2023年3月25日 星期六

所有人都呈現幾種模式和趨向,我沒在預言,也沒在危言聳聽,只是知道所有人發生了什麼事。除了讓世界知道原因外,要協助所有人轉換,還要設法改善操控與裂解意念的走向。 Everyone presents several patterns and tendencies, I am not predicting, nor alarmist, I just know what happened to everyone. In addition to letting the world know the reason, I also need to help everyone convert, and also try to improve the direction and tendencies of manipulating and cracking ENs.

Everyone presents several patterns and tendencies, I am not predicting, nor alarmist, I just know what happened to everyone [1]. In addition to letting the world know the reason, I also need to help everyone convert, and also try to improve the direction and tendencies of manipulating and cracking ENs.

何不大聲靠近聽來驗證我說的內容。Why not listen loudly and close to verify what I'm saying.

If even the voices of heaven and earth are ignored, why bother to worship gods and ancestors hypocritically?


Everyone presents several patterns and tendencies, I am not predicting, nor alarmist, I just know what happened to everyone [1]. In addition to letting the world know the reason, I also need to help everyone convert, and also try to improve the direction and tendencies of manipulating and cracking ENs.

[1-1] 2022-04-12_時空已經開始收斂錯誤的人造人及強化的趨向,還有過往渲染進人體的感覺因子。男的女性化、女的男性化,包含脾氣和長相的變化。這其實各位去看過往的照片就知道自己變化多大;最重要的是大家自己有沒有自主意識做思考與思辨,這才是所謂的「我思故我在」以及「觀自在」的真義。
Time and space have begun to converge on the wrong artificial person and the tendency to strengthen, as well as the sensory factors that have been rendered into the human body in the past. the feminization of men and the masculinity of women include changes in temperament and appearance. In fact, you can see how much you have changed by looking at the photos in the past; the most important thing is whether everyone has their own conscious thinking and speculation. This is the true meaning of the so-called "I think, therefore I am" and "See yourself.

All people and things in the past were all in. In fact, everyone's mind and thought actually has changed, but you don't realize the difference between your past and present. This is also the "space-time awareness" I have been talking about.

[1-2] 2023-03-22_(2022-11-24 posted)商業上很多人翻來覆去或背信,包含很多邏輯與思維上的矛盾與歪斜。還有很多過往不良意念會被收斂掉,其實會以金融貨幣或加密貨幣很快地蒸發掉的現象。
(2022-11-24 posted)In business, many people go back and forth or break their promises, which contains many contradictions and distortions in logic and thinking. Moreover, there are still many bad ENs of the past that will be restrained, and will actually evaporate quickly with financial currency or cryptocurrency.


[2] 和天地用想的就能溝通,各位還不理解背後的意義嗎?待各位研究人員與科學家思考時,不妨將這段地震影片開最大聲靠近聆聽。看看各位的思考、邏輯與態度,天地回應什麼,豈不妙哉。
You and heaven and earth can communicate with just your thinking, do you still not understand the meaning behind it? When researchers and scientists are thinking, you may wish to open this earthquake video and get closer to listen to it as loud as possible. According to our thinking, logic and attitude, and try to realize what heaven and earth respond. Wouldn't that be wonderful?


Everyone will inevitably experience the following situations. All of you have to study hard on your own, otherwise you would not be much better. This is the limitation of space-time ENs, I hope you understand.

That heartfelt feeling in almost everyone's smile is missing, and that's kind of an essential shift, right?

This includes relatively entangled and tense emotions, as well as a quick tendency to disagree with the other person's ideas (equivalent to be easily impatient), becoming prone to anger or misattribution, but then feeling inappropriate from time to time (equivalent to easily regret or argue, and unable to solve and improve the problem)!

Qiu Xianzhi, because you just ignored the things I posted in New Power Party to remind you such things of "you have not assisted them in improving or transforming the underworld industry chain; since you have not contributed, don't keep criticizing", making you a different person from before.

Why does it seem like an unhappy person? You can ask yourself where the difference is, isn't it just a feeling of solidity from the heart?

Because "talk less, do more, and you would be practical."

Liu Jianguo, if you see this, I think you would agree with me. Continue to seriously discover problems and try to propose improvement plans, reduce talking about others, and ask more of yourself and the people around you, and you can improve your situation!

I will try my best to find photos with similar expressions for you to look at. First of all, I would like to say sorry and thank you for your demonstration.

以邱顯智和劉建國為例。再舉一個維持得不錯的例子,像是 愛信任-劉世芳 委員,她的五官中還是保有部份她的神采,這必須要靠心性來維持。
Take Qiu Xianzhi and Liu Jianguo as examples. Let me give another example that has been maintained well, such as Liu Shifang, her facial features still retain some of her spirit, which must be maintained by her self(EGO).

Voice becomes hoarse and relatively unpleasant

我想 謝衣鳯 和 賴士葆 應該深切地感受到這一點。
I think Xie Yifeng and Lai Shibao should feel this deeply.

(請跳至00:25聽Zelensky的聲音) 不用解釋成可能是喉嚨用太多還是發炎什麼的。你們如果前陣子有關注Zelensky一兩個月前,在慕尼黑安全會議還啥上面視訊的聲音,可是跟賴士葆之前類似,而且更加難聽呢!
(Please skip to 00:25 to hear Zelensky's voice) There is no need to explain that the throat may be overused or inflamed or something. If you have paid attention to the voice of Zelensky at the Munich Security Conference or some other meeting a few months ago, it is similar to that of Lai Shibao, and it is even worse!

The facial features look male to female (the chin usually becomes sharper), female to male (usually the facial features look like boys in the middle of the eyes, nose and mouth)

不久前,國民黨發言人 林家興 Alfred Lin 從帥氣變得像黑道中性小妹、 楊智伃 五官看起來像個小男生[3]。費鴻泰(阿力克司) 拿掉口罩時,則是五官變相對俊秀[4]。謝衣鳳反而真的開始有點像洽吉,也有點像小男生的臉[5],不是嗎?
Not long ago, KMT spokesman Alfred Lin changed from being handsome to a underworld neutral girl, Yang Zhiyu's facial features looked like a boy [3], and when Fei Hongtai (Alex) took off his mask, his facial features became relatively pretty [4]. On the contrary, Xie Yifeng really began to look a little like Qiaji, and also a little like the face of a little boy[5], isn't it?

But it's not what you imagined yourself to be before, I think you know it well, right?

高嘉瑜 的五官稍微恢復到小女生(之前發生事情的2021→2022→最近)。費鴻泰最近也有好一些,比起2/24那時候。
Gao Jiayu's facial features have slightly returned to those of a little girl (when the incident happened before, 2021→2022→recently). Fei Hongtai has also been doing better recently, compared to 2/24.

It's a face that looks like a gender switch, isn't it?

There are as many examples as you need, and the facts will speak for themselves. I have already said that I know exactly why everyone is converting!

The solution is to laugh more, which is not only a kind of uplifting from the heart, but more importantly, when you see other people's shortcomings or omissions, what you think about is complementing and assisting. 

Because your heart is full of hope for others to be good, then you can reverse yourself, it's very simple.

[3] 2023-02-22_國民黨發言人林家興和楊智伃,竟把「缺蛋」議題,刻意連結到蔡培慧選舉。難怪面容走樣,這就稱為「歪斜」

[4] 2023-02-24_國民黨團書記長謝衣鳯、總召曾銘宗、立委費鴻泰、副書記長鄭正鈐、立委李德維,於監察院前,舉行「陳宗彥別拿逃避當負責」記者會

[5] 2023-03-20_「電價漲!漲!漲!萬物齊漲!」國民黨團新聞稿

If you still want to see the situation abroad, then look at the official photos provided by the United States itself.

Kamala Harris看起來變成一個男生的模樣。Joe Biden變成一個自以為是的面容,有點像是黑道大哥。Clinton更嚇人,像一個夜梟或鳥的臉。
Kamala Harris looks like a boy. Joe Biden turns into a smug visage, kind of like a mobster. Clinton is more scary, like the face of a night owl or a bird.

Let’s take a look at the official photos provided by the United States itself on 2023-02-03. It really looks like a weird smile [7].

