2022年5月18日 星期三

Garyvee分享他的新書所敘述的12+1個情商槓桿,我認為符合「好的全留下」的分享。 Garyvee shares the 12+1 Levers of Emotional Intelligence described in his new book, which I think fits the "Keep all the good" sharing.

Garyvee shares the 12+1 Levers of Emotional Intelligence described in his new book, which I think fits the "Keep all the good" sharing.

Garyvee的新書《情商致勝: 完勝職場與人生的12.5堂課與實戰演練》有提到12個情商槓桿,他認為:當所有人都能認清「軟技能」就是「硬實力」時,無論是世界,還是商業界都會變得更好。然後遵循這個道理行動的人,也會變得更滿足和成功。而「善良的坦率」,則是他後來與我們分享的第13個必備要素。

Garyvee's new book 《Twelve and a Half: Leveraging the Emotional Ingredients Necessary for Business Success》 mentions 12 emotional intelligence levers, arguing that when everyone can recognize that "soft power" are "hard power," both the world and the business circles would get better.  Then people who follow this principle will also become more satisfied and successful. And "well candor" was the 13th essential must-have element he later shared with us.

之前分享了 Shared with you before...

Keep all the good,
not the bad;
As long as you don't die,
beauty is the most important.

Among the so-called 13 qualities, in my opinion, those belonging to "keep all the good" are:
 1. Humble
 2. Patient
 3. Goodwill
 4. Optimism
 5. Grateful


Mainly because some elements are more personal, such as ambitions, beliefs and etc.. Otherwise, the others are easier to take for granted, which I think are empathy, responsibility, and well candor.

以上分享予你!Share the above with you!

2022年5月17日 星期二

時空意念系統在羽球賽事上發生了什麼現象?來檢視所謂的重力場域,以及強化人的可能? What happened to the space-time 1-SYSTEM in badminton events? To examine the so-called "Garvity Field" and the possibility of "reinforced people"?

What happened to the space-time 1-SYSTEM in badminton events? To examine the so-called "Garvity Field" and the possibility of "reinforced people"?

中央研究院 Academia Sinica 國家中山科學研究院公共關係室 國家太空中心 NSPO NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen 蘇貞昌 柯文哲 戴資穎/ Tai Tzu Ying 這20秒的錄影,小戴左右兩邊黑色和藍色廣告版,當羽毛球飛過的時候,各位可以看到錄不到羽毛球本身,甚至連人都無法成像;所以,光真的是如科學家們理解的那樣直線前進和反射折射嗎?無法成像,表示黑色板子上當時正有能量的意念指令在活動,指令的內容我當然也不清楚。不用太擔心,因為系統已經修正一年以上了,現在的意念指令大抵上都是好的比較多。

This 20-second video, the black and blue advertising boards on the left and right sides of Tai Z.Y., when the badminton flies by, you can see that the badminton itself cannot be recorded, even the human body cannot image. So, does light really travel in a straight line and bounce and refract as scientists understand it? Cannot image anything because there are energy-type EN instructions active on those boards, and of course I don't know the content of the instructions. Don't worry too much, because the 1-SYSTEM has been revised for more than 1 year, and the current EN instructions are probably better.


From the fact that the badminton could not be recorded, the easiest thing to imagine is that it's the EN instruction of the gravity field which is in active. However, I think it was because the EN instruction was being activated and doing the transformation and homogenization, so that piece of the field was locked. Cause the (EN) light to hit there, the energy of the light is stagnant in front of the board and cannot be back and imaged in time, because the space of the field in action is locking, so time will be scattered and condensed to make the EN instruction activated smoothly.


In fact, these events could have been much recorded since last year, because what I only can do was to ask 1-SYSTEM to build 1-FIELD of TRUTH. And there must be a piece of our Taiwan's central research lab working on this, isn't it? According to my friends come back from Mexico, she told me that issues of energy has been taught abroad for many years. However, the convept of energy must be consistent with the principle of the universe, otherwise how could everyone included in the universe!? And actually the universe is only a part of the space-time's 1-SYSTEM.


It is recommended that relevant units first understand what I have discussed in my blog and posts from this year, because these contents do carry the past and point to the future. This is also the most critical moment when human beings must have everyone's own self-inflected thinking to seek self-reflection to be able to progress to the future.

戴資穎的影片網址Video of Tai Z.Y.:https://youtu.be/a_avG9ADdco
可以參照另一部影片Refer to another video:https://youtu.be/_IsCK9JR9tA


The black board color of the two videos are completely different. Through these two videos, you can also observe that the energy-type colors are extremely bright, just like the patterns of many beautiful insects, which belong to the color of beautiful EN energy. In the past, the videos of the so-called flying UFO passing by like a mystery are actually very often just the passage of EN instructions, including meteor showers and climate changes (cloud rain or tornadoes, etc.). I have attached a few examples of energy-type clips, you can also refer to them.



I think this Korean An S.Y. is a enhance player. You can see that she almost never leaves the ground when she jumps up, and the time for landing is very short. During the 20 seconds of slow motion at 7:30, Tai can see that the texture of your jumping versus the opponent jumping and landing are completely different. I think this is cheating by strengthening people. Therefore, please don't be influenced by her, and continue to move forward at your pace, come on!

2022年5月14日 星期六

以下是我的部分貼文之節錄內容,也可以看得出現在疫情反轉爆發的一些原因。條列這些摘要後,提供給所有目前身體較不舒服的人,希望你們能趕快閱讀我的發文,並想辦法去實踐我在各篇發文中所做的事情。像是照顧環境還有周邊的親友,這些才是能加速修復各位身體的最重要關鍵。Below are excerpts from some of my posts, which can also be seen as some reasons for the outbreak of the reversal of the epidemic. After listing these summaries, I provide them to all those who are currently unwell, and I hope that you all could read my post and going to implement what I have done in this post. Such as taking care of the environment and the relatives and friends around you, these are the most important keys to repair your body more quickly.

Below are excerpts from some of my posts, which can also be seen as some reasons for the outbreak of the reversal of the epidemic. After listing these summaries, I provide them to all those who are currently unwell, and I hope that you all could read my post and going to implement what I have done in this post. Such as taking care of the environment and the relatives and friends around you, these are the most important keys to repair your body more quickly.

