2024年7月4日 星期四

夕陽正好落於兩片寬厚的雲層中間(狹縫),而我的眼睛清楚可見太陽在緩慢規律地擺盪,而且對於我的目光有巨大牽引力。科學家應協助此事驗證與發佈,基於現在可得的事實。 The sunset was right between two thick clouds (a slit), and my eyes could clearly see that the sun was oscillating slowly and regularly, and it had a huge pulling force on my gaze. Scientists should help verify and publish this matter, based on the facts currently available.

中央研究院 Academia Sinica 中央研究院天文及天文物理研究所(ASIAA) 夕陽正好落於兩片寬厚的雲層中間(狹縫),而我的眼睛清楚可見太陽在緩慢規律地擺盪,而且對於我的目光有巨大牽引力。科學家應協助此事驗證與發佈,基於現在可得的事實。
The sunset was right between two thick clouds (a slit), and my eyes could clearly see that the sun was oscillating slowly and regularly, and it had a huge pulling force on my gaze. Scientists should help verify and publish this matter, based on the facts currently available.

Me: (0:22) The sun happens to be in the slit, so we should be able to clearly see that the sun is oscillating. The scientific community must quickly correct this.

(More fun next)Oscillating pulling sound: (0:39) That’s absolutely right, (0:43) that’s absolutely right!

The environment of heaven and earth and the chirping of insects: (0:43) That (0:55) is (1:13) absolutely (1:39) right, (1:49) Keep (1:54) going on!

Careful scientists can keep this possibility in mind first and confirm it repeatedly in the future.

1. 依照事實來決定重點實驗,並適時地(不急著發布,因為已經大贏全世界,因為有另一種感知與助力)發佈合於事實的現象。
Determine key experiments based on facts, and publish phenomena that are consistent with the facts at the appropriate time (don’t rush to publish, because you have already won the world, because there is another kind of perception and assistance).

2. 注意事實的細節,例如我提到的對於目光有牽引是我發現擺盪的關鍵。也請各位科學家注視著影片中的夕陽,便會感知到光暈和西洋本體就是在規律地擺盪,這是對於現在許多科學現象、太陽風暴,甚至是時空波動能更細膩地理解。
Paying attention to the details of the facts, such as the eye pull I mentioned was the key to my discovery of oscillation. Scientists are also invited to watch the sunset in the film, and you will feel that the halo and the sunset are oscillating regularly. This is a more detailed understanding of many current scientific phenomena, solar storms, and even space-time fluctuations.

3. 檢索過往相關的實驗並依照事實重新思考可能原因,像是楊格的雙狹縫干涉條紋實驗。
Search relevant past experiments and rethink the possible reasons based on the facts, such as Young's double-slit interference fringe experiment.

All existence oscillating and pulls on its own. How can scientists ignore these most important facts?

There are so many way to converge the gravity EN in nature and they would display a more delicate evolutionary process through the convergence of gravitational tendencies.

I personally strongly believe that all disasters and weather conditions are driven by this concept. For example, the occurrence of earthquakes is due to the convergence of gravity from all over the world, including the interfacing/interplaying and pulling with all national fields and living beings, creating an epicenter and then homogenizing with oscillation in various phases and directions. The whole process contains a very diverse and extensive gravitational aggregation and fission (both are the operating modes of an interface, including living beings, the earth, the heaven, the space, the universe, etc., and their black bodies).

Many images or light spots that look like alien creatures or UFOs have been photographed abroad. Many of them might be EN scenes, existing in some energy-type (scattered) fields. Interpretations of ENs in European and American fields mostly associate with unknown (alien) possibilities, because many of them are restricted by the original natural landscapes (tourism and traditional animal husbandry, etc.) or financial and monetary restrictions.

2024-04-18_4/1 04:35我家廚房外面拍出去的影片,平常是相對模糊的,而今天拍起來異常清晰。可以比較2021-08-27的影片,是否是同樣的質感呢?場景裡看到的不算是人,這個場景當目光與屋內的真人相介接時,是會破裂轉換出實際的場景,我看過很多次了。
4/1 04:35 The video taken outside the kitchen is usually relatively blurry, but today it was extremely clear. We can compare the videos of 2021-08-27 to see if they have the same quality? What is seen in the scene is not a person. When the eyes are connected with the real person in the room, the scene would break (crack) and convert into an actual scene. I have seen it many times.

