There are many gravitational EN (thought) points running on the oscillating EN line. I draw the possibility of a double star oscillating, but I don't know yet whether it is gathering (converging) or activating (scattering). I believe that the phenomenon of solar eclipse does not only mean covering. What does it have to do with -time space, gravity, reversed gravity (opposite gravity, but I think if it cannot interfacing towards the same phase, it would easily cause space-time distortion and fluctuations to manifest. I consider the backstreet as a good reference of that, isn't it?), pullings, and even space-time fluctuations or space-time EN scenes? Nature is rapidly presenting a possibility, but do we need to suppress these incomprehensible possibilities, or do we move forward with ascending upwards researching and self-proving?
Birds present two possibilities of locally oscillating EN (thought) lines during a total solar eclipse.jpg
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1T4IUv8XagqgGNomS4p8fRXynyQoFRd2G/view?usp=drivesdk這個雙星擺盪模式,假設為散形、腐涎或裂解意念線的可能,那麼,有散形通常要對應要有什麼呢?這也是為何許多人或國家非得要發生一些意外或看似疾病來協助轉換,包含WHO的Dr. Tedros,各位認為有些存在的可能嗎?有可能性,就可以有存在的時空路徑,接著才可能發生量子糾纏。我認為從這來思考平行時空,是這個當下蠻不錯的嘗試,對嗎?如果能再回過頭去思考後街,是否有機會想像更多可能性呢?各位認為呢?
This double star oscillation pattern assumes the possibility of scattering, rotting, or cracking the EN lines. So, what is the usual correspondence to scattering? This is why many people or countries have to meet some accidents or seemingly illnesses to assist in the conversion, including Dr. Tedros of the WHO. If there is a possibility, there can be an existing space-time path, and then quantum entanglement can occur. In my opinion, thinking about parallel space-time from this point of view is a pretty good attempt at this moment. If you could go back and think about the backstreet, shall we have a chance to imagine more possibilities? What do you think?
Even the fledglings have said so well, what about our children?
Is it possible for hands to be transparent? Are you so indifferent to reality? The quantum path is just a possibility of the existence of that space-time at that point in time, whether known or unknown, this is the biggest key to understanding "parallel space-time".
https://porschewu0714.blogspot.com/2022/12/quantum-path-is-just-possibility-of.html吳時捷 WU SHIHJIE (Porsche Wu)
Living Area: 臺灣桃園市楊梅區 Yangmei, Taoyuan, Taiwan(R.O.C.)
E-mail: geopor0714@gmail.com
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