Continue to organize your past and gather new meanings to share. Only then everyone can enter the cycle of being better.
Taiwan's field is superior to that of foreign countries. The main points of everyone's New Year's Day or holiday collation are as follows:
The first priority is definitely the [path through which the light passes], whether it is the plane and channel of reflection, refraction, scattering, etc. Second, it is the "least often cleaned and wiped" border and corners and other places, often cleaned no longer need to sweep. Finally, it is necessary to make more [good use of time and space], the item has oil scale, dip in water and smear some detergent to put or soak, and then deal with it after an hour. Or when it's sunny, it's best to move the table and chair straight out to flush.
Don't forget to "bathe your own and neighbors' trees and flowers"! It's really washing their leaves and branches, the humus silt with roots, the dirt and dust on the potted plants, and saying hello to them and smiling at each other.
Finally, if the item is too old, it can be replaced for health. When purchasing, please pay attention to the field of the product (see other pages). However, [when recycling or discarding old items, don't forget to say thank you to them].
Of course, we can also reflect on the issue of "the right to space-time" together, so as to be closer to "respecting and treating it as equals" and moving towards a good cycle.
【⭓⭓⭓Check the information and items in the past and make new ones or check them repeatedly.⭓⭓⭓】
About too old or dusty items, try to discard. The correct concept should be [when you have these materials or resources, enjoy the use and cherish, and even thank them. In particular, it is important to note that rust will fall off the crumbs, which is recommended to be recycled and discarded ( not referring to the industrial style). Some stains on clean clothes can be taken to the recycling bin, but if moldy, they are converted into rags or discarded.
1. 雲端硬碟資料,不需要的資料一定要刪掉,會大大提升自己的【場域潔淨力】!色情或暴力的影片更是絕對不要保留了!!那幾乎都是不好的意念指令,日本就是這樣走向AV王國,但那個基本上不是好的走向。【各位觀看的電視節目、影片,會放出對應的意念能】,大家只是不知道而已,大量看一些口水戰節目,或是灑狗血誇張內容,還有暗網等等,各位在觀看的時候,等同【基礎合意】,這也是孔子所謂的「非禮勿視」之真義!
1. Drive data, unwanted data must be deleted, will greatly enhance their own [field clean power]! Pornographic or violent videos should never be retained!! It's almost all bad EN instructions, and that's how Japan is going to the AV Kingdom, and that's basically not a good direction. [The TV shows and movies you watch will release the corresponding ENs through your eyes], and everyone just doesn't know. Read a lot of exaggerated content, or dark web, etc., when you watch it, it is equivalent to [basic agreement]... This is also an extension of Confucius's understanding of what he called "incivility and do not look at"!
2. 電子報、按讚內容或粉絲專頁等,如果不需要,也都取消,重點是【重新審閱自己的過往,而且持續安排在各位的人生道路上】,這點非常的重要!
2. E-paper, like-based content, or fan pages, etc., if they are not needed, are also canceled, and the focus is on "re-reviewing your past and continuing to arrange it on your life path", which is very important!
3. 【Google, Facebook帳號,或停效又不會再選擇繳納的保單或契約,直接申請刪除或解約,這本身都會有一股很大的「場域潔淨力」,無論是對各位自己、對服務或提供契約的公司企業而言,都能反轉向上】,非常重要!
3. [Google, Facebook account, or suspension of the policy or contract that will no longer choose to pay, directly apply for deletion or termination, which in itself will have a great "field clean power". Whether it is for yourself, for the service or the company that provides the contract, it can be reversed upwards], which is very important!