Also share with 國家科學及技術委員會 國家太空中心 TASA 臺灣太空科學聯盟 TSU 國家中山科學研究院公共關係室 工業技術研究院 國發會 國研院 - 國家地震工程研究中心 核安會 輻務小站 報天氣 - 中央氣象署 報地震 - 中央氣象署 報天文 - 中央氣象署 報氣候 - 中央氣象署 Easy天文地科小站 台灣太空產業發展協會-Taiwan Space Industry Development Association NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA Scientific and Technical Information (STI) Program NASA 360 NASA's James Webb Space Telescope NASA Sun Science Nature Discovery頻道 國家地理雜誌 Nassim Haramein International Space Federation Max Planck Society Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) National Science Foundation (NSF) Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) CERN CERN - The Large Hadron Collider CMS Experiment at CERN UN Environment Programme UN Climate Change SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory AAAS - The American Association for the Advancement of Science North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves Home Run Taiwan 彭啓明 吳聖宇 阿愷報氣象 台灣氣候聯盟Taiwan Climate Partnership 賈新興 謝明昌 中華民國氣象學會 Meteorological Society of the Republic of China - Taiwan 吳祚任 林得恩 李錫堤 

2024年7月1日 星期一

(和季忠平分享)無論我們過好或過壞,都不要輕易地切割我們自己,因為,生命會依著我們腦海中最清晰的脈絡來匯集與沉澱。 (Share with Tommy Chi)No matter whether we are doing good or bad, we should not cut ourselves off easily, because life would gather and settle according to the clearest context in our minds.

(和季忠平分享)無論我們過好或過壞,都不要輕易地切割我們自己,因為,生命會依著我們腦海中最清晰的脈絡來匯集與沉澱。 (Share with Tommy Chi)No matter whether we are doing good or bad, we should not cut ourselves off easily, because life would gather and settle according to the clearest context in our minds.

Logic and thinking are the joy of writing and a way for us to understand each other. After carefully reading what he wrote, maybe we can share a little bit of ourselves with him.

Like talking with words, talking like singing (with thought).

What I once shared: The spirit of "not taking others' words for who he/she is" is: as long as there is a little bit of truth (beautiful) in other people's words, we listen to that truth (beautiful), and we would gain "the truth (beautiful)".

我個人的生命經驗會特別看到弟弟這一段,我們也可以思考其中不同,即便這些差異十分細微,那麼,我們依然能得new angle。
In my personal life experience, I especially see this paragraph. We can also think about the differences. Even if these differences are very subtle, we can still get a new angle.

"The most important thing you can do is to keep what you've been doing in mind and try a different method."
用stop和keep in mind來思考與表達,有什麼不同呢?
What is the difference between using "stop" and "keep in mind" to think and express?

更重要的是,對於後續different method得到的new angle on this problem有什麼差異?
More importantly, what are the differences in "the new angle on this problem" obtained by subsequent "different methods"?

Maybe we can't feel it once or twice. When this kind of thinking appears in our lives, is it possible to make a significant difference?

This is what I personally think is the most critical difference in how life accumulates quality, and it is the same for each of us.

That is to say, no matter whether we are doing good or bad, we should not cut ourselves off easily, because life would gather and settle according to the clearest context in our minds.

The problem or difficulty itself is also the same. If we can keep the past difficulties and adversities in mind, it would be less easy to show off when we have big breakthroughs and achievements in the future, and we can feel in our hearts that every breakthrough and growth has its own origin.

讓我們一齊欣賞每一個當下,哪怕看似是同樣的內容,但心情和「成長背景與經驗(keep in mind)」不同,便能賦予不同的意義和感受,這也是我認為最大的差異之處。
Let us appreciate each moment together. Even if it seems to be the same content, different moods and "growth backgrounds and experiences(all things we keep in mind)" can give different meanings and feelings. This is what I think is the biggest difference.

