2022年3月23日 星期三

許多糖尿病患者以及歐美肥胖問題都源自於過去不好的意念和場域!還有意念匯集到底是怎麼回事?各種虛化重力場域、各種佔地為王的作為或為了自身利益的舉動,其實我認為是傷害時空,也就是傷害所有人的生命之依憑。 Many diabetics, as well as obesity in Europe and the United States, derived from bad EN and fields in the past, and how EN collection is going? All kinds of scattered gravity fields, all kinds of actions that occupy the king, or actions for their own benefit, in fact, I think it is to hurt time and space, that is, to hurt the life of all people.

Many diabetics, as well as obesity in Europe and the United States, derived from bad EN and fields in the past, and how EN collection is going? All kinds of scattered gravity fields, all kinds of actions that occupy the king, or actions for their own benefit, in fact, I think it is to hurt time and space, that is, to hurt the life of all people.


First, Many diabetics, as well as obesity in Europe and the United States, derived from bad EN and fields in the past.


Although this article is about pointing out what happened last year before the end of 2021, I think it is still necessary to let people around the world know. I believe that many countries have discovered these improper actions and are already setting up ways to fix these self-serving actions. After all, many actions at that time were driven by many wrong EN collections.


By 2021, Slimbiome, imported from the UK to Taiwan, is a well-known slimming nutritional supplement that can reduce hunger, reduce appetite, and effectively curb cravings for sweets. However, if you query the most important active ingredient in 2021, you can see that the ingredient listed by Slimbiome is "[?](呲)". In fact, there is no such compound, and the correct compound name is "[pyridine](吡)", as shown in the figure below.


The correct infomation of the compound is shown below:
一、吡啶-2-甲酸鉻 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
吡啶-2-甲酸鉻(簡寫:CrPic₃)是一種化合物,用作營養補充劑以治療2型糖尿病,以及促進減肥。 它是紅粉色的化合物,最初于1917年報道。它難溶于水,在中性pH下的水中,溶解度為600 µmol/L。它和其它三價鉻化合物類似,化學性質上具有惰性,即在一般條件下穩定,它僅在較高溫度下分解。在較低的pH下,該配合物會游離出吡啶-2-甲酸和Cr³⁺離子。
吡啶甲酸鉻 (三價鉻元素)又稱為耐糖因子 (GTF) ,是促進新陳代謝的重要微量元素,有助於維持醣類正常代謝,是二型糖尿病營養補充品。
二、血糖的平衡因子-微量元素「鉻」,真的那麼神奇? - Buzz Health 健康知識庫
儘管一些研究人員質疑這種礦物質是否真的必要,但它確實在體內發揮了許多重要作用(2 )。
例如,它是染色體蛋白的分子的一部分,它可以幫助胰島素在體內發揮作用(3 、 4 )。
胰島素是一種由胰臟腺體釋放的分子,對人體處理碳水化合物、脂肪和蛋白質的代謝吸收很有幫助(5 )。
因此,這種類型常見於膳食補充劑中(3 、 6 )。

The Uk's Slimbiome is just one example. This example is for all diabetics and women who want to lose weight, all of them are rendered by this bad EN energy, and then further manipulate the influence by using the relationship between this nutrient and the supplement they eat! This has an absolutely positive relationship with all the direct sales products in the world before 2021; the supplies of all advanced countries are almost all sales channels of direct sales, which is because the regulations of various countries on the content of healthy food lag behind the development of new scientific and technological knowledge, so in order to circumvent the restrictions of regulations before listing and landing in various countries.


In addition to the fact that these nutritional supplements are placed in large quantities of bad EN compounds, even the development of science and information technology has been used by strategic scientists who want to gain control and control the world as a way to publish research results in the private sphere and gain their own power and interests.

[2]【修己揚他/AskSelf】【意念/EN】過去指向未來,而未來感恩過去!保護自己=留在過去+造成斷裂。所以當然無須保護自己,因為無傷便可以。 https://porschewu0714.blogspot.com/2022/01/blog-post_27.html