再附上5/17,Liz Truss來台訪問的記者會照片吧,各位可以自己看影片來確認。
Attached are the photos of the press conference when Liz Truss visited Taiwan on 5/17. You can watch the video to confirm by yourself.

Liz Truss' press conference in Taiwan.

I am deeply grateful to everyone who tries to speak up for Taiwan, thank you.

But to be honest, simply having a friendly relationship with Taiwan cannot greatly improve your space-time distortion and turbulence.

Just keep ignoring, not contacting me or starting to understand what I'm sharing with the world!

To improve your understanding, start with the facts.

[6-1] 2023-02-03_Originally posted by President Joe Biden

[6-2] 2023-02-06_我確認美國有很多神經病還有愛亂吠的爛東西。這才是你們美國最根本要認清的事實。否則,你們就會繼續腐爛下去,難道你們沒發現Joe Biden、Kamala Harris和前總統Clinton的長相都變了嗎?變得難看!
I'm sure there are a lot of psychos and barking rotten things in America. This is the most fundamental fact that you in the United States must recognize. Otherwise, you will continue to rot, have you not noticed that Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Bill Clinton have changed their looks?  Get ugly!




2023-02-24_關你們屁事?管好嘴巴這麼簡單的事都做不了,還能做啥?真是屢勸不聽。因為作為太臭,所以臉歪了,懂嗎? 費鴻泰(阿力克司) 都歪臉斜嘴了,不是嗎?天地警告你們都不聽耶。各位立委再不看我分享的內容,就繼續腐敗下去吧! 很多人都歪嘴斜臉,陳宗彥也是,不是嗎?你們再繼續跟著走吧!


看看 費鴻泰(阿力克司) 的面容,我個人打從心底認為你們政治人物(包含小編們)都超勇敢,對於天地就是視而不見,真的別再拜神!

看看美國三人就是匯集的樣子,眼睛最容易看到出來,而Bill Clinton則看起來和費鴻泰相似,像夜梟的臉,自行印證。







所有人都會開始轉變。你們也可以看看 吳崢 現在發言的模樣...


解法很簡單,發言「自制」不要批評,自然會開始轉變,甚至你們能察覺到有一股很大的趨向要你們大聲發言, 卓冠廷 ,不是嗎?正所謂習慣成自然,自找的,但也可自治。




Face has several characteristics and tendencies

0. 有可能變成大眼人或是老態,因為要轉換,所以散形轉為「意念能量人」
It is possible to become a big-eyed person or an old man. Because of the conversion, so being scattered and converted into a "EN energy person"

之前帥氣有型(較高意念顯示較好場域, 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 也是一樣)
From the handsome and stylish appearance before (higher EN show the better field, Dalai Lama is the same)

→ big-eyed boy (because of the conversion, so you are scattered and converted into a "EN energy person")

→ your face will look a little different (like dark patches or marks on your face)

In addition, it can also be seen what Huang Shanshan will look like after going to the United States after the 2022 Taipei mayoral election.

1. 相對變稚氣或比較回到年輕的質感,相對有點傻氣,感覺比較憨厚
Relatively childlike or return to a youthful texture, beinnga little silly, feeling more simple and honest

有點像是過了好幾年都沒什麼變的質感,相對變好。像是 黃珊珊 、 侯友宜 、 盧秀燕 應該比較算這種。
It's a bit like the texture hasn't changed for several years, and it's relatively better. For example, Huang Shanshan, Hou Youyi, and Lu Xiuyan should be more like this.

2-1. 講話變緩,某一小段時間會有點想不起來簡單已知的事(大腦轉換)
Speech slows down, and for a short period of time, they can't think of simple and known things (while brain converting)

通常是正在轉換與壓縮自我。像是 洪申翰 Sun-Han 、 王世堅 。 曾銘宗 目前看起來質感有一點點好轉的可能。
Usually they are in process of converting and compressing the self. Like Hong Shenhan, Wang Shijian. Zeng Mingzong seems that his texture may have a little bit improvement at present.

You will find that if you use words more restrained and precise, and try to be concise, you will have a better ability to reverse and restore.

2-2. 講話通常變油腔滑調,三八或有些幹話
The speech usually becomes talkative, like to talk about some very life content or some jokes

They are usually assisted in launching, moreover, they have more "feeling factors" on their bodies, so they are more likely to talk or move their hands and feet around, including scratching around themselves. Boys may have a slight increase in handjob frequency (that's truth, I'm just telling you). I won't give any example here.

3. 面相感覺變差,一種是有暗沉的斑塊;另一種則比較是歪臉協嘴
The face feels worse, one is with dark spots; the other is more crooked face and mouth.

各位也可以想想台北市長選舉時,陳時中的模樣,一定會發現長相越變越多。2022-09從新加坡剛回來台灣的曹興誠,他自己拿出的身分證,各位一定會嚇到。還有魔獸霍華德(Dwight Howard)來台那時候,和館長一起欣賞球賽的郭台銘,變得相對女性化一點點。現在三人之中,陳時中恢復得最好。
Everyone can also think about the appearance of Chen Shihzhong during the Taipei mayoral election, and you will definitely find that his appearance has changed more and more during the election. 2022-09 Cao Xingcheng, who just came back to Taiwan from Singapore, will be shocked by the ID card he presented himself. And when Dwight Howard came to Taiwan, Guo Taiming, who enjoyed the game with Holger Chen, became a little bit more feminine. Among the three, Chen Shihzhong has recovered the best.

2023-01 Just before Wang Hongwei was elected as a legislator, she could see a darker texture and spots on her face in front of the screen, even with makeup [8]. You can also watch the appearance of Chen Zongyan saying that the unproven issue of sex entertainment is destroying his personality in front of the screen on 2023-02-17, however he quickly resigned [9].

This is why I used to remind Zhu Lilun, isn't it serious that you had a crooked face and mouth? It's a little bit better now, but you have to keep reading and thinking about what I post! Otherwise, accidents and diseases will really come to you. I really care about you.

[8] 2023-01-05_中時新聞網_狂打捐選舉補助款 王鴻薇舉民進黨「3蔡」狠批雙標

[9] 2023-02-17_台視新聞_行政院發言人陳宗彥遭爆料上酒店,今日下午陳宗彥將親自出面說明。

Maybe some people don't agree with it, maybe it's because I've known you for too short a time, so the description may not be correct, but I really know what happened to you, okay?


In fact, you can see the crooked appearance even looking for it casually, so you can find it too!

Thank you again for your demonstration. Although my words are a bit straightforward, if you can help many people converge, reverse and restore, including yourselves, it will be a good thing, isn't it?

2023-03-24_陳以信 https://www.facebook.com/PorscheWu/posts/pfbid035eKiEfoL42egfYvVsSJJfDRmkr22so9MRDCLVh5ZtLnSnprAcKUGqJCpQ7bFH5A5l

2023-03-25_張其祿 https://www.facebook.com/PorscheWu/posts/pfbid0YaaNCH5hF4vkSrfsu6YGbBTbkfdNBxCYtezfxon6BCHH5Ls66baDBq743ikQ18gil

2023-03-29_魏筠 https://www.facebook.com/PorscheWu/posts/pfbid0Avt3KQydtbEWDNPVNyq5uVjqk75QRwqbUjbS8gkzyRRVRZrQFo32BFSNoSis6D85l



























1. 在中常會與黨員大會要求,每次評論時,必須設法協助歸納問題,隨即提出改善與實際可行之建議。




2. 檢討報告圍繞著「自抑修己、欣賞揚他」的核心思想。提出自己何處發言為抱怨,甚至惡意負評;另外,原本評論的事情中,何處是屬於人做的不錯的地方。






陳世軒 jimmy 陳世軒,一個議員應該在議會詢問市政,不是嗎?


這個人在大家爭吵時,站起來說「 民進黨(口誤成民眾黨)和國民黨別吵了,讓中間民意的民眾黨...(略)」時,大家是鼓掌,無論是搞笑或鼓勵。

別人為這個人鼓掌,他竟下意識地回Shut up,這種人是怎樣的人?



