Earthquake (accident, illness, disaster) is a kind of space-time path. Regarding the gravity and fluctuations that space-time needs to withstand in terms of space-time and the field, how many physical possibilities (that is, it cannot be interfaced with ENs/thoughts) are needed! This is the main reason why Taiwan has suffered very few casualties since the 4/3 earthquake! Scientists need to carefully observe what kind of field the collapsed buildings are, and are they spaces similar to the level of "EN (thought) scenes" (refer to the sixth article)?
Earthquakes are a kind of space-time path. Regarding the gravity and fluctuations that space-time needs to withstand in terms of space-time and the field, how many physical possibilities (that is, it cannot be interfaced with ENs/thoughts) are needed! This is the main reason why Taiwan has suffered very few casualties since the 4/3 earthquake! Scientists need to carefully observe what kind of field the collapsed buildings are, and are they spaces similar to the level of "EN (thought) scenes" (refer to the sixth article)?
In addition to reading, researching or discussing (I emphasize "asking yourself and answering yourself" many times), scientists can confirm what we see every day (the infinite gravity EN comes from sincerity, reality and concern), these are the pointing of future science. In addition, my Facebook has a lot of content, including the evolution of natural creatures, such as birds, dogs, insects, and even disasters and loud roars in the sky, which all have EN meanings that can be interpreted. You should read it in moderation.
The influence of electromagnetic ENs on common people is about 21.31%; if it is affected by activation and tendency, it is about 42.4713%. In addition, the 7.2 strong earthquake in Taiwan is related to China and the United States. You can know a little bit about my content:
氣象署指出,今日多起地震仍屬 #花蓮0403地震的餘震,因0403主震規模達7.2,能量大的地震若要釋放仍需要較長一段時間,而地球會「# 應力調整」以取得平衡。
另據《Nownews》報導,中央大學應用地質研究所教授李錫堤則提到,雖然大型的地震如此釋放能量是正常現象,但是若包含昨( 21)日規模5.6的地震,這樣的頻率跳動「#有點異常」, 不過仍待接下來長時間的觀察。
為何中央大學應用地質研究所 李錫堤教授回應氣象署,所謂的能量釋放或應力調整這種說法,
從104年度,李教授獲得「科技部學術研究獎」的得獎感言就可略知一二:「學研如蓋高樓,萬丈高樓從基礎做起; 學研如打隧道,千米隧道步步為營直到貫穿;學研像是跑馬拉松, 控制腳步穩健前進,努力達成目標而不用急於起步有多快;最後, 學研更不需急於表現,也不能揠苗助長, 逐步前進順利達成目標比較重要」。
https://scitechvista.nat.gov.tw/Article/c000003/detail?ID= a2c843ce-ced1-41b1-a10e- 442fcd84a4c8
李教授的Email ct@ncu.edu.tw,
What are the countless hums in the sky? Why do countries around the world apologize one after another? What does it have to do with the fact that countries themselves continue to show reversals that look like disasters? Aren’t these floods, earthquakes, and the emergence of nature a possibility for growth? It depends on how people feel and convey it. Oumuamua Audio Analysis through my EN (thought) to remind scientists. When it was ready to be released, a chain of low-pitched EN messages came from the sky.。
PDF https://drive.google.com/
Yangmei banged three important bang messages in a row, the recording equipment can confirm and the source of the apology includes China and NASA.
2. (4:34AM) 傳來巨形鳥鳴聲在說著「真的很謝謝你」。
3. (04:54AM) 吳時捷,真的很抱歉,我們NASA真的很抱歉,請您原諒我們。
Why does China continue to say "really sorry"? Guangdong Provincial authorities have warned that Beijiang in the Pearl River Basin will experience a "once-in-a-hundred-year" flood. Netizens took videos of floods in various places.
五、★ ★★★★ 2024-02-21_(分享給傅鶴齡、
Oumuamua Audio Analysis through my EN (thought) to remind scientists. When it was ready to be released, a chain of low-pitched EN messages came from the sky.
Living Area: 臺灣桃園市楊梅區 Yangmei, Taoyuan, Taiwan(R.O.C.)
E-mail: geopor0714@gmail.com
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