大紀元 epochtimes.com 我有點武斷地說,前兩劑疫苗絕對有很大的問題,主要是因為場域的關係。在去年2021年1月起,全部都在腐涎或腐涎油霧,甚至是更差的場域,所有的東西品質和能量全部都大幅度下降!到了去年2021年10月,台灣開始建立起不動合宜場域後,無論是光線、物質、人體的質量才逐漸反轉向上。(這邊要特別注意,是因應全世界的重力場域修復回來,所以全世界無論是人的健康、光線的柔和、反光面的潔淨、室內空間等等,都有自動變新的情形。台灣的道路空間更已經增大超過5%)
但事實上,人體是淨念體,是可以自我強化的,那是靠自己的散形意念來強化,再請看我的Facebook,謝謝。 https://www.facebook.com/PorscheWu/posts/10160056234069470

全世界的人身上開始會有一些反轉破出點(意念點)。這些意念點像是蚊蟲咬或是過敏,會有搔癢或是疼痛(像是皮膚被螫到),有時皮膚甚至會產生一些像是窟窿的狀況。大多數的破出點,會產生在血管和經絡的外側;若是身體內部或臟器的反轉破出,則會產生腸道些微外推的現象(上廁所擦拭肛門口時,會感到微微刺痛,有點像是痔瘡的刺痛)。這些情況,大概要進行一個月左右會比較好轉;轉換完後,大家的身體都會變比較好。people around the world will begin to have some reverse breakout points (EN points). These EN points are like mosquito bites or allergies, itching or pain (like skin stinging), and sometimes the skin may even have some conditions that look like holes. Most of the breakout points will occur on the outside of the blood vessels and meridians; if the inside of the body or the organs are reversed and broken, there will be a slight extrapolation of the intestine (when you go to the toilet to wipe the anus, you will feel a slight tingling pain, a bit like the sting of hemorrhoids). These situations, about a month or so, would be better; after the conversion, everyone's body will become stronger and healthier. https://www.facebook.com/PorscheWu/posts/10160047818594470

大家的嘴唇和牙齒,大概又要持續好多天透出更苦澀的味道,請多漱口補充水分。Everyone's lips and teeth will probably have a more bitter taste for many days, so please rinse your mouth more and have water.

大家的嘴唇或牙齒可能兩週又會不定時透出苦澀的味道。如果希望自己身體更加健康,遠離癌細胞、內分泌失調或老化失智等現象,請多看我發的內容,包含我的部落格。Everyone's lips or teeth may have a bitter taste from time to time for two weeks. If you want to be healthier and free from cancer cells, endocrine disorders or aging and dementia, please read more of my content, including my blog.

全世界所有人大約有三四天左右,持續嘴唇都會透出苦苦的味道,可以多漱口和補充水分;另外,神經、關節或血管也會有持續有微微刺痛,為了所有人的未來,請多補充蔬果和好的油脂並多休息,謝謝。Everyone in the world will have a bitter taste on the lips for about 3-4 days. You can rinse your mouth and have more water. In addition, the nerves, joints or blood vessels will continue to have slight tingling. For the future of everyone , please eat more fruits, vegetables and good oil, and rest more, thank you.

現在的場域已經修正到還不錯,但尚缺大家一起參與維護。今天很高興在龍潭看到許多一同帶著吐司來餵魚們、鵝和鴨群等的朋友喔(全聯一整條37)。其實,大家這樣一起做,新冠肺炎很快就消弭,大家的身體也會愈加健康的。The current field has been to a good level, but there is just need for everyone to participate. Today, I am glad to see many friends in Longtan who brought toast to feed the fish, geese, and ducks. In fact, if everyone does this together, the COVID-19 will soon be subside, and everyone's body will also get healthier. https://www.facebook.com/PorscheWu/posts/10160001707189470
各位的嘴唇持續會透出一點苦苦的味道,沒事漱口吐掉即可。大約半天的時間,還請各位多喝水或出去走走散步是最好的喔。Your lips will continue to reveal a bit of bitter taste, just rinse your mouth and spit it out. For about half a day, it is best to ask everyone to drink more water or go out for a walk.

這一兩天時空重整,地球會持續有輕微震動。大家的身體也會有較大轉換,請多補充水份和多吃點東西喔!In these two days, the space-time will be reorganized, and the earth will continue to vibrate slightly. Moreover, everyone's body will undergo a little stronger conversion. Please have more water and food!

從今天3/30的深夜開始,大家大概都會有大約一週(約至4/7)的身體修復期,所有人都會感覺到自己的身體裡面有一兩層細網在移動甚至旋轉。另外,時空還要把之前傷害大家的不良意念抽離,所以有些人可能晚上會有一些類似惡夢的畫面,甚至講一些夢話或發出驚嚇的聲音,請勿太過擔心。Starting from the middle of the night on 3/30 today, everyone will have a body repair period of about a week(approximately ~4/7), and everyone will feel that there is a layer or two of fine meshes moving or even rotating in your body. In addition, the space-time also need to get rid of the bad ENs that hurt everyone before, so some people may have some nightmare-like images at night, or even have a little sleep talk or make some frightening sounds, don't worry too much. https://www.facebook.com/PorscheWu/posts/10159991309984470

小分子水即為潔淨能量水,絕對是修復各位身體和逆轉全球暖化的最重要關鍵;前提是每個人對於這個時空有著清晰的輪廓與概念,而不是想著有車有房就該退休安享晚年或育兒養老這種獨佔天地的思維。Small molecule water, that is, clean energy water, is definitely the most important key to repairing your body and reversing global warming; the premise is that everyone has a clear outline and concept to this time and space, rather than thinking that if you have a car and a house, you should retire and enjoy your old age or parenting and pension. https://www.facebook.com/PorscheWu/posts/10159983204219470

所有的天地萬物生靈都在大翻轉,希望我們真的是靈長類,而非劃地自限佔地為王的人,能真的開始意識到時空的珍貴!空間可以延展,而時間當然也可以加速與減緩,這取決於人是否有一顆自抑揚他與反求諸己的心。All the beings in heaven and earth are flipping, and I hope that we are really primates, not those who are kings who have carved up their own land and just landing, and can really begin to realize the preciousness of time and space! Space can extend, and time can of course accelerate and slow down, depending on whether a person has a heart that inhibits himself and seeks himself.