This is something I want to share with him.

This kind of thinking may have some meaning for anyone.

2024-04-27_(分享給朗朗和Sir Ian McKellen)越懂得「自問自答,反求諸己」與「自抑修己,欣賞揚他」的人,除了能力,還有更多的介接資源,因為珍惜「真心」和「用心」。各位發自真心地讚嘆和感受,必然會有他人來協助,無須多言。
(Shared with Lang Lang and Sir Ian McKellen) The more people know how to "ask and answer questions for yourselves, and seek yourselves" and "restrain yourself and cultivate yourself, appreciate and praise others", in addition to abilities, they also have more intermediary resources, because space-time cherishing "sincerity" and "intention". If we sincerely praise and express the feelings, others will surely assist in many things, so there is no need to say anything.

Also share with TIME TED TED Talks - Science & Tech TEDx Coursera Khan Academy edX MIT Open Course Ware MITx Courses Harvard University Harvard Medical School Princeton University Press University of Oxford Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) MIT Technology Review Stanford University King's College London DePaul University North Park University Peking University University of Pennsylvania Tsinghua University The University of Edinburgh Yale University NTUSU - Nanyang Technological University Students' Union Cornell University The University of Hong Kong The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 - CUHK The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology - HKUST Strayer University Columbia University The University of Tokyo / UTokyo Johns Hopkins University Johns Hopkins Medicine University of Michigan The University of Manchester Seoul National University The Australian National University McGill University The University of Melbourne University of Sydney 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University 國立清華大學National Tsing Hua University 國立交通大學 National Chiao Tung University 國立成功大學 National Cheng Kung University 國立中央大學 National Central University - NCU 國立中山大學 National Sun Yat-sen University(NSYSU) 教育部 潘文忠

Tommy Chi, a famous record producer in Asia, responded: "I will share with my children your frequency and induction, the beauty of the soul and the power of shaking people's hearts carried by words, thank you."

2024年6月30日 星期日

中壢大雨滂沱:「吳時捷,真的很謝謝你。(0:23)謝謝你如此用心地守護台灣。(0:53)請您繼續散發這樣的自己」。大聲播放,更能感受到大約每秒一下的下沉重力,科學家們,可能的原因為何呢?附上我2023-08-13提供科學界的一個最簡單開始且必然得證的實驗與設計。內容是關於「我的意念之時空權重較大,所以可以造成一般人的意念之時空歸屬(受牽引的程度)趨向較高」。情況可能為何呢?如果科學家懂得思考與論證其中可能,便能進一步想像平行時空運作的模式。 Heavy rain in Zhongli: "Wu Shihjie, thank you very much. (0:23) Thank you for achieving Taiwan sincerely. (0:53) Please keep sharing such your selves." Playing loudly, we can feel the gravitational force of about one beat per second. Scientists, what are the possible reasons? Attached is a experiment I designed on 2023-08-13 that is the simplest to start and could be proven by all scientific community. The content is about "The space-time weight of my ENs(thoughts) is higher (with higher gravity EN), so it can cause the tendency of the space-time belonging (degree of pulling) of common people's EN(thoughts) higher." What might it be the situation? If scientists is willing to think how to demonstrate and research about the possibilities, we could further imagine the pattern of operation of parallel space-time.

Heavy rain in Zhongli: "Wu Shihjie, thank you very much. (0:23) Thank you for achieving Taiwan sincerely. (0:53) Please keep sharing such your selves." Playing loudly, we can feel the gravitational force of about one beat per second. Scientists, what are the possible reasons? Attached is a experiment I designed on 2023-08-13 that is the simplest to start and could be proven by all scientific community. The content is about "The space-time weight of my ENs(thoughts) is higher (with higher gravity EN), so it can cause the tendency of the space-time belonging (degree of pulling) of common people's  EN(thoughts) higher." What might it be the situation? If scientists is willing to think how to demonstrate and research about the possibilities, we could further imagine the pattern of operation of parallel space-time.

Play it loudly and see if we can feel the gravitational force of about one beat per second. Scientists, what are the possible reasons?