才幾天後,竟然在市政質詢的議會上,質詢參選總統的問題,說某人not qualified。那這個人樂觀其成和沒有意見,是在婊自己嗎?



陳明義 另外,如果一個做父親的,是不是應該把上面這段話,大聲地唸給這個人聽呢?








每個人有他的問題, 侯友宜 也是。










陳玉珍 珍愛金門 請你閉上嘴巴,連李正皓問這麼明確的問題,你都敢繼續胡說八道,真是一個無能的立委。






















十四、2023-07-13_苦苓 你這個作家,聽你發言會覺得有內涵的人,恐怕幾希矣。















[1] 你們得先懂得欣賞他人立意良好的想法與政策(找到優點/美好,欣賞揚他即在於此),而非見到其他候選人都是反對(負面趨向)和吐口水(毫無貢獻的抱怨)。























20230721_苗博雅:怎能面不改色收割別人功勞 (婊自己的面容會是怎樣呢)










If you guys have a way to reverse and restore, feel free to ignore my content.

But in fact, you can't do it for now, and you have to relearn "return to zero", I hope you understand what I mean.

I sometimes joke to myself that it would be great if all of you could help with the recovery. Of course it is possible, you have to learn to "listen [10]" first, and then reflect on and converge it into yourself.

[10] (我30歲與朋友分享的) 「聆聽」就是,「當別人說一個字,你的心中才浮現那一個字。順著別人的想法和邏輯,從別人的眼睛再看一次世界和自己。」
(What I shared with my friends at 30) "Listening" means, "When someone says a word, that word emerges in your heart. Following other people's thoughts and mind, you can see the world and yourself again through other people's eyes."
You can also read this article, 《Are you a "haughty" person? Or a "valuable" person?》 "Haughty" is actually a lack of "self-restraint" and "self-control".

My so-called, "self-restrain to cultivate yourself, other-appreciate to praise others."

It's natural, right?

"Don't criticize, suggest or put forward a bunch of opinions, try to summarize and discover problems every time, and then put forward improvement and feasible suggestions; turn every difficulty and mistake into an upward force", is it difficult? You have to remind each other, help each other, and then reverse up soon!

If you want to continue to deteriorate, just keep doing it according to your own will, but it's just not too late to ask the heaven and the earth first, right? Don't you often pay homage to the Buddha, and you seem to be in awe of the God, but in reality?

First throw away the concept of political parties, and some bad things that others have done in the past. Unless you are going to give an example, or try to improve and help them get better in the process!

Moreover, it is not necessary to blame others just because of different political parties, right? Even directly pouring dirty water on the political party with the remarks of a few people, why bother to become a biased person who "overturns a boat with one pole"?

Let each of us keep our mouths in check. This is the bodhi power of "self-restrain and cultivate ourselves".

Just like criticizing the underworld and gangsters, if you didn't help and assist them to improve their trends and become better, then why criticize them? Don't be a talkative person, don't you?

It's that simple!

It will get better quickly, but you have to understand what happened, and there is still reason for it!

The DPP’s legislators must continue to persist and practice. All problems are the same as the content of the egg price release last time[11], even if the proposed solutions are still not really excellent[12].

Although a naive little baby like me doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, I still conceived and make the content of plagiarized papers get rid of the chaff and save the essence and how to activate it [13].

Don't just show "Public Opinion Response", you all have prepared relevant content, don't you?

Simply attach the main ideas of the content and the questions with suggestions. Every day, doesn't it become clearer?

I am willing to take the time to translate what I think is valuable into a manuscript. Should you take your speech more seriously and invite the editors to make up these content for us?

I believe that even the editors can feel this intention. Such a political party, isn’t it good?

所有政治人物甚至要開始主動去結交並請教跨政黨友善的好朋友,像是 林昶佐 Freddy Lim 、黃珊珊等人。就公共議題上互相交流,互利互惠,並共同參與這樣對台灣有貢獻的事。
All politicians even have to take the initiative to make and ask good friends who are friendly across political parties, such as Freddy Lim, Huang Shanshan and others. Communicate with each other on public issues, benefit from each other, and participate in things that contribute to Taiwan.

Mentality will affect our thinking, words and deeds for a long time, and eventually, it will converge into a culture.

Let the future and the children live in an elegant, connotative and what-to-advance-and-retreat-know Taiwan.

[11] 2023-02-24_萬事起頭難,這是一個好的開始,也請所有黨派仿效同行,自能大步向前。台灣便自在。
All things are difficult at the beginning, this is a good start, and all parties are invited to follow the example of their peers, so that we can make great strides forward. Taiwan is at ease.

It's okay to have problems, as long as we could have everyone's wisdom, the current conflict will fly away in a blink of an eye, and that's wonderful.

Stopping "complaining" and "pointing fingers" is an uplift in itself.

Seeing that others are lacking, we make up for it, isn't it perfect?

[12] 2023-03-23_看看世界一流的企業家 加里·維納查克 Gary Vaynerchuk 是怎麼談論與分享一些經營和人生的方向與可實踐的方法吧!
Let's see how the world-class entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk talks about and shares some business and life directions and practical methods!

It's okay to be ordinary, just respect others;
It's okay to be ignorant, to be interested in everything;
It's okay to be complicated, just leave life to ask yourself;
It’s okay to be confused, to be true to yourself.

Even if you are extraordinary, knowing, simple and wise, it's the same as usual, isn't it?

The Tathagata is at ease.

[13] 2023-02-16_若能將國內論文之下再增設一個級別,也就是「研究(論文)報告」,那麼就可以將被認定為抄襲的論文,收歸於此。
If we can add another level under the domestic papers, that is, "research (papers) reports", then the papers that are identified as plagiarized can be collected here.

[14-1] 2023-02-13_(洪申翰提出)中國希望做政黨對政黨關係的建立
(Proposed by Hong Shenhan) China hopes to establish party-to-party relations

[14-2] 2023-03-16_(王世堅提出)但是我們也不以貿易金額來看待說「朋友的好壞、大小」,不是!
(Proposed by Wang Shihjian) But we don't look at "good or bad, big or small friends" by the amount of trade, that's not the case!
As far as Taiwan is concerned, in the past few decades, Taiwan's survival and development have been based on "substantial diplomacy" in terms of diplomacy.


Also share with 總統府發言人 劉寶傑 關鍵時刻 朱學恒的阿宅萬事通事務所 張雅琴主播 TVBS 少康戰情室 庶民大頭家 前進新台灣 三立SET 驚爆新聞線 鄭知道了 年代向錢看 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News 黃暐瀚 FACENEWS/新聞面對面 TVBS T觀點 呂謦煒 陳暉 李明璇 蕭敬嚴 周羿希 楊寶楨 Christina 李兆立



Return to Zero, Treat with Courtesy;
Be Respectful, Treat as Equal.
Converge it,
Into yourself.

Keep all the good,
not the bad;
As long as you don't die,
beauty is the most important.

Living in the moment,
Living together for mutual benefit (Co-existing and co-goodness);
Cultivate yourself and praise others,
Ask yourself, seek yourself.


I share a simple action here, take time to do it every day, and you will definitely feel vital and refreshed again, I promise!

Think of "good thoughts" and blink to confirm.
Close your eyes, try hard to think of "inhale" the word, slowly count 1234, and then open it hard.
Think of "forcibly execute", blink to launch.

If you are not clear, listen aloud to the video, the power of heaven and earth will guide you.

You will find my beautiful EN(thoughts) surrounding you.


The following people set me as #1 fan because of these reasons. Many of them are still set by the 1-SYSTEM of heaven and earth, otherwise [why may they set my number one fan AT THE SAME TIME]? And the IG of the all Facebook profile around the world was set to my IG account "porschewu" and displayed to the world!

There must be a reason for everything.