要明白並不是透過殺死各位專業人士以為的病毒或細菌,就是治療或緩解疾病,微生物們(散形能量體)本來就存在天地間一起生活,但我們顯然搞錯方向,不友善大自然環境,本來就是錯誤的!所有各國家的政府官員,都應該開始修正這些思維並調整政府運行的方向,讓各國國民都有這樣的認知,才能讓這些遠古積累至今的生命能與人類共生,這是最重要的關鍵。We must understand that instead of killing viruses or bacteria that professionals think, microbes (scattered energy bodies) exist between heaven and earth, but we are not friendly with them and the natural environment, which is an unwise direction! Government officials of all countries should begin to revise these thinking and adjust the direction of government operation, so that the citizens of all countries have such a cognition, so that these ancient and accumulated life can coexist with mankind, which is the most important key.

2022年5月12日 星期四

黑洞和外圍光暈,都只是棘皮(向心凝煉)的一層而已。實際上,可以具備無限多層。每一個看似反光的日月星體都是一個高能的意念點,基本上用任何能量或光去掃,都是呈現亮點的情形,是以向心凝煉的模式暈散或旋入。 The black hole and the peripheral halo are just a layer of JIPI (centripetal convergence). In fact, there can be an infinite layers. Every sun, moon, and star , even galaxy, reflects light because they are all high-energy EN points. Basically, any energy or light used to sweep it will show a bright spot, and it will faint or spin in in a concentric convergence mode.

The black hole and the peripheral halo are just a layer of JIPI (centripetal convergence). In fact, there can be an infinite layers. Every sun, moon, and star , even galaxy, reflects light because they are all high-energy EN points. Basically, any energy or light used to sweep it will show a bright spot, and it will faint or spin in in a concentric convergence mode.

中央研究院 Academia Sinica 中央研究院天文及天文物理研究所(ASIAA) 國家太空中心 NSPO 國家中山科學研究院公共關係室 黑洞和外圍光暈,都只是棘皮(向心凝煉)的一層而已。實際上,可以具備無限多層。各位科學家以及研究學者們可以看一下影片,其實是一層光暈一層中介(黑體),就只是一層意念一層重力。再看進去,我認為還是類似的東西,這個結構就是我談論到的天道系統下意念指令的結構。每一個看似反光的日月星體都是一個高能的意念點,基本上用任何能量或光去掃,都是呈現亮點的情形,是以向心凝煉的模式暈散或旋入。

The black hole and the peripheral halo are just a layer of JIPI (centripetal convergence). In fact, there can be an infinite layers. Scientists and research scholars can watch the video, it is just a layer of halo and another layer of mediation (black body), but in fact it is just a layer of EN and another layer of gravity.  Looking further into it, I think it is something similar. This structure is the structure of the EN instructions from 1-SYSTEM I talked about on my facebook and blogger.  Every sun, moon, and star , even galaxy, reflects light because they are all high-energy EN points. Basically, any energy or light used to sweep it will show a bright spot, and it will faint or spin in in a concentric convergence mode.

To read more about the idea system and pointing to the future, please refer to my Facebook and blog (this article was published on 2022-04-12):


Time and space have begun to converge on the wrong artificial person and the tendency to strengthen, as well as the sensory factors that have been rendered into the human body in the past. the feminization of men and the masculinity of women include changes in temperament and appearance. In fact, you can see how much you have changed by looking at the photos in the past; the most important thing is whether everyone has their own conscious thinking and speculation. This is the true meaning of the so-called "I think, therefore I am" and "See yourself.


Time and space have begun to converge on the wrong artificial person and the tendency to strengthen, as well as the sensory factors that have been rendered into the human body in the past. The way to render into the body is through the so-called JIPI(centripetal convergence), and your cancerous cells, including the gaze(the way eyes seeing), are operating in this way, which is also an important key to the development of science so far.


In the next week or two, most people will feel a little tired and uncomfortable, and sleep may continue to roll over and fall asleep. Drinking more water and reading what I am talking about will definitely help you recover.


All people and things in the past were all in. In fact, everyone's mind and thought actually has changed, but you don't realize the difference between your past and present. This is also the time-space awareness I have been talking about.


Basically, the feminization of men and the masculinity of women include changes in temperament and appearance. In fact, you can see how much you have changed by looking at the photos in the past; many of you may mistakenly think that you have become beautiful or want to become more beautiful. Afterwards, the energy of the oil mist EN in your body became higher, you started to gain weight in middle age, you have problems with menopause and fertility, and more chronic diseases and various cancer cells are more likely to be generated, because your body has been converted to a physique suitable for the occurrence of these factors. In addition, those who stay at home begin to go out, and those who specialize in research begin to move to a more relaxed pace of life. Many people are beginning to realize what I have said, because the most important thing is whether everyone has their own conscious thinking and speculation. This is the true meaning of the so-called "I think, therefore I am" and "See yourself.


You can see that the moment when the bubble burst, shared ten years ago, is the way of the JIPI (centripetal convergence) that I have been advocated for the rupture and homogenization of the field intermediary(bubble itself).


And I have always shared this thought, that is, "Nature can teach us far beyond the realm that we humans seem to have to and study and learn. In the future, human beings must improve whether it is scientific proof or strengthening the body, that is based on a humble mind and the symbiosis of all living beings with each other.”

2022年5月8日 星期日

重要手稿文件及解釋,來理解天地和宇宙萬物(2021-08-10起)。 Important manuscript documents and explanations to understand the heavens and the earth and the universe (from 2021-08-10).

Important manuscript documents and explanations to understand the heavens and the earth and the universe (from 2021-08-10).