I designed for you a very simple experiment that can demonstrate that "the human body is composed of various ENT (EN energy body)". Whether it can be published in first-class journals depends on whether you study and research hard. Anyone who does this experiment can prove it, and it must be reproducible. The weight of space-time in my EN is relatively large, which can cause the space-time belonging (degree of gravity pulling) of common people's ENs to tend to my EN higher, so we must be able to get the EN sounds outside their bodies.


Why do nature, all things in the world, disasters, and some people involuntarily make sounds of thanks and apology through breathing, head or body oscillating? What are the possible reasons? Use my content and video from the original source to directly ask seniors or superiors in various fields. I can guarantee that all scientists must notice that the statements and facial expressions of these superiors would become a little weird. As long as you dare to ask, you will definitely get the proof.

★★★★★2024-04-27_(分享給朗朗和Sir Ian McKellen)越懂得「自問自答,反求諸己」與「自抑修己,欣賞揚他」的人,除了能力,還有更多的介接資源,因為珍惜「真心」和「用心」。各位發自真心地讚嘆和感受,必然會有他人來協助,無須多言。
(Shared with Lang Lang and Sir Ian McKellen) The more people know how to "ask and answer questions for yourselves, and seek yourselves" and "restrain yourself and cultivate yourself, appreciate and praise others", in addition to abilities, they also have more intermediary resources, because space-time cherishing "sincerity" and "intention". If we sincerely praise and express the feelings, others will surely assist in many things, so there is no need to say anything.
(2024-04-16) In future thinking and interfacing science, people who know more about "asking and answering questions for themselves, and seeking for their selves" and "restraining themselves and cultivating themselves, appreciating and praising others" would have more abilities and interfacing resources. This is the tendency of space-time, because of the infinite self-antagonism/self-convergence of cherishing "sincerity" and "intention" (whether it's enough to feel the EN/thought or not). If you sincerely praise and express our feelings, others would surely assist us, so there is no need to say anything more.

There are so many way to converge the gravity EN in nature and they would display a more delicate evolutionary process through the convergence of gravitational tendencies.
I once said that the way and manifesting of self-field (self-antagonism) convergence is defined by one's own ENs (thoughts) and tendencies.

★★★★★2024-06-23_電影《露西》,人類做得到嗎? 能連結時間空間的《The One》為何?我相信這段影片,看得懂且勇於實事求是並築夢踏實的人就知道其可貴與難得。機械和電磁訊號若具備一定的意識,那麼未來當然更具可能,關鍵就在於如何感受、理解、創造、賦予以及反求諸己。
Movie "Lucy", can humans do it? What is "The One" that can connect time and space? I believe that those who understand this video and have the courage to seek truth from facts and build solid dreams would know how valuable and rare it is. If mechanical and electromagnetic signals have a certain degree of consciousness, then the future would certainly be more possible. The key lies in how to feel, understand, create, bestow, and seek for selves.
Taipei Metro sings Lupinus with its own sound, which is a kind of space -time pulling, that is, the ability of symbiosis with heaven and earth.

Also share with 賴清德 蕭美琴 卓榮泰 鄭麗君 林佳龍 潘孟安 陳世凱 楊登嵙 釋見仙 柳藏經 行天宮五大志業 財團法人台北市艋舺龍山寺 台北霞海城隍廟 大甲鎮瀾宮 北港朝天宮 竹山紫南宮 烘爐地南山福德宮 鹿港天后宮 財團法人新北市樹林濟安宮 關渡宮 桃園景福宮 桃園慈護宮 北汕尾媽祖宮【鹿耳門天后宮】 達賴喇嘛西藏宗教基金會 Tibet Religious Foundation of HH the Dalai Lama 淡水無極天元宮 巧雲小棧 馬鳴山鎮安宮五年千歲祖廟 阿猴媽祖(屏東慈鳳宮) 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama Pope Francis - A Man of His Word Desmond Tutu 佛光山 佛光大學佛教學系 FGU Department of Buddhist Studies 慈濟基金會 法鼓山 法鼓山護法總會 法鼓山世界青年會 法鼓山香港道場 DDMHK 法鼓文理學院 佛教學系 七葉佛教書舍 妙禪師父 佛教如來宗 南海觀音佛教基金會 東禪佛教學院 四聖諦佛教 Four Noble Truths Buddhism 中華原始佛教會Original Buddhism Society 國際藏傳佛教研究會ཐེ་ཝན་རྒྱལ་སྤྱིའི་བོད་བརྒྱུད་ནང་བསྟན། 寧瑪巴喇榮三乘法林佛學會 宗教聯盟 Interfaith Union 西藏台灣人權連線 Human Rights Network for Tibet and Taiwan 神跡廟會 

