洛杉磯山火,看看消防員的Go Pro看(聽)到什麼,留在當地的人在協助世界(科學、宗教)紀錄什麼?消防人員想代美國傳達「我們真的很抱歉,吳時捷,請您繼續散發這樣的自己」,如同韓國那位回頭多次鞠躬致歉的年輕軍人。我現在還在想,覺得這些與自己何干的人,是怎樣的人? Los Angeles wildfire, see what the firefighters saw (heard) through their Go Pro POV, and what the people who stayed in the area are helping the world (science, religion) to record? The firefighter wanted to convey on behalf of the United States, "We are really sorry, Wu Shihjie, please keep sharing such your selves," just like the young Korean soldier who turned around and bowed many times to apologize. I am still wondering what kind of people are those who think these things have nothing to do with them?
【修己揚他/AskSelf】【場域/FIELD】【意念/EN】【時空/SpaceTime】【反轉向上/ReverseUp】【教育/Education】【影視/Film】 Donald J. Trump The White House U.S. Department of St...
2023年10月10日 星期二
RFAChinese的標題寫著【杭州亞運 | 傳遞什麼政治訊號?】,放最大聲聽清楚,捫心自問,各位聽到什麼訊息(聲音)? The title of RFAChinese reads [Hangzhou Asian Games | What political signal does it send? ], listen as loud as you can, and ask yourself, what message (sound) do you hear?
2023年10月8日 星期日
國慶光雕秀清楚聽到在道歉(15:37-15:55)! The live broadcast of the National Day projection sculpture can clearly hear apologizing (15:37-15:55)!
The live broadcast of the National Day projection sculpture can clearly hear apologizing (15:37-15:55)!
Messages of apology from other people, disasters, accidents, and heaven and earth.
Typhoon Koinu has not yet made landfall, what are heaven and earth saying? "Amazing wind-blown sand" appears in Hualien!
(Plane crash in Nepal)Listening loudest at 1:00, the cabin was in flames. You may think that it has nothing to do with you, but accidents and diseases are inherently running (converging and manifesting) in an imperceptible way, no matter you think you are a good person or bad people.
2023年10月6日 星期五
大聲聆聽,台灣剛剛發布的國慶影片也在致歉,說「我們真的很抱歉」了。 Listen loudly, Taiwan's official National Day video, which was just released, also apologized and said "We are really sorry"!
Listen loudly Taiwan's official National Day video, which was just released, also apologized and said "We are really sorry"!
Messages of apology from other people, disasters, accidents, and heaven and earth.
Typhoon Koinu has not yet made landfall, what are heaven and earth saying? "Amazing wind-blown sand" appears in Hualien!
(Plane crash in Nepal)Listening loudest at 1:00, the cabin was in flames. You may think that it has nothing to do with you, but accidents and diseases are inherently running (converging and manifesting) in an imperceptible way, no matter you think you are a good person or bad people.
2023年10月5日 星期四
小犬颱風未登陸,天地又在說什麼?花蓮立霧溪口捲「驚人風吹沙」! Typhoon Koinu has not yet made landfall, what are heaven and earth saying? "Amazing wind-blown sand" appears in Hualien!
Typhoon Koinu has not yet made landfall, what are heaven and earth saying? "Amazing wind-blown sand" appears in Hualien!
Source:三立新聞_(0:41)小犬颱風還沒登陸!花蓮立霧溪口捲「驚人風吹沙」 超扯畫面曝光
2023年10月4日 星期三
所有的災難都在講「我們很抱歉,吳時捷」,我可以請小犬颱風講「賴清德,好自為之」,也可以講「下架民進黨」,請你們各位好自為之。 All disasters say "We are sorry, Wu Shihjie". I can ask Typhoon Koinu to say "Lai Chingte, ask yourself", or "Get rid of the DPP", please asķ all of politicians yourselves.