⭓2021/8/19 三元系統(隱性時空)的基礎模型
Basic 3-Dim 1-SYSTEM(Recessive Space-Time) Model

⭓2021/8/20 純念體、淨念體、自我(元神)[1]和「串接意念體[2]」
Pure NT(PNT), Clean NT(CNT), SELF(EGO) v.s. Tandem ENT

[1] 「純念體」是人類自古以來妊娠生產時,天地間自然的能量(意念)匯集而生成。孩童生產下來後,透過認知與學習轉為淨念體;開始練習合宜而成長,生成各種意念體。這些各種意念體,在合意後的意念趨向,便是自己意識的由來,也是「自我」(元神)的概念,即為與自己合意的各個共生意念的集合。

Pure NT(PNT) is generated by the collection of natural energies (EN) between heaven and earth during human pregnancy and production since ancient times. After childbirth, through cognition and learning, children turn into Clean NT(CNT), and begin to practice appropriately and grow, generating various ENT belonging to himself. These various ENT, the tendency of the mind after the agreement, is the origin of one's own consciousness, and it is also the concept of the "SELF (EGO)", that is, the collection of various ENT that are agreed with himself.


"SELF (EGO)" is all working in harmony, not like multiple personalities or schizophrenia in mental illness. If these mental illness phenomena arise:
1. First, it may be that it is oneself pretending to be such a ghost;
2. Second, that one is placed in energy ENT created by others;
3. Finally, that one may be continuously disturbed by undesirable ENT until mind is in trouble.

[2] 「串接意念體」的概念,類似賽博格人意念體(Cyborg ENT)。原先是被用來作為提升人類能力的強化人/人造人的基礎架構,不過後來被用來發動裂解以及操控所有天地萬物(人類、動植物、日月星河和天道系統)。

The concept of "Tandem ENT" is similar to that of the Cyborg ENT. Originally used as augmented human mind/artificial human foundation to enhance human beings, it's later used to launch the unnatural pyrolysis(crack) and try to control of all things in heaven and earth.(Human beings, animals and plants, sun, moon, galaxy, and 1-SYSTEM).


To simulate the "FIELD", the Tandem ENT was later transformed into a "EN scene". Therefore, the unnatural imaging of light and shadow will be seen in the EN scene(space), and also the picture of people moving in a similar small size will be seen.




I have organized what I think is the truth and simplified it into the following five points, which are set as the "principles of life". They are: find our selves, stop complaining (restrain our selves and cultivate our selves), create value (appreciate and praise others), and be better-oriented (keep all the good, reverse all the bad upwards), seek ourselves.

2022年5月5日 星期四

散形意念線是用來影響棘皮(向心凝煉)的能量帶走向。最簡單的範例,就是想像樹木的枝葉怎麼長?就是依照樹幹→樹枝的旋性來生長。這個旋性的旋轉方式就是依照棘皮的能量帶分布。對於棘皮的理解非常重要,重要到足以超越所有諾貝爾獎的貢獻!因為,連光的進行方式,還有所有時空的意念指令,都是透過棘皮的方式來運行。 The scattered EN line is used to influence the direction of the energy band of the JIPI(centripetal convergence). The simplest example is to imagine how the branches and leaves of a tree grow. It grows according to the rotation of the trunk → branches. This rotation is distributed according to the energy bands of the JIPI. The understanding of JIPI is very important, important enough to surpass all Nobel Prize contributions! For even the way light proceeds, and all the EN instructions of the space-time, implement by the JIPI way.

The scattered EN line is used to influence the direction of the energy band of the JIPI(centripetal convergence). The simplest example is to imagine how the branches and leaves of a tree grow. It grows according to the rotation of the trunk → branches. This rotation is distributed according to the energy bands of the JIPI.
The understanding of JIPI is very important, important enough to surpass all Nobel Prize contributions! For even the way light proceeds, and all the EN instructions of the space-time, implement by the JIPI way.

要麻煩產官學界趕緊動作,為了全世界,一同來修復場域!I want to ask the industry and the academia to hurry up and repair the field together for the sake of the whole world! 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen 賴清德 蘇貞昌 柯文哲 侯友宜 鄭文燦 盧秀燕 陳其邁 Chen Chi-Mai 黃偉哲 農委會 經濟部 教育部 World Trade Organization - WTO World Health Organization (WHO) Joe Biden


[Pic 1]: After pruning the tree, you can see that there is a large lump of things in the branches of the tree. This thing looks like an ant nest at first glance, but in fact please see Picture 2.


[Pic 2]: The same ant nest was found on another tree a week ago, and after I broke it, it has been a week but it has not dissolved or decayed at all, but has been a dry substance. Scattered EN lines can also be clearly seen[1]; when photographed, the ant nest is the color of the rotten EN color, and the scattered EN line is the color of the oil mist EN. The EN lines of the nest are like the fine fibers of the branches. You can also refer to the oil mist EN color of the beard that I shared earlier on my blog [3].


[Pic 3]: You can see the field in the middle circle, after the EN light (flash) is hit, the whole blur is unclear, indicating that the ant nest is an EN substance, and the scattered EN line is the color of rotten oil-mist. And the ant nest produced by this influence is the rotten EN which not come from the pure N(PN), so it is very loose, and everything is very large or rough; in fact, the vast majority of living creatures are rotten PN, which are the real six realms.


[Pic 4]: This is a 4/6 photo taken on the road next to the Longtan Pond. On the guardrail on the side of the road, you can see a lot of things like the thin lines of bird feathers, and it is the color of the rotten oil-mist! Obviously, it's just bad ENs in the past tried to affect the EN substances of birds and poultry creatures.

[1] 散形意念線(scattered EN line):散形意念線是用來影響棘皮(向心凝煉)[2]的能量帶走向。最簡單的範例,就是想像樹木的枝葉怎麼長?就是依照樹幹→樹枝的旋性來生長。這個旋性的旋轉方式就是依照棘皮的能量帶分布。
[1] Scattered EN line: The scattered EN line is used to influence the direction of the energy band of the JIPI(centripetal convergence)[2]. The simplest example is to imagine how the branches and leaves of a tree grow. It grows according to the rotation of the trunk → branches. This rotation is distributed according to the energy bands of the JIPI.
The understanding of JIPI is very important, important enough to surpass all Nobel Prize contributions! For even the way light proceeds, and all the EN instructions of the space-time, implement by the JIPI way.