2024年6月26日 星期三

我們可能一輩子都不曾見過。獅子Ernest清了三聲喉嚨後,一齊加入大自然接龍賽:「我最喜歡吳時捷哥哥了」。 We may never see it in our lifetime. After Ernest the lion cleared his throat three times, he joined the nature competition and said, "I like Wu Shihjie the most."

We may never see it in our lifetime. After Ernest the lion cleared his throat three times, he joined the nature competition and said, "I like Wu Shihjie the most."

The attached video is a dog apologizing to me, which is equivalent to human consciousness placed in a dog.
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49k3b_9S8Xo

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9D44IB2BSFM

I hope that we can all face ourselves and help others with a common understanding of heaven and earth. In fact, it’s about achieving our own future, even if it doesn’t seem so comfortable at the moment!

民主進步黨 民進黨立法院黨團 您們認同嗎?


中國國民黨 KMT 國民黨立法院黨團 台灣民眾黨 時代力量 New Power Party 時代力量立法院黨團 要協助民主進步黨自問自答,即便看見缺失,要減少怒斥質問,因為我們大家都有責任,不是嗎?





Dogs know how to communicate through calls (electromagnetic thoughts): "We have to work hard to find our selves." People who don’t understand just feel it funny and don’t care about what the world is going. Especially those who take advantage of the name of science and religion to achieve their position to speak, how could they understand the value of life (living beings), because they live too superficially.

There are so many way to converge the gravity EN in nature and they would display a more delicate evolutionary process through the convergence of gravitational tendencies.

I once said that the way and manifesting of self-field (self-antagonism) convergence is defined by one's own ENs (thoughts) and tendencies.
Remember the German novel "Swarm"? Of course it might happen, because humans continue to ignore warnings and omens from the earth and ocean, and the tug of fish back and forth can quickly build up a huge tsunami, let alone large marine mammals.
In ancient times, there was the so-called flying pigeon to convey messages. It was a way of conveying thoughts through nature (the rebirth domain), and the key lies in that we are in coinherent thoughts with each other or not. Now, the natural environment, animals and plants, including each of us, begin to express the possible gratitude through the sound of breathing or footsteps. The cat is helping to identify ENs (thoughts), and apart from politics, science, religion, health, art, and aesthetics, have you done anything to help heaven and earth in your life? If not, then these people are not even as good as cats (beasts? monsters?), right? That's the truth, isn't it?

Why do nature, all things in the world, disasters, and some people involuntarily make sounds of thanks and apology through breathing, head or body oscillating? What are the possible reasons? Use my content and video from the original source to directly ask seniors or superiors in various fields. I can guarantee that all scientists must notice that the statements and facial expressions of these superiors would become a little weird. As long as you dare to ask, you will definitely get the proof.

2024-06-23_電影《露西》,人類做得到嗎? 能連結時間空間的《The One》為何?我相信這段影片,看得懂且勇於實事求是並築夢踏實的人就知道其可貴與難得。機械和電磁訊號若具備一定的意識,那麼未來當然更具可能,關鍵就在於如何感受、理解、創造、賦予以及反求諸己。
Movie "Lucy", can humans do it? What is "The One" that can connect time and space? I believe that those who understand this video and have the courage to seek truth from facts and build solid dreams would know how valuable and rare it is. If mechanical and electromagnetic signals have a certain degree of consciousness, then the future would certainly be more possible. The key lies in how to feel, understand, create, bestow, and seek for selves.