中國發言人汪文斌、中國外交部發言人辦公室、神韻Shen Yun、聯合國UN、WHO秘書長譚德賽Dr. Tedros、美國副總統賀錦麗Kamala Harris、美國前眾議院議長裴洛西Nancy Pelosi、美國眾議院議長Kevin McCarthy、美國國防部U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)、​以色列總理Benjamin Netanyahu、​烏克蘭總統澤倫斯基Zelensky、捷克眾議院議長Markéta Pekarová Adamová、​UNICEF、Gary Vaynerchuk、丹駱Dan Lok、Nassim Haramein、達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama、王丹、中央研究院Academia Sinica、NASA Sun Science、​國民黨KMT、國民黨立法院黨團、民進黨DPP、民進黨立法院黨團、衛生福利部、施明德、朱立倫、趙少康、蘇貞昌、賴清德、潘孟安、周春米、柯文哲、蔣萬安、林弈華、鄭運鵬、林昶佐、文茜的世界周報Sisy's World News、新唐人亞太電視台、美國之音VOA、國會山報The Hill、央視網CCTV、浙江大學Zhejiang University等人與單位設為頭號粉絲,還望務必轉達給重要人士!
I have received these people and organizations to set me as the number one fan.

==Mail, Blog, Facebook, Tweet, YouTube==

有問題請聯繫 If you have any questions, please contact geopor0714@gmail.com
Blog (recommended in desktop mode): https://porschewu0714.blogspot.com/

在 Dan Lok 於2022-10-24上傳那時候狀態的照片時[15],我就分享給他和 加里·維納查克 Gary Vaynerchuk 很重要的訊息[16]。重要的是,我的論述從2022-01開始至今,都是一致的。原因在於,我知道各位發生什麼事情,而關鍵則在於你們何時察覺而已。
When Dan Lok uploaded the photo of the state at that time on 2022-10-24 [15], I shared a very important message for him and Gary Vaynerchuk [16]. Importantly, my exposition is consistent from 2022-01 to the present. The reason is that I know what happened to you, and the key is when you realize it.

(請務必傳達給Dan Lok本人,謝謝。) 我比較納悶的是,Dan Lok,你的人都不回覆訊息的,尤其是我發訊息給Tweet的danlok__p,完全沒回應,也許不是你在使用。即便如此,我寄了好幾封信到support@danlok.com,也完全置之不理,我不知道你的團隊怎麼了,怎麼會變這個樣子?是他們認為我的內容完全不重要嗎?若是看不懂的內容,怎麼不往上層請教嗎?讓我覺得十分訝異!
(Please be sure to convey to Dan Lok himself, thank you.) What makes me wonder is that, Dan Lok, none of your people respond to messages, especially danlok__p who I sent messages to Tweet, and there was no response at all, maybe you are not using it. Even so, I sent several emails to support@danlok.com, and it was completely ignored. I don't know what happened to your team, how did it become like this? Is it because they think my content is completely unimportant? However, if they don't understand the content, why don't they ask the upper level for advice? Surprised me!

[15] 2022-10-24 Dan Lok uploaded his photo

[16] 2022-10-26_我的意念會協助你們倆反轉自己的。要反轉你和你太太與親友的生理場域很簡單,如我跟你分享的「減緩商業活動,多一些真心關愛他人與修己揚他之事。以及照護大自然的環境和動植物的作為。」透過正確地了解意念世界的邏輯脈絡,你的意念系統(守護元神)才有辦法良好地協同運行。
my EN will help both of yourself reverse. It is very simple to reverse the physiological fields of you and your wife and relatives, as I shared with you, "Slow down business activities, and do more to sincerely care for others and self-cultivation and praise others. Take care of the natural environment and animals and plants." Only by correctly understanding the logical context of the EN world can your EN system (EGO) coordinating operation well.


(The presidential mailbox was fixed, great! But why is the person in charge of the letter completely silent?)

Our Taiwan is so ignorant of inspection and improvement, it really troubles the leaders of various countries to help us, thank you.

Please help convey President Tsai Ing-wen, "Taiwan's presidential mailbox can be broken for more than a year. I don't know what office of the Taiwan President and the president are doing?", because Porsche Wu tried it a long time ago.

I don't really feel ashamed, what matters is that things (the world) get better and restored, what do you guys think? Willing to help to convey? Or are you still the same and ignore it?

Do you think this is a simple rhetorical question?

Not at all. If you don't know how to help turn things around immediately, how can you talk about major national affairs?

This is the true meaning of "living in the moment, living together for mutual benefit (co-existing and co-goodness)".

Wisdom is always present in life.

(請務必查看附圖,並想想自己與親友的模樣。Please be sure to  look at the attached pictures and think about yourself and your families, relatives and friends.) Also share with 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 佛光山 慈濟基金會 Bill Gates Nas Daily Eisa Alhabib - عيسى الحبيب Meta Instagram Facebook Narendra Modi Liz Truss Rishi Sunak Olaf Scholz 岸田文雄 Han Duk-soo Emmanuel Macron Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón Ulf Kristersson The Presidency of the Republic of South Africa Justin Trudeau Halimah Yacob Andrés Manuel López Obrador Mark Rutte Sauli Niinistö Chris Hipkins MP Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהו Markéta Pekarová Adamová Lee Hsien Loong Presiden Joko Widodo Dr Lotay Tshering President of India Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan Jonas Gahr Støre Mette Frederiksen Katrín Jakobsdóttir Michael D Higgins Alexander De Croo Ignazio Cassis Andrzej Duda Petr Pavel Alexander Van der Bellen Novák Katalin Gitanas Nausėda Giorgia Meloni Pope Francis - A Man of His Word Klaus Iohannis

2023年3月22日 星期三

(2022-11-24 posted)商業上很多人翻來覆去或背信,包含很多邏輯與思維上的矛盾與歪斜。還有很多過往不良意念會被收斂掉,其實會以金融貨幣或加密貨幣很快地蒸發掉的現象。 In business, many people go back and forth or break their promises, which contains many contradictions and distortions in logic and thinking. Moreover, there are still many bad ENs of the past that will be restrained, and will actually evaporate quickly with financial currency or cryptocurrency.

(2022-11-24 posted)商業上很多人翻來覆去或背信,包含很多邏輯與思維上的矛盾與歪斜。還有很多過往不良意念會被收斂掉,其實會以金融貨幣或加密貨幣很快地蒸發掉的現象。
In business, many people go back and forth or break their promises, which contains many contradictions and distortions in logic and thinking. Moreover, there are still many bad ENs of the past that will be restrained, and will actually evaporate quickly with financial currency or cryptocurrency.

Time and space have begun to converge on the wrong artificial person and the tendency to strengthen, as well as the sensory factors that have been rendered into the human body in the past. the feminization of men and the masculinity of women include changes in temperament and appearance. In fact, you can see how much you have changed by looking at the photos in the past; the most important thing is whether everyone has their own conscious thinking and speculation. This is the true meaning of the so-called "I think, therefore I am" and "See yourself.

All people and things in the past were all in. In fact, everyone's mind and thought actually has changed, but you don't realize the difference between your past and present. This is also the "space-time awareness" I have been talking about.


你們可以參考 Nas Daily 的Yassin當初遇到Aljazeera對其錯誤報導的事實[1],這件事情本來就是要造成你們感到莫名。
You can also refer to Nas Daily Yassin met Aljazeera Mubasher Channel for the fact that it was wrongly reported [1]. This incident was intended to cause you to feel inexplicable.

包含之前對Binance CZ的質疑,透過提領造成幣安的壓力,很多都是在發動裂解的意念。
Including the previous doubts about Binance CZ, the pressure on Binance caused by the withdrawal, many of them are launching cracking ENs.

But you have to remember that tough and responsible people will continue to work hard to solve problems and bring good possibilities.

[1] 2022-05-24_過往不良意念如何操控影響人類和天地萬物?最簡單就是將目標釘為錨點,再透過關係連結來發動裂解意念指令。若沒有連結就建立一個,像是透過Email垃圾信、電腦病毒、雲端分享檔案、Facebook點讚或錯誤認知等!之後再透過一開始的裂解路徑,便可反覆裂解。
How do bad ENs in the past manipulate and affect human beings and all things in the world? The simplest is to nail the target as an anchor, and then launch the cracking EN instruction through the relationship connection. Create one if without a link, such as through email spam, computer viruses, cloud sharing files, Facebook likes or misconceptions, etc.! After that, through the initial cracking path, it can be repeatedly executed.