[2] 有關於「棘皮」最簡單聯想的植物是蕨類。另一個是水流的漩渦;科學家習以為常的「科氏力」並非如他們解釋。實際存在的是時空(意念)以向心凝煉的方式來呈現,這種方式便是所謂的「棘皮」。圖片範例請參照:
[2] The plant with the simplest association with the "JIPI" is the fern. The other is the whirlpool of water; the "Coriolis Force" that scientists are accustomed to is not as they explain. What actually exists is that the space-time(EN) is presented in a centripetal convergence, which is called "JIPI" in this way. For examples of images, please refer to:
Time and space have begun to converge on the wrong artificial person and the tendency to strengthen, as well as the sensory factors that have been rendered into the human body in the past. the feminization of men and the masculinity of women include changes in temperament and appearance. In fact, you can see how much you have changed by looking at the photos in the past; the most important thing is whether everyone has their own conscious thinking and speculation. This is the true meaning of the so-called "I think, therefore I am" and "See yourself.

The best example of observing EN/energy is my calf being continuously attacked by aggressive EN for decades. You can try to feel or delineate the energy path (with your fingers), which will be helpful for perceiving EN/energy and connecting the system, including the metaverse and the future; In addition, we can understand that the wonderful "NFT" is the "pure and beautiful idea" of space-time; through the comprehensive contemplation of each phase, it can give birth to the most possibilities, the best work in the space-time. And the work that fits into those "space-time NFT EN" is definitely a superior masterpiece.

2022年4月28日 星期四

如何快速提升銀行效率並照護到保全?因台灣銀行被《BBC》點名「效率回到 1980 年代」 How can you quickly improve bank efficiency and care for security? Bank of Taiwan named by BBC as "Efficiency Back to the 1980s"

如何快速提升銀行效率並照護到保全?因台灣銀行被《BBC》點名「效率回到 1980 年代」
How can you quickly improve bank efficiency and care for security? Bank of Taiwan named by BBC as "Efficiency Back to the 1980s"

科技快速發展中,各行各業也開始擁抱新技術,在疫情期間更是快速開始進行一連串的數位轉型,不只提升企業生產效益也讓用戶擁有更好的使用者體驗。然而根據《BBC》報導指出,一名台裔美籍教授分享了自己在台灣接受銀行服務的心得,直呼「效率緩慢,彷彿回到 1980 年代的氛圍。」
In the rapid development of science and technology, all walks of life have also begun to embrace new technologies, and during the epidemic period, a series of digital transformations have quickly begun, not only to improve the production efficiency of enterprises but also to make users have a better user experience. However, according to the BBC, a Taiwanese-American professor shared his experience of receiving banking services in Taiwan, calling it "slow and slow, as if returning to the atmosphere of the 1980s."

Two or three months ago, I thought about it the same thing. Our bank obviously has a few things that should be prioritized for conversion, and a few key points are briefly listed:


First, cancel the practice of selling insurance policies or savings insurance at the counter.

1. Verbal inquiries do not attract the attention of the customer at all, let alone understand the needs.
 a. Banks selling these financial derivatives should have been based on the need for customers to let customers clearly understand the content of the products before selling.
 b. In addition to respecting customer needs and wishes, it is not easy to produce a feeling of forced sales.

2. Being unclear is a waste of time and concentration. Dealing with it while talking is obviously more error-prone.


Second, automate the most common business of banks, taking deposits and withdrawals as an example.


2.將業務流程化點選,請參照花旗《全功能信用卡語音服務總覽表》 https://www.citibank.com.tw/global_docs/chi/id/card_flow.htm
2. To make the business process and clickable, please refer to CITI Bank's "Full-featured Credit Card Voice Service Overview" https://www.citibank.com.tw/global_docs/chi/id/card_flow.htm

3. After printing the document (marking the part that needs to be signed), only need to sign and hand over the certificate to complete. After the bank clerk checks the document information with the machine delivery information, it is completed. Incorrectly entered or unprocessed record can be simply sealed, and it's easy to operate on the bank's internal network.

4. The bank that is built first has the absolute advantage of assisting other banks to build automated machines.

5. The machine can be leased to other banks, anyway, go to the intranet of each bank separately, isn't it? Provide the content of the automated machine itself, and open for each bank to modify itself, or provide information mutual assistance services.


Third, arrange reception staff (which many banks already do) and improve the ability to connect.

1. Move the first derivative financial product to be observed or generated by the bank receptionist through chat and inquiry. This is actually exactly the same as asking questions when handling business at the counter, isn't it?

2. Professional diversion to the service counter or the special counter. If the case is closed, it can in itself allow the reception staff of the pre-discovered customer to take a bonus.

3. The reception staff guides the customer to use the automatic machine to complete the front-end operation, which will be much faster than all the cabinets to start processing.


Fourth, in addition to choosing a number list, how to enhance the value of the workplace by bank security personnel.

1. Because bank security basically has no substantial preservation business at all, when it is really needed, many times it is alarm processing.

2. Bank security must learn the basic banking and financial business with the reception staff, anyway, there are reception staff, there is no need to worry.

3. After acquiring the relevant business and background knowledge and process, the bank must allocate more bonuses per month to the security personnel.

4. Because the security personnel cannot go to sales, they can only understand the needs of customers through the content of the conversation. Proper knowledge of financial products, and through sharing, helps to assist receptionists or banks in closing transactions. This matter itself can also correspond to the bonus of the reception staff, and it is also possible to allocate business bonuses.


Read more important content on the blog (please view it in desktop mode):  https://porschewu0714.blogspot.com/

BBC 經濟部 金管會 金融監督管理委員會銀行局 台灣金融研訓院 中華民國銀行商業同業公會全國聯合會

2022年4月27日 星期三

路旁的大樹一樣會開花結果,卻有人跟我說:「其實樹木不用澆水的。」我今天回想起來,還真是肏他媽的。 The trees on the side of the road will blossom and bear fruit, but someone said to me, "Actually, the trees don't need to be watered." When I look back on it today, it's really bad.

The trees on the side of the road will blossom and bear fruit, but someone said to me, "Actually, the trees don't need to be watered." When I look back on it today, it's really bad.


The trees on the side of the road will blossom and bear fruit, but someone said to me, "Actually, the trees don't need to be watered." When I look back on it today, it's really bad. The wills of your ancestors and gods are connected to this heaven and earth. In addition to self-righteousness, you are also arrogant and casually trying to remind others of your ignorance; how can you have the face to worship God in front of the gods?