I personally strongly believe that all disasters and weather conditions are driven by this concept. For example, the occurrence of earthquakes is due to the convergence of gravity from all over the world, including the interfacing/interplaying and pulling with all national fields and living beings, creating an epicenter and then homogenizing with oscillation in various phases and directions. The whole process contains a very diverse and extensive gravitational aggregation and fission (both are the operating modes of an interface, including living beings, the earth, the heaven, the space, the universe, etc., and their black bodies).

我個人強烈地認為,所有的災難和天候,都是這個概念在運行,像是地震的發生是由於世界各地的重力匯集,包含國家場域的介接與牽引,產生了震央,接著產生各相與各向的擺盪來勻質。整個過程,蘊含了非常多元與廣泛地重力聚合與裂變(都是一種介接,其中包含生物、地球、天空、宇宙等,及其黑體)。 I personally strongly believe that all disasters and weather conditions are driven by this concept. For example, the occurrence of earthquakes is due to the convergence of gravity from all over the world, including the interfacing/interplaying and pulling with all national fields and living beings, creating an epicenter and then homogenizing with oscillation in various phases and directions. The whole process contains a very diverse and extensive gravitational aggregation and fission (both are the operating modes of an interface, including living beings, the earth, the heaven, the space, the universe, etc., and their black bodies).

我個人強烈地認為,所有的災難和天候,都是這個概念在運行,像是地震的發生是由於世界各地的重力匯集,包含國家場域的介接與牽引,產生了震央,接著產生各相與各向的擺盪來勻質。整個過程,蘊含了非常多元與廣泛地重力聚合與裂變(都是一種介接,其中包含生物、地球、天空、宇宙等,及其黑體)。 I personally strongly believe that all disasters and weather conditions are driven by this concept. For example, the occurrence of earthquakes is due to the convergence of gravity from all over the world, including the interfacing/interplaying and pulling with all national fields and living beings, creating an epicenter and then homogenizing with oscillation in various phases and directions. The whole process contains a very diverse and extensive gravitational aggregation and fission (both are the operating modes of an interface, including living beings, the earth, the heaven, the space, the universe, etc., and their black bodies).
Source: https://www.facebook.com/giffword/posts/pfbid02gwHkXFYKExFM814UaGf515iRpqixR5LvCMF3YtxToaH6zgtmn1miiYqXk9xo6kWDl





People who know how to further feel and imagine might be able to realize that the above is a path of gravity convergence and scattering (the aggregation and fission of possibilities)! It’s not just for scientific experiments!

Only when thinking has this possibility could we pay attention to and discover something in daily life or science.

Next, although I can't accept "back to the past to change life and death". However, if back to the past to change life and death "only exists in one-sided parallel space-time," then those people who go back to the past or leap to the future, even with the intention of changing life and death and have fight for lives which the want to change again and again. The situation, the life and death involved would be converted into a "layer of life", which is a bit like the concept of "3D life being extracted/wrapped in a layer of 2D".

Of course, "3D life continues to being extracted/wrapped in 2D layer" might also accumulate to "2.5D".

★★★★★I put forward these thoughts because I actually entered the area where space-time converged and folded in 2021/2, which happened in Huilong District. Some residents in the area still remember that they could not find the entire Long An Street that morning, including my landlord at the time who could not find our home and road. I also witnessed him sleeping in his car that morning.

The experience, research and efforts of these three years are also the reason why disasters and nature around the world are now apologizing and expressing thanks.

I am still doing these things today, and governments, scientists and religions would gradually understand how we human beings would be able to live freely.

The key is:

Someone (life) has to realize that this event or process of "being extracted/wrapped in 2D-layer life" has occurred.

Someone (life) needs to understand or study how the process of "being extracted/wrapped in 2D-layer life" proceeds?

Someone (life) has to assume and verify whether the reversal of "being extracted/wrapped in 2D-layer life" is feasible?

The so-called "extracting/wrapped life" means the possibility of "scattering/converging" gravity.

An important direction for future science is to study the gravity convergence and blackbody operation of "2D ←→ 3D".