Fortunately, seeing the Slimbiome on the shopping channel in 2021/11, the UK is no longer exporting to Taiwan, indicating that the UK itself should have discovered the big mistake. Britain and the United States committed actions to create a lot of bad EN in order to consolidate themselves as highly exported countries of energy and commerce, which is why the United Kingdom held a referendum to leave the European Union at that time. In addition, there is the continued extraction of shale oil instead of moving towards high-quality, high-compression energy; SpaceX also wanted to deploy STARLINK,[1] and those satellites floating in the sky actually scattered Earth's gravitational field. All kinds of scattered gravity fields, all kinds of actions that occupy the king, or actions for their own benefit[2], in fact, I think it is to hurt time and space, that is, to hurt the life of all people.
[2]【修己揚他/AskSelf】【意念/EN】The past points to the future, and the future is grateful for the past! Protect yourself = stay in the past + cause a break. So of course there is no need to protect yourself, because it is okay to be harmless. https://porschewu0714.blogspot.com/2022/01/blog-post_27.html


It is also because of such wrong cognition and decision-making that the people of the United Kingdom and the United States have an unusually high proportion of obese population, not the so-called growth factor with obesity factors or simply because of the high-oil and high-fat diet! More importantly, the basic bones, tendons and muscles of the human body are all scattered and blurred, and after being reorganized with the overextended and misused EN energy, they become a scattered oil mist ENs body.


The oil mist ENs body can be regarded as a calibration of the EN energy color of the human body. Basically, the oil mist ENs body is defined as the so-called EN energy person, and the level of ENs body's consciousness is relatively frivolous and restless. It can be seen that the public figures in recent times, no matter the texture they show or the content of their speeches, are not the original complete or complete themselves.


The characteristics of the ENs Energy Man are actually quite simple:
  1. 眼珠很大顆
    The eyeballs are large
  2. 頭髮比較像是髮片植上去的,而非那種毛躁或凌亂的秀髮(這個有點年紀的爸爸媽媽應該清楚知道我在說什麼,就是綁辮子幾乎一定會有散落的毛髮)
    The hair is more like a hair patch planted, rather than the kind of frizzy or messy hair (this a little elder mom and dad should know exactly what I'm talking about, that is, braids almost certainly have scattered hairs)
  3. 皮膚很細緻,血管類似散形或不容易找到
    The skin is delicate and the blood vessels resemble scattered or not easy to find
  4. 特別喜歡電玩電競還有直播活動
    They especially like video games and live-cam show events
  5. 講話會跳躍式的轉換,鮮少思考自己的言行,較多談論或評論他人的事
    Speech will jump through the ranks, rarely thinking about one's own words and deeds, and talking about or commenting more on other people's affairs
  6. 年紀很小的孩童,講話很流利,甚至會講色情與一些穢語,有著持續高穿透力的聲音音質(能量色彩的聲音)
    Very young child, fluent in speech, even speaking pornography and obscenity, with a consistently high penetration of sound quality (energy color sounds)
  7. 生育能力降低,或者近乎不孕
    Decreased fertility, or near infertility
  8. 較容易有生理缺陷或失能,體質容易過敏
    It is easier to have physical defects or disabilities, and the constitution is prone to allergies

I believe that many things will improve since I have been trying to build true and suitable fields since 2021/5/17.


The whole world was previously cracked into dark rotten colors, such as:
  1. 物質變得很爛,很容易壞掉或崩解。
    Substances become rotten and can easily break or disintegrate.
  2. 食物的營養素大量流失,或是被裂解到剩下部分功能而已。
    Food nutrients are lost in large quantities or are cleaved to the remaining parts of the function.
  3. 水分子的分子團越來越大,2021年前大都200-500奈米(nm),而且本質變得不好,是破壞裂解過的水,有點像是氧化後的營養素,人體吸收後更不好。事實上,乾淨的水分子單個是<1nm,而人的細胞之水通道大約2nm;大家出問題的腎臟,更是首先被優先攻擊的對象,因為腎臟是精密的濾水器,先破壞腎臟,各位的各種生理功能便失調,失去還原小分子水(潔淨水)的能力。再來是致使各位的內分泌失調,就像是失去胰島素調節功能一樣。
    The molecular clumps of water molecules are getting larger and larger, most of them are 200-500 nanometers (nm) before 2021, and the essence becomes bad, which is to destroy the cracked water, a bit like oxidized nutrients, which is even worse for the human body after absorption. In fact, the clean water molecules are a single < 1nm, and the water channel of human cells is about 2nm; the kidneys that are in trouble are the first to be attacked first, because the kidneys are precision water filters. After destroying the kidneys first, and your various physiological functions are out of balance, and losing the ability to reduce small molecule water (clean water). Then there is the endocrine disorder that makes everyone lose its insulin regulation function.