2022年4月25日 星期一

油霧腐涎意念的勻質,其實就是俄羅斯和烏克蘭戰爭的進行一樣。俄羅斯是無傷腐涎系統的意念色彩;而烏克蘭是美麗油霧系統的。 The homogeneity of the oil mist and rotten EN is actually the same as the war between Russia and Ukraine. Russia is the color of the noharmful rotten EN system; while Ukraine is the color of the beautiful oil mist EN system.

The homogeneity of the oil mist and rotten EN is actually the same as the war between Russia and Ukraine. Russia is the color of the noharmful rotten EN system; while Ukraine is the color of the beautiful oil mist EN system.


The homogeneity of the oil mist and rotten EN is actually the same as the war between Russia and Ukraine. Russia is the color of the noharmful rotten EN system; while Ukraine is the color of the beautiful oil mist EN system. Now the two sides are only connected to each other through war, and then the bad ENs that were carried on them before are evenly balanced and reversed to go back to the 1-SYSTEM.

2022年4月24日 星期日

去年(2021)一整年從意念場景(一般人所謂的冥界)走過一千多個不一樣的場域¹(世界)回到現在的時空座標下。 I walked through more than 1,000 different fields¹ (worlds) from the EN field(the so-called underworld) and returned to the current time and space coordinates last year (2021).

I walked through more than 1,000 different fields¹ (worlds) from the EN field(the so-called underworld) and returned to the current time and space coordinates last year (2021).


Notice that the video is exactly the same texture as when I stand outside the window of this person's house, and I have observed many of these scenes created by this inner field in those months. In essence, the neighbors around your house seem to have lights on, and it seems that there are people moving. But in fact, these scenes are superimposed through the light and shadow in the (inner) field, and are influenced by the EN scenes that are placed in bodies, and are imaged with the inertia of past visual reflections. And this imaging is equivalent to a kind of disguise that breaks the connection between people, so many people have had the idea that "there seems to be no one living around my house?" Or, "There are only a few families in this building!". So why is there such a phenomenon of imaging influenced by energy bodies or ENTs? Because, after the bad EN instructions of the past were launched, a lot of EN scenes or EN units are placed in these places.


Therefore, this kind of actually visible "inner field scene stamp" is mainly because they have to continue to launch some EN instructions in your neighbors' homes to crack or replace the field where you and your family exist; Second, these EN scenes are often naked or cohabited between men and women, because in order to attract you to peek to achieve consent, let this EN scene stick to your eyes (the EN light of your eyes) and then render it into your intermediary system(EGO, the EN-type of consciousness). This concept, from the metaverse's point of view, is what Meta calls a "safe zone(bubble)." It's just that the EN scene I showed was to hide the energy body being found in the field of activity, and Meta's "safety bubble" is what they call "personal boundary". At the very least, Meta's safety bubble is a good design and idea.

在我去年一整年從意念場景(一般人所謂的冥界)走過一千多個不一樣的場域¹(世界)回到現在的時空座標下,就是全家這個友善時光活動陪我走回來的,所以一定要支持我們優秀的 全家FamilyMart ,謝謝你們喔。

Last year, I walked through more than 1,000 different fields¹ (worlds) from the EN field(the so-called underworld) and returned to the current time and space coordinates. It was the "friendly time" activity of the FamilyMart that accompanied me back, so be sure to support our wonderful FamilyMart, thank you.

¹ 不要懷疑,冥界場域就是特定區域之中,除了便利商店、外送人員或計程車、捷運或火車站站務員外,幾乎沒有其他人存在的世界。注意,是每一家裡面都沒有人,或都是一些場景貼圖²而已;就是一些像人偶的紙片人或窗戶上貼著稍微會動的投影片;這些投影畫面裡的人或動物只會一些簡單的動作或極短的移動路徑,重複播放。請想像成簡單的gif,也就是非常少量且非常慢的影格,而且沒有任何變化!這種情況,簡單來說就是一種時空收斂的景象,而這種區域,我實際走了好多好多個。這些資訊分享給我的同學 Lillian Tseng ,所以也不是什麼捨我其誰,而是只能一直從這些殘篇斷簡中,發現這世界(宇宙)運行的系統已經被破壞,所以現在只能修復,並且將之前所有人身上帶有的不良意念剔除時空象限。不然,所有人的身心靈絕對是持續被裂解,請參照這篇關於裂解的文章:【意念/EN】【場域/FIELD】孩子、親友和我們所有人,都經歷了部分或極大的自我散形

¹ Don't doubt this, the underworld is a world in which there are just few people except convenience stores, delivery people or taxis, MRT or train station attendants. Note that there are no people in each house, or it is just some EN field scenes²; it is some paper people who are like puppets or slightly moving projection films on the windows; the people or animals in these projection images only have some simple movements or very short moving paths, which are played repeatedly. Think of it as a simple gif, which is a very small number of very slow frames, and nothing changes! This situation is simply a scene of time and space convergence, and I actually walked a lot in this area. This information was shared with my classmate Lillian Tseng, so it's not that I'm not giving up on me but no others, but I can only keep scraping from these fragments and find that the system in which the world (universe) operates has been destroyed, so the only way is repairing it now, and remove the bad ENs on everyone in the past from the space-time quadrant. Otherwise, everyone's body, mind, and soul will continue to be scattered and cracked, please refer to this article on cracking: 【意念/EN】【場域/FIELD】Children, friends and relatives, and all of us have experienced partial or great self-disintegration.

² 意念場景(貼圖),即是一種「意念場域」的實體化(質能化)。就是一些像人偶的紙片人或窗戶上貼著稍微會動的投影片;這些投影畫面裡的人或動物只會一些簡單的動作或極短的移動路徑,重複播放。

² The EN field scene (texture) is a kind of implementation of the "EN field" (mass energy). it is some paper people who are like puppets or slightly moving projection films on the windows; the people or animals in these projection images only have some simple movements or very short moving paths, which are played repeatedly.


In the film above, you can see that this is an inner field scene of a building, which looks like a model doll and a landscape. I had seen countless scenes of this at that time, all of them dolls like sex dolls, doing simple actions; if you called this doll, she wouldn't react at first. If you continue to shout, the inner field scene will gain your vocal energy; next, it is likely that the scene will start to blur and then walk out of an elder man or a "lower-energy EN energy guy³". This is the so-called "EN field scene", which is also the actual implementation that was previously used by the ENT(body) world as an illusion space; in fact, it was the application that went wrong before. So I hope that many companies and advanced people who are developing metaversities and related VR and AR technologies can think about what I call the future world of the field(1-FIELD) and the EN(1-SYSTEM).