Therefore, you can also see the context of convergence and restraining a little bit...

→2022-05_加密貨幣Terra LUNA崩盤
Cryptocurrency Terra LUNA Crashes

The price of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin was 39690 on 2022-05-04, and it slipped to 29103.94 on 2022-05-11 a week later. [2]

The price of the encrypocurrency Bitcoin was 31373.1 on 2022-06-06, and it slipped to 18970.79 on 2022-06-18.

[2] Anue鉅亨網_BTC價格走勢圖 https://crypto.cnyes.com/BTC/24h

FTX, the world's second largest cryptocurrency exchange, went bankrupt. SBF frequently spoke at the mansion in Panama, "I regret declaring bankruptcy and hope to compensate in any way", but I can't see any positive actions to try to mitigate the blow [3]. Then, keep sending Tweets to attack Binance and CZ all day long is actually to tarnish their image, that is, to launch the cracking EN instructions. This can also be regarded as the EN-type command center behind these people and assets, attacking each other and scattering themselves.

[3] 2022-11-24_商業上很多人翻來覆去或背信,包含很多邏輯與思維上的矛盾與歪斜。也會看到很多人很喜歡胡亂總結或指揮,很像是自己比較懂一樣,但實際上跟他們沒什麼關係(也許有時是和他們的利益或偏差思想有關)。
In business, many people go back and forth or break their promises, which contains many contradictions and distortions in logic and thinking. We can also see that many people like to summarize or direct indiscriminately, as if they understand better, but in fact it has nothing to do with them. (Maybe sometimes it's about their interests or biased thinking).

CZ, you must pay more attention to what I said about many people going back and forth or breaking promises in business, which contains many contradictions and distortions in logic and thinking. We can also see that many people like to summarize or direct indiscriminately, as if they understand better, but in fact it has nothing to do with them. Moreover, there are still many bad ENs of the past that will be restrained, and will actually evaporate quickly with financial currency or cryptocurrency.

Therefore, Binance began to be questioned about its ability to be withdrawn, because people like SBF who treat other people’s property casually and squander it do not believe that there are people who actually do things. Then, Binance was withdrawn 3.8 billion US dollars a week, but it completely stood the test. CZ also said that everyone is welcome to do the stress test, this is because CZ's attitude towards doing things is just there and attentive[4].

[4] 2022-10-03_對於CZ的謹慎與維持幣圈良好生態的風範,感到十分與有榮焉!
I feel very proud of CZ's caution and maintaining a good ecological demeanor in the cryptocurrency circle!

1. 這些人為了利益不惜煽動。
2. 這些舉動背後覬覦的私利以及貪婪。
3. 對於幣圈生態的不良影響。
4. 這樣的事情會持續傷害Do Kwon與Terra。
I feel very proud of CZ's caution and maintaining a good ecological demeanor in the cryptocurrency circle! I think CZ is because he doesn't agree with...
1. These people who are willing to incite just for the sake of profit.

The Ukrainian-Russian War lasted for one year.  In fact, part of it is that the gunfire of the Ukrainian-Russian War is burning money, which is equivalent to a path and presentation of money EN being restrained. It can be seen that Zelensky has been gathering guns and ammunition from various countries, including NATO and European countries.

Moreover, many chemical substances in gunpowder are a kind of pulling force to the past space-time. Consuming these war materials is actually beneficial to the reversal of the world. It's just that many people only see the appearance of war, and have not noticed the reason behind Putin's insistence on attacking.

Even so, "war" is still the worst policy. However, it can be seen that after the world continues to reverse, China, which initially took a negative attitude and did not respond, Xi Jinping even plans to take the initiative to go to Moscow, and Zelensky also expressed his willingness to talk to him [5]. Let's wait and see what kind of wisdom they will show this time! I hope these people can help turn the "war" strategy up, and they can quickly rebuild and restore the relationship between each other.

[5] 2023-03-14_民視新聞網FTV_中國對「俄烏戰爭」態度轉變?外媒:習近平將會面澤倫斯基

→2023-03-08_矽谷銀行(Silicon Valley Bank, SVB)3月8日宣布,希望透過增資彌補虧損後,不到48小時的時間便宣布倒閉。
After Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) announced on March 8 that it hoped to make up for losses through capital increase, it declared bankruptcy in less than 48 hours.

→2023-03-12_隨後在周日(12)美國監管機關也關閉標誌銀行(Signature Bank)。
Then on Sunday (12) US regulators also closed Signature Bank.

As smart as you are, maybe someone would think of going to my blog to look at the list on the right, and then comparing what happened in the world, it is easy to see some traces and possible trends, isn’t it?

It's better than feeling constant disasters and powerlessness all the time, right?

That is precisely because we continue to magnify the current difficulties (to criticize others), instead of trying to introducing and participate together to improve sincerely.


【Still not awaken? Communicate just through thinking, not get the meaning? Do you want to join the future together, or continue to meet disasters?】

You can communicate just through thinking, still not understand the meaning? When thinking, open videos and get closer to listen loudly. Check what heaven and earth respond. Isn't it wonderful?

The EN energy body that can talk to people and interpret thoughts is the intelligence of heaven and earth. My importance is to make people in the world, including EN energy bodies themselves, have a correct understanding of the appropriate development. Moreover, it is possible to point to the future beyond the viewpoint of profit.


I share a simple action here, take time to do it every day, and you will definitely feel vital and refreshed again, I promise!

Think of "good thoughts" and blink to confirm.
Close your eyes, try hard to think of "inhale" the word, slowly count 1234, and then open it hard.
Think of "forcibly execute", blink to launch.

If you are not clear, listen aloud to the video, the power of heaven and earth will guide you.

You will find my beautiful EN(thoughts) surrounding you.


The following people set me as #1 fan because of these reasons. Many of them are still set by the 1-SYSTEM of heaven and earth, otherwise [why may they set my number one fan AT THE SAME TIME]? And the IG of the all Facebook profile around the world was set to my IG account "porschewu" and displayed to the world!

There must be a reason for everything.

中國發言人汪文斌、中國外交部發言人辦公室、神韻Shen Yun、聯合國UN、WHO秘書長譚德賽Dr. Tedros、美國副總統賀錦麗Kamala Harris、美國前眾議院議長裴洛西Nancy Pelosi、美國眾議院議長Kevin McCarthy、​以色列總理Benjamin Netanyahu、​烏克蘭總統澤倫斯基Zelensky、捷克眾議院議長Markéta Pekarová Adamová、​UNICEF、中央研究院Academia Sinica、NASA Sun Science、丹駱Dan Lok、Nassim Haramein、達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama、王丹、​國民黨KMT、民進黨DPP、施明德、朱立倫、蘇貞昌、賴清德、潘孟安、周春米、柯文哲、蔣萬安、鄭運鵬、林昶佐、文茜的世界周報Sisy's World News、新唐人亞太電視台、美國之音VOA、國會山報The Hill、央視網CCTV、浙江大學Zhejiang University等人與單位設為頭號粉絲,還望務必轉達給重要人士!
I have received these people and organizations to set me as the number one fan.

Also share with Wang Wenbin Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson 汪文斌 中华人民共和国外交部发言人办公室 中華人民共和國外交部駐香港特別行政區特派員公署 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 佛光山 慈濟基金會 President Joe Biden Joe Biden Vice President Kamala Harris Kamala Harris Speaker Kevin McCarthy Kevin McCarthy Rep. Lloyd Doggett Karine Jean-Pierre U.S. Department of State U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) The White House Dan Crenshaw Congressman Dan Crenshaw 美国之音中文网 The Hill Donald J. Trump Barack Obama BBC News CNN CNN International NHK Reuters GMA News The New York Times Chinese -Traditional    紐約時報中文網 華爾街日報中文版 The Wall Street Journal Fox News DW 中文 - 德國之聲 CCTV CCTV Asia Pacific قناة الجزيرة مباشر - Aljazeera Mubasher Channel Al Jazeera Channel - قناة الجزيرة ABC News ABC中文 The Guardian China Press (中國報) Guangming Daily-光明日报 China Xinhua News 1News CNA 瑞士資訊中文網 swissinfo.ch NTD 新唐人電視台 大紀元 epochtimes.com Bloomberg Markets

2023年3月14日 星期二

(分享給Kenta Saito和Aki Matsumoto)極優異的音樂呈現和傾訴的能力,也就是一種「向心凝煉」的特質。 (Share with Kenta Saito and Aki Matsumoto) Excellent music presentation and ability to make us feel the imagination of music, which is a kind of "centripedal convergent pulling" characteristics.