2023年10月3日 星期二
所有可以立刻傳達意念的意念體,部分存於平行時空中,透過意念的牽引使其覺醒(活過來),透過「質性相向」原理,也就是時間與空間的基本本質與定義。 All EN bodies that can convey thoughts instantly exist partially in parallel space-time, and are awakened (come alive) through the pulling of ENs, through the principle of "Essence Quality Phase Direction", which is the basic essence and definition of time and space.
2023-09-01_連 Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus 都腳骨折了,也許他或你們會覺得只是踩錯一步,那就繼續這樣認為吧。事實上,若進一步理解意念與時空轉換,則能協助各位建構自己的意念系統,當各位必須散形的時候,就相對比較不會被散形時空產生較大的牽引,而強制意外和疾病,而且,還是不可抗力。
Even Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus broke his foot. Maybe he or you think it was just a wrong step, so go ahead and think so. In fact, if you further understand the conversion of ENs and space-time, it can help you to construct your own EN system. When you need to be scattered, you will be less likely to be greatly pulled by the scattered space-time, which will cause accidents and diseases. Moreover, it is still force majeure.
NASA 從100萬英里的距離拍攝了月球的照片。 月球的遙遠的一面。
2023年10月2日 星期一
依台灣憲法(依據《中華民國憲法》,只有一個中國,而且由中華民國擁有)內容,國際本來就不應該承認台灣是國家,這樣才是對的! According to the content of Taiwan's constitution (according to the "Constitution of the Republic of China", there is only one China and it is owned by the Republic of China), the international community should not recognize Taiwan as a country in the first place. This is only right!
According to the content of Taiwan's constitution (according to the "Constitution of the Republic of China", there is only one China and it is owned by the Republic of China), the international community should not recognize Taiwan as a country in the first place. This is only right!
賴清德 無法與中國和平共處,也不懂如何轉換兩岸關係。我們看到國台辦的回應,再對比習近平出席金磚五國會場發出和我致歉的聲音,何以有這樣的差異?當然是因為賴清德自以為是,你做了什麼?又願意做什麼?很抱歉的是,我覺得國台辦講的好極了!所言甚是!
2023年10月1日 星期日
Also share with Dan Lok 加里·維納查克 Gary Vaynerchuk 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama Sadhguru 佛光山 慈濟基金會 法鼓山 法鼓山護法總會 Nas Daily 中文 神韻 Shen Yun Narendra Modi Liz Truss Rishi Sunak Olaf Scholz 岸田文雄 Han Duk-soo Emmanuel Macron Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón Ulf Kristersson The Presidency of the Republic of South Africa Justin Trudeau Halimah Yacob Andrés Manuel López Obrador Mark Rutte Sauli Niinistö Chris Hipkins MP Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהו Markéta Pekarová Adamová Lee Hsien Loong Presiden Joko Widodo Dr Lotay Tshering President of India Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan Jonas Gahr Støre Mette Frederiksen Katrín Jakobsdóttir Michael D Higgins Alexander De Croo Ignazio Cassis Andrzej Duda Petr Pavel Alexander Van der Bellen Novák Katalin Gitanas Nausėda Giorgia Meloni Pope Francis - A Man of His Word Klaus Iohannis
2023年9月30日 星期六
賴清德,我勸你先解決眼前問題,別用服貿攻訐他人,很廢。中國應該斷掉ECFA,不用考量台灣利益,因為台灣政治人物本來就有很多畜生,就算我們想談判服貿,也要中國有這個打算,不是嗎? I advise you to solve the immediate problem first and don't use "trade in services" to criticize others. You are useless. China should lift the ECFA without considering Taiwan's interests, because many Taiwanese politicians are bastards. Even if we want to negotiate "trade in services," China also need have this intention, right?
2023年9月27日 星期三
最大聲可聽到蔡英文在世界臺灣商會聯合總會年會現場致歉的聲音。 Turn it up loudest and you can hear Tsai Ing-wen's apology at the annual meeting of the World Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce.