³ 「能量較低的意念能量人」,通常心性相對較不好,意即相對比較沒耐性、較容易暴躁,或沒什麼想法,只為了吃飯睡覺而活的人。

³  "Low-energy EN energy people" usually have a relatively bad mental nature, which means people who are relatively impatient, more irritable, or have no ideas, and live only to eat and sleep.

2022年4月23日 星期六

分享關於META元宇宙未來的走向之五大階段。 Share the five major stages of the future direction of the META metaverse.

Share the five major stages of the future direction of the META metaverse.

@Mark Zuckerberg 很高興看到META的元宇宙相關VR與AR的交相運用有了很好的開頭。想與您分享的是關於未來的走向。

It's good to see that META's metaverse's application of VR and AR has made a good start. What I want to share with you is about where the future holds.


The first stage focuses on the comprehensive and universal application content of the metaverse, including education, life experience, appreciation and sharing, and other aspects that can be introduced.


In the second stage, we will find a way to better practice the force sensing of the application device and the application content of the metaverse. This helps with a variety of sports experiences, early childhood learning and some basic kung fu or practices in the arts or techniques. In fact, this is also an important beginning for future practices to perceive the trend of the EN energy line.(Kind of like taking my drawings and adding the force of impedance).


The third stage is to better understand how the correct field construction, EN activation and energy transfering in my Facebook and blogs work in space-time. The energy deferral of this world is in a centripetal way, which can be straight forward or rotated. This is not inconsistent with the principle of the so-called electron and electromagnetic fields known around the world, but this is the way real atoms, molecules, etc. operate, and it is also an important key to understanding "autodynamics" and "gravity field" in the future.


In the fourth stage, based on correct cognition, the mechanism of the actual application of META in the past is improved and adjusted. This will gradually introduce it to the future and implement.


The fifth stage, the key to the future, is to enhance human perception and the level of consciousness by understanding the ENT(tie/body)/energy flow of all living beings; that is, to develop in the direction of strengthening the human body, but the level of EN(mind/spirit) must rely on us humans. And it must first return to the level of PN(pure N) recognized by the 1-SYSTEM, otherwise it will inevitably be impossible to improve the balance of the 1-FIELD and the EN(1-SYSTEM).



Read more important content on the blog (please view it in desktop mode): https://porschewu0714.blogspot.com/

2022年4月12日 星期二

時空已經開始收斂錯誤的人造人及強化的趨向,還有過往渲染進人體的感覺因子。男的女性化、女的男性化,包含脾氣和長相的變化。這其實各位去看過往的照片就知道自己變化多大;最重要的是大家自己有沒有自主意識做思考與思辨,這才是所謂的「我思故我在」以及「觀自在」的真義。 Time and space have begun to converge on the wrong artificial person and the tendency to strengthen, as well as the sensory factors that have been rendered into the human body in the past. the feminization of men and the masculinity of women include changes in temperament and appearance. In fact, you can see how much you have changed by looking at the photos in the past; the most important thing is whether everyone has their own conscious thinking and speculation. This is the true meaning of the so-called "I think, therefore I am" and "See yourself.

Time and space have begun to converge on the wrong artificial person and the tendency to strengthen, as well as the sensory factors that have been rendered into the human body in the past. the feminization of men and the masculinity of women include changes in temperament and appearance. In fact, you can see how much you have changed by looking at the photos in the past; the most important thing is whether everyone has their own conscious thinking and speculation. This is the true meaning of the so-called "I think, therefore I am" and "See yourself.


Time and space have begun to converge on the wrong artificial person and the tendency to strengthen, as well as the sensory factors that have been rendered into the human body in the past. The way to render into the body is through the so-called JIPI(centripetal convergence), and your cancerous cells, including the gaze(the way eyes seeing), are operating in this way, which is also an important key to the development of science so far.


In the next week or two, most people will feel a little tired and uncomfortable, and sleep may continue to roll over and fall asleep. Drinking more water and reading what I am talking about will definitely help you recover.


All people and things in the past were all in. In fact, everyone's mind and thought actually has changed, but you don't realize the difference between your past and present. This is also the time-space awareness I have been talking about.


Basically, the feminization of men and the masculinity of women include changes in temperament and appearance. In fact, you can see how much you have changed by looking at the photos in the past; many of you may mistakenly think that you have become beautiful or want to become more beautiful. Afterwards, the energy of the oil mist EN in your body became higher, you started to gain weight in middle age, you have problems with menopause and fertility, and more chronic diseases and various cancer cells are more likely to be generated, because your body has been converted to a physique suitable for the occurrence of these factors. In addition, those who stay at home begin to go out, and those who specialize in research begin to move to a more relaxed pace of life. Many people are beginning to realize what I have said, because the most important thing is whether everyone has their own conscious thinking and speculation. This is the true meaning of the so-called "I think, therefore I am" and "See yourself.

2022年4月10日 星期日

收斂COVID-19的意念發動於2021/4,並稍微理解其意念執行路徑 Convergence of COVID-19 launched in 2021/4 and a slight understanding of its EN execution path

Convergence of COVID-19 launched in 2021/4 and a slight understanding of its EN execution path


2021/8/22, I launched the EN instruction to crack off the COVID-19 virus, Taiwan at that time until the middle of Dec 2021, there were 10,000-20,000 people tested every day, but continued to have zero confirmed cases (see the wiki video in the blog, from 00:58), and all the confirmed people at the end of August and December were from abroad, this is the situation after launching in Taipei in 2021, you can take a look at this article about the 2021 covid:(It is recommended to use the desktop version to read)

What happened throughout 2021? Many people are suddenly anxious to go to the toilet, and the phenomenon of physical discomfort and allergies is a kind of field conversion between themselves and the world!