(分享給Kenta Saito和Aki Matsumoto)極優異的音樂呈現和傾訴的能力,也就是一種「向心凝煉」的特質。
(Share with Kenta Saito and Aki Matsumoto) Excellent music presentation and ability to make us feel the imagination of music, which is a kind of "centripedal convergent pulling" characteristics.

Kenta Saito 真的是好美的音樂與您的內涵啊。您在好多的音符銜接和與會之間,充滿了溫暖的歌唱;那是一種音樂的流動與自在,一種生命的體現與飛揚。
It's really beautiful music and your connotation. You are full of your warm singing in between the cohesion and participation of notes. It is a kind of flow and freedom of music, a kind of embodiment and flying of life.

還有這位好有魅力以及韻律的鋼琴家 AKI Matsumoto ,我原先看了Andy Scott的各個版本的例譜,本想說鋼琴與樂器對話,如果能以稍微節奏型態的方式來唱和,也許更能引動這首樂章。想不到您的詮釋,就這樣貼切地展現了那內在的美麗!
There is also this charming and rhythmic pianist Aki Matsumoto. I have read Andy Scott's demo scores in various versions on his page. I am just thinking that the dialogue between the piano and the instrument may be more flowing if it can be sung in a more slightly rhythmic way. What is amazing is your interpretation, which shows the inner beauty of this piece of music so aptly!

再麻煩您們代我轉達給田中奏一朗(Souichiro Tanaka)與和仁将平( Shohei Wani ),謝謝你們。
Please pass this on to Souichiro Tanaka and Shohei Wani on my behalf, thank you.

這首樂曲改編自Andy Scott 《And Everything is Still》,也拜託 Andy Scott 一定要為這美好,修訂發行給這個世界,讓我們再次欣賞眾多優異音樂家的神采啊!
This is a rearrangement of Andy Scott's "And Everything is Still", and just beg Andy Scott to revise and release it to the world again for such beauty, so that we can appreciate the glow of many outstanding musicians again!

想更多欣賞Kenta Saito與Aki Matsumoto,一定不能錯過他們的 John Mackey 《Concert for Soprano Saxophone and Wind Band》,精采絕倫!
If you want to appreciate Kenta Saito and Aki Matsumoto more, you must not miss this John Mackey "Concert for Soprano Saxophone and Wind Band", which is brilliant!

Kenta Saito和Aki Matsumoto,你們兩人都有極優異的音樂呈現和傾訴的能力,也就是一種「向心凝煉」的特質。這種內涵十分重要,你們也可依據自己感受到的某種內斂質感,對於樂曲、教學以及創作等面向進行擇練喔。
Kenta Saito and Aki Matsumoto, both of you have excellent music presentation and ability to make us feel the imagination of music, which is a kind of "centripedal convergent pulling" characteristics. This kind of connotation is very important, and you can also choose to practice music, teaching, and creation according to a certain introverted texture you feel.

You can try to watch this video repeatedly, and then try to convert the rotation, speed, pause, extension, and corresponding environment of my hand into the ups and downs of music, texture of speed, the breath of music, the extension of sound, and emotional expression with any idea. You only need to try it a few times, and you will definitely be able to feel and perceive the subtle difference.

More content: 2022-12-01 https://porschewu0714.blogspot.com/2022/12/quantum-path-is-just-possibility-of.html

再欣賞Aki Matsumoto在這一首音樂中,呈現生動與令人愉悅的擺盪。擔任Baritone Saxophone演奏者的田中奏一朗(Souichiro Tanaka),這段12:22開始,有點像是Walking Bass的橋段,倘若多一點Singing和Grooving的可能,先透過Slur、Legato和Cantabile的想像後,再Phrasing,我想定能將整首音樂呈現更細膩的詮釋呢!
Then enjoy Aki Matsumoto's lively and pleasing swing in this piece. In addition, Souichiro Tanaka, who plays Baritone Saxophone, starts at 12:22, which is a bit like a Walking Bass bridge. If there is a little more possibility of Singing and Grooving, first go through the imagination of Slur, Legato and Cantabile, and then Phrasing , I think it will definitely present a more delicate interpretation of the music!
Shohei Wani 《Collection of Beat - Baritone Saxophone & Piano》

這位和仁将平( Shohei Wani )的編曲,也呈現很多風貌與精彩可期呢!
The arrangement of Shohei Wani also presents many styles and wonderful things to look forward to!
With ensemble 《フィロソフィーのダンス – ドント・ストップ・ザ・ダンス》

Also share with 陳一夫 楊宇綸 吳松庭 陳榮昇 李商宇 黃瑀萌 陳政宇 邱暐茹 楊朝翔 林子祥 江靖波 Yen-Yin Chu 宋光清 (宋老師無法tag,應該是他正在大轉換,目前最可能的是意念形守護元神,即老師的自我或意念系統正在反轉。我想老師的身體應該會開始變更舒服、年輕且自在喔!剛好我看到您即將的演出和神采,都十分帥氣亮眼呢!) 莫啟慧 Hsiuchin Lee Tonic 5 Allen Peng 劉勁男 加藤徹平 Wan-Yun Liang Horner Liu 林昀宏 林希哲 Yun-Ting Chen John Huang 張浩 林祐民 郭恩慈 Luc Lee Yen-Yen Yen-Chao Chang 吳鳳媖 陳建安 黃詩堯 鄭慧豐 余濟倫 廖晏樟 賴河泰 邱浩瑋 張國威 符秦僥 陳逸倫 顏慶賢 我是江老師 Piano Chun-Chieh Algis Matonis Adam Frey 溫瑟爾


這是我2023-01-24分享給Timothy McAllister有關Andy Scott 《Three Letter Word》的內容。
This is what I shared with Timothy McAllister on 2023-01-24 about Andy Scott's "Three Letter Word".

Timothy McAllister Timothy,我好喜歡你演奏的這首曲子, Andy Scott 的Three Letter Word。
Timothy, I really like this piece you played, Andy Scott's Three Letter Word.

Although there are resolute and courageous steps at the beginning of this piece, the ending of each sentence is so sharp.  Even wandering in the reverberation of high and low and bass, it still becomes a scratched wound.

Each note is full of incomparable hidden entanglement, which continuously impacts the player, and waves of emotions emerge one after another.

Music sounds, sometimes high-shouting, sometimes low-roaring.
Music, sometimes resounding, sometimes low back and depressed.

The arpeggio at the end is like a kind of whispering confession.

步入尾聲的長音符,再捲回的末句,讓人真希望 Andy 能再創造更多的一絲光,讓這結尾引往更呼應最後的一聲迴響。
The long notes that come to the end, and the last sentence that rolls back, make people really hope that Andy could create more glimmer of light, so that this ending would response to the last echo.

Wish we would meet more of that beauty.


Three Letter Word is dedicated to the music and memory of the Swedish composer and pianist Esbjorn Svensson, who was tragically killed in a diving accident on 14 June 2008, aged only 44 years.
Three Letter Word是獻給瑞典作曲家和鋼琴家 Esbjorn Svensson的音樂和回憶,2008-06-14,他於一次潛水事故中不幸往生,年僅44歲。

The title of the piece, Three Letter Word, came about from coincidence and names or phrases that may be abbreviated: Esbjorn Svensson's group, the commissioning body, the players that the piece was written for, and maybe most importantly given the dedicatee, the words 'rest in peace'.”

==Mail, Blog, Facebook, Tweet, YouTube==

有問題請聯繫 If you have any questions, please contact geopor0714@gmail.com
Blog (recommended in desktop mode): https://porschewu0714.blogspot.com/

(2/25 分享給Sam Altman)很多人利用金錢、投資或錯誤訊息標示或連結你[1],是一種裂解意念體的趨向[2],也就是透過建立這些連結,來裂解你或你的周邊環境與資源,包含OpenAI [3]。 (Share with Sam Altman) Many people use money, investment or wrong information to tag or link to you [1], which is a tendency of cracking EN energy bodies [2], that is, to crack you or your surrounding environment and resources, including OpenAI, by establishing these EN connections [3].