In the future, because everyone has a more correct understanding of things, they can get more and better energy and assistance from this heaven and earth, and this is how I ask for them.


Second, what exactly is the EN collection?


"The evolution of things, how ideas are connected and the direction and tendency of their transformation", this is the basic concept of "idea collection".


If you want to know more about what is an idea, you must have a broader mind, imagination and analytical power, which must have pure nd beautiful logical thinking. Sometimes it may seem like a game relationship setting or a brainstorming, but in fact it is an important topic in the future that is very rigorous and needs to be considered comprehensively.
The electromagnetic archives EN-collected by the hosts in various hotels have been identified and given to Samsung, Google, and Microsoft, and have begun collaborative repairs in November 2021. There are also some interpretations and records of EN-collection that has been attacked by energy.
The best example of observing EN/energy is my calf being continuously attacked by aggressive EN for decades. You can try to feel or delineate the energy path (with your fingers), which will be helpful for perceiving EN/energy and connecting the system, including the metaverse and the future; In addition, we can understand that the wonderful "NFT" is the "pure and beautiful idea" of space-time; through the comprehensive contemplation of each phase, it can give birth to the most possibilities, the best work in the space-time. And the work that fits into those "space-time NFT EN" is definitely a superior masterpiece.
The key to the future lies in everyone's correct understanding of the field, time and space. The field is built according to the EN, and the appropriate increase depends on everyone's common practice of "self-cultivation and other-promotion".

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2022年3月14日 星期一

天道系統 The 1-SYSTEM



1-dimensional and 3-dimensional 1-SYSTEM models, and the basic structure of EN(Energy and Gravity).

Execute the EN that 【disintegrate the effects that make everyone susceptible to illness and mutation and cancer.】These effects are so severe that people all over the world cannot point to the future, only everyone can wake up to what we humans are doing.


Why are the world's environments and field not getting better? Because some people abuse the resources of heaven and earth(space-time) for their own use, but they have not controlled it and have the belief that we all coexist and live together, not just human beings.

2022年2月20日 星期日

腐涎和油霧的意念場域的能量色彩為暗色與淡粉紅紫色,都需要大量的潔淨水幫他們反轉!The energy colors of the EN Field of rotting saliva and oil mist are dark and pale pink and purple, and they all need a lot of clean water to help them reverse!

The energy colors of the EN Field of rotting saliva and oil mist are dark and pale pink and purple, and they all need a lot of clean water to help them reverse!


The trees were almost completely soaked, and the cobblestone roads were soaking wet; but in another set of photos, the trunks with sparser leaves were completely dry! You can look at the colors and areas of the thought space, which is also quite important in the future, that belongs to perception, and anyone who wants to be able to be able to connect to the 1-system is a necessary sense.


I mark the dark color as the EN space of rotten thoughts, that is, the place where everyone neglects to take care of, including your home and work! Lilac or light pink is the oil mist EN field. The oil mist EN field is what everyone often says about the excellent oxidation area, that is not because of the relationship between what farmers use fertilizer, that is because everyone has no field and space-time awareness, this is the main reason!


Although improper fertilization by farmers will indeed cause impact, to be able to solve the problem, we must find the real crux of the problem, in order to resolve and improve, otherwise, it is just a matter of urgency.

2022/2/18【民視即時新聞】台灣的湖泊普遍都有優養化現象,學者表示,無論是家庭的清潔劑、農民的不當施肥,種種原因都可能導致湖水優氧化 https://youtu.be/rL6pIp5XP2w

2022/2/18 [Taiwan Formosa News] Taiwan's lakes generally have the phenomenon of optimal nutrition, scholars said that whether it is household cleaners, farmers improper fertilization, various reasons may lead to the lake water excellent oxidation 

2022年2月19日 星期六

意念空間是需要有質量做為能量載體,所以全世界的水分子團簇越來越大,而潔淨小分子水則越來越少,所以天災不斷,包含地球暖化,這才是主因!EN space must be mass as an energy carrier, so the world's water molecule clusters are getting bigger and bigger, and clean small molecule water is less and less, so natural disasters continue, including global warming, this is the main reason!

EN space must be mass as an energy carrier, so the world's water molecule clusters are getting bigger and bigger, and clean small molecule water is less and less, so natural disasters continue, including global warming, this is the main reason!