I wrote to the WHO on 1/30/2022 asking them to build their cognition: 
We must understand that instead of killing viruses or bacteria that professionals think, microbes (scattered energy bodies) exist between heaven and earth, but we are not friendly with them and the natural environment, which is an unwise direction! Government officials of all countries should begin to revise these thinking and adjust the direction of government operation, so that the citizens of all countries have such a cognition, so that these ancient and accumulated life can coexist with mankind, which is the most important key.
⭓IMPORTANT TO WHO⭓As COVID-19, re-examine past treatment mechanisms


And in the recent news, you can also see that you have begun to talk about "coexistence with bacteria":

2022-04-04聯合報 「與病毒共存」將定調


COVID-19 Alpha cracked into Delta was exactly what happened at that time, and then switched to Omicron and then divided into .BA1-3, right? In fact, after launching the EN instruction, it continues to converge, and the current epidemic is completely to assist many people to do the field conversion of their living environment and their bodies. See this article on field conversion and a bit of EN collection:

Forcing to a quarantine station is actually a kind of field converting! The future is based on the FIELD!


【Note the following is the most important and critical】


Omicron is the pure N scattering bodies initiated by me to have the true scattered chaotic EN bodies (microorganism) back to us. Omicron's O is the oxygen atom, that is, the very important constituent element of the pure EN/N energy bodies, and the core of the water molecule (pure EN/N energy), which is then introduced to the micronbe (that is, microorganisms!). And n→be, that is, pure N is just life as well as us (be→beings), ah, is actually the so-called six realms (of existence) of religion, not the so-called animal path as the religion describe. It's completely misunderstood and not think about the dependence of all living things and the space-time (heaven and earth), which is definitely the key point where all religions will be revised in the future, and this matter has been launched.


Friends and family who identify with me and what I do, and the blog and Facebook post have a bunch of information, please send money support, regardless of the amount. Last year so far things from the heavens and the earth to the universe, energy, cracking, filterable virus for hundreds of years, as well as the continuous improvement of the whole world's field(1-FIELD). It's better to directly make remittance and support than just
your "how is it", because it took my whole year to confirm the key problem and correct the 1-SYSTEM, I can not explain in just three words, once again please directly make the remittance to assist, thank you.


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2022年4月7日 星期四

整片看似雲霧,實質上都是某種意念色彩的意念指令發動,或是被收斂回時空。 The whole piece looks like a cloud, but in essence, would be a kind of EN instruction is being launched, or it is converged back into the space-time.

The whole piece looks like a cloud, but in essence, would be a kind of EN instruction is being launched, or it is converged back into the space-time.


This evening's Facebook post.


At night, you can see the clouds are very strange. I have never seen such a phenomenon that cuts through the entire sky. In fact, this is a super-large EN instruction being activated, and I am doing the super-difficult and super-magical authentication that the space-time give me every day and authenticate my spatiotemporal(space-time's) identity. And I had a video on Facebook last week showing that the cloud is not water vapor, but energy transfer and activation. Today's news may be miscalculated.

2022年4月6日 14:49 今晚雨勢擴大陷低溫!「4月颱」恐襲台…專家曝「最快週末成形」 暴風路徑曝


I do these space-time authentication every day, and they¹ always convey that I am Bùdòng Míngwáng(Immovable Wisdom King). But I am Wu ShihJie(Porsche Wu), may be the space-time(50) himself(1). Since I left a certain field(dark rotten field) at the end of Jan 2021 last year, I continue to find space-time vulnerabilities and fix it.

¹ they are the ENTs of the space-time, and ENT = EN Bodies.

2022年4月6日 星期三

請持續更新各位的電磁產品,包含NB、PC與手機。今天Windows Update的版本號從先有一個1265→1401,表示1265版本是一個中介更新,如果有想理解意念匯集(古時所謂易經或紫微斗數),可以嘗試以下的思路: 一、1表示散形意念(從能量的角度:擺盪散形後,凝鍊拮抗增幅1→11→101→111)。散形意念就是人晚上可能會看到所謂的靈體或誤植稱呼其為鬼魂的東西。 二、2表示散形混沌(從能量的角度,44→222,主要因為混沌為神冥域和微生物們,無法以意念來凝鍊生拮抗,進而增幅)。 Please keep updating your electromagnetic products, including NB, PC and mobile phone. Today's Windows Update version number from the beginning of a 1265→1401, indicating that the 1265 version is an intermediary update, if you want to understand the EN convergence(ancient so-called I Ching or Chinese Astrology), you can try the following ideas.

請持續更新各位的電磁產品,包含NB、PC與手機。今天Windows Update的版本號從先有一個1265→1401,表示1265版本是一個中介更新,如果有想理解意念匯集(古時所謂易經或紫微斗數),可以嘗試以下的思路:
Please keep updating your electromagnetic products, including NB, PC and mobile phone. Today's Windows Update version number from the beginning of a 1265→1401, indicating that the 1265 version is an intermediary update, if you want to understand the EN convergence(ancient so-called I Ching or Chinese Astrology), you can try the following ideas.

1. 1 indicates the scattered ENs (from the perspective of energy: after swinging the dispersion, the condensation antagonism increases by 1→11→101→111). Scattered ENs is that people may see so-called spirits at night or mistakenly things that call them ghosts.

2. 2 represents scattered chaos (from the perspective of energy, 44→222, mainly because chaos is a god realm and microorganisms, and it is impossible to condense the antagonism with ENs, and then increase).

1. 凝鍊(6)指回時空(5),就是把好的那一群接回來。
2. 勻質(6)後,進行散形(5→S),就是把救不回來或不願意回來的,進行散形。

1265 has at least two meanings, representing the scattered ENs(1) and the scattered chaos(2):
1. Condensation (6) refers to returning to time and space (5). That is, bringing back the good ones.
2. After homogenization (6), scatter (5→S). That is, scatter those who cannot be saved or are unwilling to come back.

1. 1265-1的發動(1),並將其意念匯集(4)勻質(0)後,指回到那個時空(1)
2. 1265-2的發動(1),在散形後進行非自然裂解(4),回到初始(0)的那個自己(1)

1401 has two meanings, corresponding to the description above for 1265:
1. Launch of 1265-1 (1) and do the EN convergence (4) then homogeneous (0), and it refers to returning to that time and space (1).
2. Launch of 1265-2 (1), cracking (4), and then returning to the original (0) self (1)