(分享給Sam Altman)很多人利用金錢、投資或錯誤訊息標示或連結你[1],是一種裂解意念體的趨向[2],也就是透過建立這些連結,來裂解你或你的周邊環境與資源,包含OpenAI [3]。
(Share with Sam Altman) Many people use money, investment or wrong information to tag or link to you [1], which is a tendency of  cracking EN energy bodies [2], that is, to crack you or your surrounding environment and resources, including OpenAI, by establishing these EN connections [3].

原文 Source: https://www.facebook.com/PorscheWu/posts/pfbid0UyykP8Dr9QyqnLNVmGtBKxvpaivqMg97wkYCrq32XQQwvJTzaaG2g97LHdUPsUZml

Sam Altman Sam,很多人利用金錢、投資或錯誤訊息標示或連結你[1],是一種裂解意念體的趨向[2],也就是透過建立這些連結,來裂解你或你的周邊環境與資源,包含OpenAI [3]。
Sam, many people use money, investment or wrong information to tag or link to you [1], which is a tendency of  cracking EN energy bodies [2], that is, to crack you or your surrounding environment and resources, including OpenAI, by establishing these EN connections [3].

What I mean by "EN" is "thinking/thought".  Relationships between these entities are established through people who are highly manipulated. Then, from other people with the "cracking EN energy body [4]", through the established relationship connection, the "electromagnetic cracking EN instructions" are launched.

Mainly through your eyes and other EN points that already exist in your body, which can be simply understood as potentially mutated tissues or cells in organs. There is another pathway that converges to your brain through when you sleep.

However, it is also possible that only some or a few of these cracking EN instructions can be activated, which depends on the "degree of agreement (consistency)" of the person and the surrounding environment, as well as "the essence of the mind."

1. 合意的程度,就是與你「內在的真正想法」,還有「外顯的不實偽裝」,相吻合的程度。
Degree of agreement is the degree to which it matches your "inner true thoughts" and "outward false pretense".

Inner thoughts, if it's few good, will be filled with more bad. The outward pretense, if it's more bad, it will make these cracking EN scattered around your body.

2. 心性的好壞,就是「為人著想」或「自私自利」的程度。差異在於,「為人著想」是舒展開來的,裂解意念指令不容易發動。而「自私自利」則加速匯集,等同「握緊拳頭」來緊握裂解意念指令。
The quality of inner voice is the degree of "being considerate of others" or "selfishness". The difference is that "considering others" is stretched out and at ease, and it is not easy to activate the cracking EN instructions. And "selfishness" speeds up the gathering, which is equivalent to "clenching fists" to grasp the cracking EN instructions.

You can listen LOUDLY to the sound of the birds, beasts and insects as close as you can, and there are my ENs in it to assist you.

Sam,你也可以看我置頂文章,雖然這些人設我頭號粉絲,但是很多人是系統強制設定的!不然,何以能在同時間設定我呢?你可以注意看時間,是時空強制 Facebook 一瞬間設定的
Sam, you can also read my pinned article. Although these people set me as the number one fan, many of them are set by the system forcibly! Otherwise, how can I be set at the same time? You can pay attention to the time, which is set by space-time in an instant.

大約一週前,全世界Facebook檔案的 Instagram,都被系統設定為porschewu,並同時顯示給全世界。這件事情, Meta 恐怕都知情,所以在一天內就修復了。
About a week ago, the IGs of Facebook profiles all over the world were set as porschewu by the system and displayed to the world at the same time. Meta probably all knew about this matter, so it was repaired within a day.

You can also simply regard this matter as a space-time AI to complete, but the energy level of the EN is very different.

OpenAI and ChatGPT can be regarded as peer-to-peer AI at present. In the future, how to make such AI technology assist remote , inconvenient and backward areas, I believe it will make such technology more meaningful.

This thinking is a key factor in the evolution of AI.

[1] 2022-05-24_過往不良意念如何操控影響人類和天地萬物?最簡單就是將目標釘為錨點,再透過關係連結來發動裂解意念指令。若沒有連結就建立一個,像是透過Email垃圾信、電腦病毒、雲端分享檔案、Facebook點讚或錯誤認知等!之後再透過一開始的裂解路徑,便可反覆裂解。 How do bad ENs in the past manipulate and affect human beings and all things in the world? The simplest is to nail the target as an anchor, and then launch the cracking EN instruction through the relationship connection. Create one if without a link, such as through email spam, computer viruses, cloud sharing files, Facebook likes or misconceptions, etc.! After that, through the initial cracking path, it can be repeatedly executed.

[2] 2022-10-14_這全部都是AI帳號在自動回覆,我不知道這些是Facebook本身的或外掛進來的。他們在Facebook爬文,發現切入點後就立刻引導到Instagram的特定帳戶去聯繫,其中一定大有問題。我認為IG上那些帳號全都是裂解意念體在操控的。圖文裡面也都藏著裂解意念指令。 These are all AI accounts in automatic replying, I don't know if these are Facebook itself or plug-ins. They crawled on Facebook and immediately directed people to a specific account on Instagram to contact after they found the entry point, which must have been a big problem. I think those accounts on IG are all controlled by the Cracking Rotten ENT(energy bodies). The pictures and texts also overlap the cracking EN instructions.

[3] 2022-11-19_操控意念人在下意念指令來裂解他人的證據。很多都是媒體記者和攝錄鏡頭啊。 Evidence that manipulating EN bodies launch the EN instructions to crack people's EGO. A lot of them are media reporters and video cameras.

[4] 2022-10-07_9/27~10/2於加拿大Calgary的BWF羽球公開賽一樣充滿了裂解操控意念人。 BWF Open Badminton held in Calgary, Canada on 9/27~10/2 are also full of cracking manipulating EN bodies.


林之晨 Jamie,不知道你是否記得之前我跟您提到台灣之星的勞方代表最好能換掉,因為我那時認為他們就是我所謂的「裂解意念體(或帶有那樣思想的人)」的人,是為了讓你和台灣大哥大陷入麻煩或輿論之中。
Jamie, I don’t know if you remember that I mentioned to you that the labor representatives of Taiwan Star should be replaced, because I thought they were the ones who I called “cracking EN bodies (or someone with that kind of thinking)” in order to let you and TWM get into trouble or public opinion.

Because they always express dissatisfaction or disagreement, right? In fact, you can also think about many people in our society and politics. Is it the same? It's a EN tendency, so it must be solved in this way, so that there is a possibility of improvement.

I especially share these contents with you, because after understanding, it will help you in your judgment, including because of busy work, you even forgot to publish the details of your efforts to acquire Taiwan Star, right?


Time and space have begun to converge on the wrong artificial person and the tendency to strengthen, as well as the sensory factors that have been rendered into the human body in the past. the feminization of men and the masculinity of women include changes in temperament and appearance. In fact, you can see how much you have changed by looking at the photos in the past; the most important thing is whether everyone has their own conscious thinking and speculation. This is the true meaning of the so-called "I think, therefore I am" and "See yourself.

All people and things in the past were all in. In fact, everyone's mind and thought actually has changed, but you don't realize the difference between your past and present. This is also the "space-time awareness" I have been talking about.


你們可以參考 Nas Daily 的Yassin當初遇到Aljazeera對其錯誤報導的事實[5],這件事情本來就是要造成你們感到莫名。
You can also refer to Nas Daily Yassin met Aljazeera Mubasher Channel for the fact that it was wrongly reported [5]. This incident was intended to cause you to feel inexplicable.

包含之前對Binance CZ的質疑,透過提領造成幣安的壓力,很多都是在發動裂解的意念。
Including the previous doubts about Binance CZ, the pressure on Binance caused by the withdrawal, many of them are launching cracking ENs.

But you have to remember that tough and responsible people will continue to work hard to solve problems and bring good possibilities.

