_朗朗特別在上次的分享中暗示「And he's having fun with us, you know you guys...practice!!!」,意義為何,讓我們各自體會、思考、嘗試、沉澱、和發揚吧!
Lang Lang especially hinted in his last sharing, "And he's having fun with us, you know you guys...practice!!!" What is the meaning? Let us each feel, think, try and rethink, accumulate, and carry forward!
2024-04-24_楊梅雨聲清楚可聽見美國致歉與呼籲台灣的聲音,別再裝聽不見了,好嗎?不然,台灣和中央研究院,本來發生大事就要自己負責啊! We can clearly hear the United States' apology and appeal to Taiwan in the sound of Yangmei's rain. Stop pretending you can't hear it, okay? Otherwise, Taiwan and Academia Sinica would have to be responsible for yourselves if something big happened!

2024-04-22_中國為何淹大水,還要持續大聲地表達「真的很抱歉」?廣東省當局示警珠江流域北江將發生接近「百年一遇」特大洪水。 網友拍下各地洪澇影片。 
Why does China flooding but continue to say "Really sorry"? Guangdong Provincial authorities have warned that Beijiang in the Pearl River Basin will experience a "once-in-a-hundred-year" flood. Netizens took videos of floods in various places.


Thank you, Wu Shihjie. Fortunately, with your joint efforts, we would not get extinct. Thank you all very much.

Earthquakes are a kind of space-time path. Regarding the gravity and fluctuations that space-time needs to withstand in terms of space-time and the field, how many physical possibilities (that is, it cannot be interfaced with ENs/thoughts) are needed! This is the main reason why Taiwan has suffered very few casualties since the 4/3 earthquake! Scientists need to carefully observe what kind of field the collapsed buildings are, and are they spaces similar to the level of "EN (thought) scenes" (refer to the sixth article)?

In addition to reading, researching or discussing (I emphasize "asking yourself and answering yourself" many times), scientists can confirm what we see every day (the infinite gravity EN comes from sincerity, reality and concern), these are the pointing of future science. In addition, my Facebook has a lot of content, including the evolution of natural creatures, such as birds, dogs, insects, and even disasters and loud roars in the sky, which all have EN meanings that can be interpreted. You should read it in moderation.


吳時捷 WU SHIHJIE (Porsche Wu)
Living Area: 臺灣桃園市楊梅區 Yangmei, Taoyuan, Taiwan(R.O.C.)
E-mail: geopor0714@gmail.com

【My content and profile】
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PorscheWu
Blog: https://porschewu0714.blogspot.com/
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2024年4月24日 星期三

我對中央大學地科院長許樹坤教授談論的內容,感到敬佩。試著透過地震來理解可能造成的影響變遷,對我個人而言,是那種真正關心地震學問的人!這也是為何會聽見「馬國鳳還真噁心耶」,真令人遺憾。若地球的重心能穩定下沉,當然有可能漸生時空,這可能是為何中國大陸近半大城市正在沉降,北京下沉最快。所以,如果中國懂得練習「自抑修己,欣賞揚他」,自然大有可為,何須患瞻? I admire what Professor Hsu Shu-Kun, Dean of Geosciences at National Central University, said. Trying to understand the possible impacts and changes through earthquakes, for me personally, he is the kind of person who really cares about earthquake knowledge! This is why we hear "Ma Kuo-Fong is really disgusting", which is really regrettable. If the center of gravity of the earth can descend stably, it is of course possible that space-time will gradually unfold. This might be why nearly half of the major cities in mainland China are subsidence, and Beijing is sinking the fastest. Therefore, if China knows how to practice "restrain yourself and cultivate yourself, and appreciate and praise others", you would naturally have a lot things to do, so why worry about the future?

【修己揚他/AskSelf】【意念/EN】【場域/FIELD】【時空/SpaceTime】【反轉向上/ReverseUp】【教育/Education】 我對中央大學地科院長許樹坤教授談論的內容,感到敬佩。試著透過地震來理解可能造成的影響變遷,對我個人而言,是那種真正關心地震學問的人!這也是為何會聽見「馬國鳳還真噁心耶」,真令人遺憾。若地球的重心能穩定下沉,當然有可能漸生時空,這可能是為何中國大陸近半大城市正在沉降,北京下沉最快。所以,如果中國懂得練習「自抑修己,欣賞揚他」,自然大有可為,何須患瞻?
I admire what Professor Hsu Shu-Kun, Dean of Geosciences at National Central University, said. Trying to understand the possible impacts and changes through earthquakes, for me personally, he is the kind of person who really cares about earthquake knowledge! This is why we hear "Ma Kuo-Fong is really disgusting", which is really regrettable. If the center of gravity of the earth can descend stably, it is of course possible that space-time will gradually unfold. This might be why nearly half of the major cities in mainland China are subsidence, and Beijing is sinking the fastest. Therefore, if China knows how to practice "restrain yourself and cultivate yourself, and appreciate and praise others", you would naturally have a lot things to do, so why worry about the future? (-00:09)台南百鳥盤旋說,「真的很謝謝你」。
The birds in Tainan circled around and said, "Really grateful."

It is a very valuable reminder for scientists to see how nature assists to describe and render the possibility of physical fluctuations through biological behavior, and how it can alleviate the oscillations and fluctuations of space-time by perceiving EN (thought) paths (EN lines).