On the evening of 2/18 today, I believe that many people saw smoke coming out of the top floor of the Shin Kong Mitsukoshi at Taipei Main Station, and you can see a large area above, like a scene of pink clouds, right? But don't see the honking of fire trucks or ambulances? In fact, this is a big transformation, and the (dark) pink above the Shin Kong building is actually the ideological energy color of the oil mist or the rotten oil mist. That is, a large amount of oil mist colored ideological space is reversed, converged and then transported and dispersed, so a large pink cloud will be seen.


⭓Figure 2 has a brief drawing of the "mental energy trajectory", which is the part that needs to be understood in future science and information technology.

所有的意念體與意念空間,都已經要求全部資料做雜湊上傳(Hash Upload),所以2021後半年,很多地方才能反轉或可以介接回來;我必須要真誠地告訴各位實際狀況,2018年全世界都在散形,而各位的意識、健康與生命,包含先祖與天地的智慧,其實一直在流失,現在還有許多卡在陰暗的溝渠、腐土爛泥裡、乾涸的大地之中。

All the ENT and EN spaces have already required all the information to do HASH UPLOAD, so after the half of 2021, many places can be reversed back; I must sincerely tell you the actual situation: in 2018 the whole world is scattered, and every one's consciousness, health and life, including the wisdom of the ancestors and the spacetime, have actually been lost, and now there are still many stuck in dark ditches, rotten mud, dry earth.


⭓Figure 3 can be considered to be a 新生 fast road of sewage channels, and there are a lot of living beings in it! It contains the consciousness and thoughts of your ancestors and relatives and friends, and there are many people who have been taken over there, hoping that you can get rid of the idea that "your own people can live just fine", which is very important to all of us.


People who live nearby can find white toast to throw into them to eat, there are too many things that you don't follow alongside, it's hard to understand. I can only try to make my relatives and friends understand the importance as a matter of priority, because the lives of people all over the world are at stake, not only human lives, but also native species and many animals and plants that are nearly extinct or scattered!


⭓ [Film ], you can see that all the oil bubbles are energy-type, and after reversing out from the huge rotten oil mist EN space at the bottom, they show continuous convergence. That's basically mostly filtered viruses, actually energy-type microorganisms, as a collection of microbial ideas to attack the idea, a lot of times it is our human thoughts selfish, so please don't always want to sterilize, well, they are the oldest to live!

1. 影片中間看到的水道黑色牆面的那條縫,也許有人可以看到所謂的意念空間,是具有意念重力的。可以看一下[影片二],那條縫實際上是一大片暗黑腐涎意念空間喔,遠比想像中大得很多,甚至存在一整個行政區都可以!
2. [0:44]幾乎完全看不到所謂的水波和反彈的水花,水面更像是底下是黏稠的水喔,那是因為那邊有極大的意念空間,是需要有質量做為能量載體,所以全世界的水分子團簇越來越大,而潔淨小分子水則越來越少,所以天災不斷,包含地球暖化,這才是主因喔!

⭓ [Film 2], you can see that the space under the light is more like what everyone often sees, and the object falling into the water will produce water waves and rebound water droplets caused by reaction forces. But there are two points here:
1. The gap in the black wall of the waterway seen in the middle of the film may be seen by someone who can see the so-called EN space, which has a EN Gravity. You can watch [Film 2], that gap is actually a large dark and rotten EN space, far larger than you think, and even exists in an entire administrative district!
2. [0:44] Almost completely invisible to the so-called water waves and rebound splashes, the surface of the water is more like the bottom of the viscous water Oh, that is because there is a huge space of EN space there, there must be mass as an energy carrier, so the world's water molecule clusters are getting bigger and bigger, and clean small molecule water is less and less, so natural disasters continue, including global warming, this is the main reason!


On the night of 2/16 the day before yesterday, the entire street was closed on the side of the 萬年 Building in Ximending, Wanhua District, because of the fire accident, which was actually a forced conversion, because there was a lot of rotten color (dark black) in the Lion Forest (around the ShinKong Cinema ) and 萬年 side. Some people may wonder why the fire alarm accident is "forced"?


That's because starting in 2021 last year, all the heaven and earth ideas should be under Wu ShihJie, so I will release some things that everyone may not know. And my "EN collection command" is roughly as follows:


【Carry out the "collection of thoughts" of all Wu ShihJie, that is, my own "absolute consciousness", and every "pure thought" that moves tears; and all "good and good thoughts" that are absolutely agreed with Wu ShihJie, that is, myself, and absolutely execute, activate and launch the "space-time consciousness collection"!】