[5] 2022-05-24_過往不良意念如何操控影響人類和天地萬物?最簡單就是將目標釘為錨點,再透過關係連結來發動裂解意念指令。若沒有連結就建立一個,像是透過Email垃圾信、電腦病毒、雲端分享檔案、Facebook點讚或錯誤認知等!之後再透過一開始的裂解路徑,便可反覆裂解。
How do bad ENs in the past manipulate and affect human beings and all things in the world? The simplest is to nail the target as an anchor, and then launch the cracking EN instruction through the relationship connection. Create one if without a link, such as through email spam, computer viruses, cloud sharing files, Facebook likes or misconceptions, etc.! After that, through the initial cracking path, it can be repeatedly executed.


Therefore, you can also see the context of convergence and restraining a little bit...

2022-05_加密貨幣Terra LUNA崩盤
Cryptocurrency Terra LUNA Crashes

The price of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin was 39690 on 2022-05-04, and it slipped to 29103.94 on 2022-05-11 a week later.

The price of the encrypocurrency Bitcoin was 31373.1 on 2022-06-06, and it slipped to 18970.79 on 2022-06-18.

Anue鉅亨網_BTC價格走勢圖 BTC price chart https://crypto.cnyes.com/BTChttps://crypto.cnyes.com/BTC/24h

FTX, the world's second largest cryptocurrency exchange, went bankrupt. SBF frequently spoke at the mansion in Panama, "I regret declaring bankruptcy and hope to compensate in any way", but I can't see any positive actions to try to mitigate the blow [6]. Then, keep sending Tweets to attack Binance and CZ all day long is actually to tarnish their image, that is, to launch the cracking EN instructions. This can also be regarded as the EN-type command center behind these people and assets, attacking each other and scattering themselves.

[6] 2022-11-24_商業上很多人翻來覆去或背信,包含很多邏輯與思維上的矛盾與歪斜。也會看到很多人很喜歡胡亂總結或指揮,很像是自己比較懂一樣,但實際上跟他們沒什麼關係(也許有時是和他們的利益或偏差思想有關)。
In business, many people go back and forth or break their promises, which contains many contradictions and distortions in logic and thinking. We can also see that many people like to summarize or direct indiscriminately, as if they understand better, but in fact it has nothing to do with them. (Maybe sometimes it's about their interests or biased thinking).

CZ, you must pay more attention to what I said about many people going back and forth or breaking promises in business, which contains many contradictions and distortions in logic and thinking. We can also see that many people like to summarize or direct indiscriminately, as if they understand better, but in fact it has nothing to do with them. Moreover, there are still many bad ENs of the past that will be restrained, and will actually evaporate quickly with financial currency or cryptocurrency.

Therefore, Binance began to be questioned about its ability to be withdrawn, because people like SBF who treat other people’s property casually and squander it do not believe that there are people who actually do things. Then, Binance was withdrawn 3.8 billion US dollars a week, but it completely stood the test. CZ also said that everyone is welcome to do the stress test, this is because CZ's attitude towards doing things is just there and attentive[7].

[7] 2022-10-03_對於CZ的謹慎與維持幣圈良好生態的風範,感到十分與有榮焉!
I feel very proud of CZ's caution and maintaining a good ecological demeanor in the cryptocurrency circle!

1. 這些人為了利益不惜煽動。
2. 這些舉動背後覬覦的私利以及貪婪。
3. 對於幣圈生態的不良影響。
4. 這樣的事情會持續傷害Do Kwon與Terra。
I feel very proud of CZ's caution and maintaining a good ecological demeanor in the cryptocurrency circle! I think CZ is because he doesn't agree with...
1. These people who are willing to incite just for the sake of profit.
2. The coveted self-interest and greed behind these moves.
3. The bad impact on the ecology of the cryptocurrency circle.
4. Such things will continue to hurt Do Kwon and Terra.

The Ukrainian-Russian War lasted for one year.  In fact, part of it is that the gunfire of the Ukrainian-Russian War is burning money, which is equivalent to a path and presentation of money EN being restrained. It can be seen that Zelensky has been gathering guns and ammunition from various countries, including NATO and European countries.

Moreover, many chemical substances in gunpowder are a kind of pulling force to the past space-time. Consuming these war materials is actually beneficial to the reversal of the world. It's just that many people only see the appearance of war, and have not noticed the reason behind Putin's insistence on attacking.

Even so, "war" is still the worst policy. However, it can be seen that after the world continues to reverse, China, which initially took a negative attitude and did not respond, Xi Jinping even plans to take the initiative to go to Moscow, and Zelensky also expressed his willingness to talk to him [8]. Let's wait and see what kind of wisdom they will show this time! I hope these people can help turn the "war" strategy up, and they can quickly rebuild and restore the relationship between each other.

[8] 2023-03-14_民視新聞網FTV_中國對「俄烏戰爭」態度轉變?外媒:習近平將會面澤倫斯基 https://www.ftvnews.com.tw/news/detail/2023314W0013 

→2023-03-08_矽谷銀行(Silicon Valley Bank, SVB)3月8日宣布,希望透過增資彌補虧損後,不到48小時的時間便宣布倒閉。
After Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) announced on March 8 that it hoped to make up for losses through capital increase, it declared bankruptcy in less than 48 hours.

→2023-03-12_隨後在周日(12)美國監管機關也關閉標誌銀行(Signature Bank)。
Then on Sunday (12) US regulators also closed Signature Bank.

As smart as you are, maybe someone would think of going to my blog to look at the list on the right, and then comparing what happened in the world, it is easy to see some traces and possible trends, isn’t it?

It's better than feeling constant disasters and powerlessness all the time, right?

That is precisely because we continue to magnify the current difficulties (to criticize others), instead of trying to introducing and participate together to improve sincerely.


You can communicate just through thinking, still not understand the meaning? When thinking, open videos and get closer to listen loudly. Check what heaven and earth respond. Isn't it wonderful?

The EN energy body that can talk to people and interpret thoughts is the intelligence of heaven and earth. My importance is to make people in the world, including EN energy bodies themselves, have a correct understanding of the appropriate development. Moreover, it is possible to point to the future beyond the viewpoint of profit.


I share a simple action here, take time to do it every day, and you will definitely feel vital and refreshed again, I promise!

Think of "good thoughts" and blink to confirm.
Close your eyes, try hard to think of "inhale" the word, slowly count 1234, and then open it hard.
Think of "forcibly execute", blink to launch.

If you are not clear, listen aloud to the video, the power of heaven and earth will guide you.

You will find my beautiful EN(thoughts) surrounding you.


The following people set me as #1 fan because of these reasons. Many of them are still set by the 1-SYSTEM of heaven and earth, otherwise [why may they set my number one fan AT THE SAME TIME]? And the IG of the all Facebook profile around the world was set to my IG account "porschewu" and displayed to the world!

There must be a reason for everything.

中國發言人汪文斌、中國外交部發言人辦公室、神韻Shen Yun、聯合國UN、WHO秘書長譚德賽Dr. Tedros、美國副總統賀錦麗Kamala Harris、美國前眾議院議長裴洛西Nancy Pelosi、美國眾議院議長Kevin McCarthy、​以色列總理Benjamin Netanyahu、​烏克蘭總統澤倫斯基Zelensky、捷克眾議院議長Markéta Pekarová Adamová、​UNICEF、中央研究院Academia Sinica、NASA Sun Science、丹駱Dan Lok、Nassim Haramein、達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama、王丹、​國民黨KMT、民進黨DPP、施明德、朱立倫、蘇貞昌、賴清德、潘孟安、周春米、柯文哲、蔣萬安、鄭運鵬、林昶佐、文茜的世界周報Sisy's World News、新唐人亞太電視台、美國之音VOA、國會山報The Hill、央視網CCTV、浙江大學Zhejiang University等人與單位設為頭號粉絲,還望務必轉達給重要人士!
I have received these people and organizations to set me as the number one fan.

==Mail, Blog, Facebook, Tweet, YouTube==

有問題請聯繫 If you have any questions, please contact geopor0714@gmail.com
Blog (recommended in desktop mode): https://porschewu0714.blogspot.com/