2023年9月26日 星期二
賴清德試圖告訴自己「我賴清德真的很抱歉,吳時捷,我應該要好好做人,真的很抱歉」。 Lai Chingde tried to tell himself, "I, Lai Chingde, am really sorry, Wu Shihjie, I should be a good person, I am really sorry."
Lai Chingde tried to tell himself, "I, Lai Chingde, am really sorry, Wu Shihjie, I should be a good person, I am really sorry."
Lai Chingde, you should really listen to what you tried to tell yourself when you expressed condolences to the family members, "I, Lai Chingde, am really sorry, Wu Shihjie, I should be a good person, I am really sorry."
Everyone can hear loudly the message that Lai Chingde wants to convey to himself.
These are the facts, not those glamorous words to achieve your power and brilliance!
Why did Lai Chingde apologize? Of course, it is because he does not know how to examine himself, excessively pursues political status and reputation, and does not even care about the feelings of the Taiwanese people and does not work hard to solve problems.
2023年9月23日 星期六
2023年9月22日 星期五
賴清德 您的演說請用手機設備開最大聲聽清楚想對現在的自己說什麼(透過散形後的電磁檔案),你再不趕快思考自己為何一直要向我道歉,或是你和民進黨小編再不傳達賴清德本人和高層,必然會有大事發生,荒唐!
2023年9月18日 星期一
(Share with Nassim Haramein)先不論日月星河是否從「黑洞」開始,然而,依意念的觀點,時空是從時空意念場景散行、勻質與疊合後呈現。也就是透過 (時空→連接散行時空)^∞ 的基本模式與結構,產生平行時空。 Regardless of whether the sun, moon, and galaxies start from a "black hole", however, from the perspective of EN (thought), space and time appear from the scattered, homogenized, and superimposed EN scenes of space-time. That is, through the basic pattern and structure of (space-time→connecting with scattered space-time)^∞, parallel space-time is generated.
(Share with Nassim Haramein)先不論日月星河是否從「黑洞」開始,然而,依意念的觀點,時空是從時空意念場景散行、勻質與疊合後呈現。也就是透過 (時空→連接散行時空)^∞ 的基本模式與結構,產生平行時空。
也就是透過 (時空→連接散行時空)^∞ 的基本模式與結構,產生平行時空。
That is, through the basic pattern and structure of (space-time→connecting with scattered space-time)^∞, parallel space-time is generated.
The world we live in = ∑ parallel space-time (scattered gravity ENs) are manifesting in scattered space and pulled by reality (infinite gravity ENs).
2023年9月13日 星期三
中央氣象局已經協助證明,整個台灣都在輕微振盪,全台幾乎都芮氏規模2級。 The Central Weather Bureau has helped prove that the entire Taiwan is oscillating slightly, and almost all of Taiwan is at level 2 on the Richter scale.
The Central Weather Bureau has helped prove that the entire Taiwan is oscillating slightly, and almost all of Taiwan is at level 2 on the Richter scale.
2023年9月3日 星期日
海葵颱風接近三仙台,播放最大聲聽聽颱風在跟我們說什麼,倘若不重視這些事實,各位又何必虛偽拜神還中元普渡,豈不荒唐! Typhoon Haikui is approaching Sanxiantai. Play the video loudest to hear what the typhoon is telling us. If you don’t pay attention to these facts, why do you all need to worship gods in hypocrisy?
Taiwan government and scientists, listen to the message of Typhoon Haiku the loudest, how can you continue to ignore it?
Play it loudest?l, the magnitude of the physical sound and the EN sound is very different, of course there is a difference!
1. https://youtu.be/6N-o67185Qg
3. https://youtu.be/w-Em9pOSfOg
4. https://youtu.be/UrApjwmFRBM
5. https://youtu.be/8npzhRpt2_Y
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