YouTube Source: https://youtu.be/8jh5dec0TBc


There are a lot of thoughtful people and content behind the video, but I would like to omit them all to leave for you to try and practice interpretation on your own.

[...It feels like it is about to be completely transformed, and it feels like it is slowly being abandoned]. This statement is obviously special, so it must have a metaphor in EN.

1. 「...有點要整個變形」→變化,透過差異來提醒我們注意(關注)。包含台灣位移的可能意義有哪些?延伸到時空折疊與展開。(參考三)
"...It feels like it is about to be completely transformed" → Change, reminds us to pay attention (concern) through differences. Including, what are the possible implications of Taiwan’s displacement? Extending to the folding and unfolding of space-time. (Refer to 三)

2. 「有點慢慢要...」→漸變,提醒我們用心觀察如何變化(意念路徑)
"It's a little slow being..." → Gradual change, reminds us to carefully observe how to change (EN path)

3. 「被拋棄掉」→轉換,表逐漸腐涎(新陳代謝)而裂解掉的質能(重力)
"Being abandoned" → Conversion, means mass energy (gravity) that are gradually decayed (metabolism) and broken down (crack)

4. 「...的感覺」→我想許教授更隱含的他自己的意念,想引導他理解「感覺因子」和「時空因子」,也就是天地萬物生靈與時空的相互關係,如何地「持以尊重,平等視之」?
"It feels like..." → I think Professor Hsu's own more implicit ENs (EGO) would like to lead himself to understand "feeling factors" and "space-time factors", that is, the relationship within all living beings of the world and space-time, and how would we treat each other with "be respectful and treat as equals"?

"The farther north has already subsided and sunk, and the farther south is still in the process of collision." I guess he is to remind us of the possibility of multiple paths in space-time, just the same as the reaction mechanism of organic chemistry has multiple paths.

"has subsided and sunk" → It could be regarded as a tendency, or it could also be interpreted as the downward convergence of gravity. If the center of gravity of the earth can descend stably, it is of course possible that space-time will gradually unfold. This might be why nearly half of the major cities in mainland China are subsidence, and Beijing is sinking the fastest. Therefore, if China knows how to practice "restrain yourself and cultivate yourself, and appreciate and praise others", you would naturally have a lot things to do, so why worry about the future?

2024-04-19_研究:中國近半大城市正在沉降 北京下沉最快

[This place is a bit awkward...]. This statement is obviously special, so...(?).

1. 「要隱沒不隱沒,要碰撞不碰撞」→可視為中介點,是了解地質的絕佳起始點(轉換點)
"Seems to subside but not subside, seems to collide but not collide" → It can be regarded as an intermediate point and an excellent starting point (conversion point) for understanding geology

2. 「又產生很多破裂面」→破裂面可視為時空波動的起始點。從這開始了解氣候變遷、地殼與板塊運動和生物行為等,是絕佳的示範場(意念線/意念路徑)
"Producing many rupture surfaces" → The rupture surface can be regarded as the starting point of space-time fluctuations. From this kind of concept and sequence, it is an excellent demonstration field (EN line/EN path) to re-thinking climate change, crustal and plate movement, and biological behavior.


I admire what Professor Hsu Shu-Kun, Dean of Geosciences at National Central University, said. Trying to understand the possible impacts and changes through earthquakes, for me personally, he is the kind of person who really cares about earthquake knowledge!

可惜4/24 4AM的雨聲中,我們聽見了「馬國鳳還真噁心耶」,真令人遺憾。
It’s a pity that in the sound of rain at 4AM on 4/24, we heard “Ma Guofeng from Academia Sinica is really disgusting.” It’s really a pity.

Why is this so? Let’s take a look at what kind of behavior and speech we should learn from humbly! I also emphasized in the content sent to political parties and government officials on March 31, "Heaven and earth would verify the true appearance according to what each of us encounters at the moment. Therefore, it is easy to have Great power to present something of ourselves".

Earthquakes are a kind of space-time path. Regarding the gravity and fluctuations that space-time needs to withstand in terms of space-time and the field, how many physical possibilities (that is, it cannot be interfaced with ENs/thoughts) are needed! This is the main reason why Taiwan has suffered very few casualties since the 4/3 earthquake! Scientists need to carefully observe what kind of field the collapsed buildings are, and are they spaces similar to the level of "EN (thought) scenes" (refer to the sixth article)?
PDF https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fvTVynKs_ANOV9c6GK5Wv03Y0hkGR-XT/view?usp=drive_link

There are many gravitational EN (thought) points running on the oscillating EN line. I draw the possibility of a double star oscillating, but I don't know yet whether it is gathering (converging) or activating (scattering). I believe that the phenomenon of solar eclipse does not only mean covering. What does it have to do with -time space, gravity, reversed gravity (opposite gravity, but I think if it cannot interfacing towards the same phase, it would easily cause space-time distortion and fluctuations to manifest. I consider the backstreet as a good reference of that, isn't it?), pullings, and even space-time fluctuations or space-time EN scenes? Nature is rapidly presenting a possibility, but do we need to suppress these incomprehensible possibilities, or do we move forward with ascending upwards researching and self-proving?

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