I personally strongly believe that all disasters and weather conditions are driven by this concept. For example, the occurrence of earthquakes is due to the convergence of gravity from all over the world, including the interfacing/interplaying and pulling with all national fields and living beings, creating an epicenter and then homogenizing with oscillation in various phases and directions. The whole process contains a very diverse and extensive gravitational aggregation and fission (both are the operating modes of an interface, including living beings, the earth, the heaven, the space, the universe, etc., and their black bodies).

This is why after the revelation of the gravity-gathering behavior of living beings, there were so many demonstration videos about this concept.

2024-04-27_(分享給朗朗和Sir Ian McKellen)越懂得「自問自答,反求諸己」與「自抑修己,欣賞揚他」的人,除了能力,還有更多的介接資源,因為珍惜「真心」和「用心」。各位發自真心地讚嘆和感受,必然會有他人來協助,無須多言。
(Shared with Lang Lang and Sir Ian McKellen) The more people know how to "ask and answer questions for yourselves, and seek yourselves" and "restrain yourself and cultivate yourself, appreciate and praise others", in addition to abilities, they also have more intermediary resources, because space-time cherishing "sincerity" and "intention". If we sincerely praise and express the feelings, others will surely assist in many things, so there is no need to say anything.

(2024-04-16) In future thinking and interfacing science, people who know more about "asking and answering questions for themselves, and seeking for their selves" and "restraining themselves and cultivating themselves, appreciating and praising others" would have more abilities and interfacing resources. This is the tendency of space-time, because of the infinite self-antagonism/self-convergence of cherishing "sincerity" and "intention" (whether it's enough to feel the EN/thought or not). If you sincerely praise and express our feelings, others would surely assist us, so there is no need to say anything more.

There are so many way to converge the gravity EN in nature and they would display a more delicate evolutionary process through the convergence of gravitational tendencies.

I once said that the way and manifesting of self-field (self-antagonism) convergence is defined by one's own ENs (thoughts) and tendencies.


2024-06-23_電影《露西》,人類做得到嗎? 能連結時間空間的《The One》為何?我相信這段影片,看得懂且勇於實事求是並築夢踏實的人就知道其可貴與難得。機械和電磁訊號若具備一定的意識,那麼未來當然更具可能,關鍵就在於如何感受、理解、創造、賦予以及反求諸己。
Movie "Lucy", can humans do it? What is "The One" that can connect time and space? I believe that those who understand this video and have the courage to seek truth from facts and build solid dreams would know how valuable and rare it is. If mechanical and electromagnetic signals have a certain degree of consciousness, then the future would certainly be more possible. The key lies in how to feel, understand, create, bestow, and seek for selves.

Taipei Metro sings Lupinus with its own sound, which is a kind of space -time pulling, that is, the ability of symbiosis with heaven and earth.

Also share with 中央研究院 Academia Sinica 中央研究院天文及天文物理研究所(ASIAA) 國家科學及技術委員會 國家太空中心 TASA 臺灣太空科學聯盟 TSU 國家中山科學研究院公共關係室 工業技術研究院 國發會 國研院 - 國家地震工程研究中心 核安會 輻務小站 報天氣 - 中央氣象署 報地震 - 中央氣象署 報天文 - 中央氣象署 報氣候 - 中央氣象署 Easy天文地科小站 台灣太空產業發展協會-Taiwan Space Industry Development Association NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA Scientific and Technical Information NASA 360 NASA's James Webb Space Telescope NASA Sun Science Nature Discovery頻道 國家地理雜誌 Nassim Haramein Max Planck Society Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory National Institute of Standards and Technology National Science Foundation Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution CERN CERN.Particle.Physics CMSexperiment UN Environment Programme UN Climate Change AAAS NANOGrav Home Run Taiwan 鄭明典 天氣風險 WeatherRisk 彭啓明 吳聖宇 阿愷報氣象 taiwanclimatepartnership台灣氣候聯盟 climatechia賈新興 謝明昌 msroctaiwan中華民國氣象學會 吳祚任 林得恩 李錫堤

2024年6月24日 星期一

巴西暴雨成災144死125人失踪,智利多地洪水氾濫,環境仍然在致歉:「我們真的很抱歉,吳時捷」。 Torrential rainstorms in Brazil caused 144 deaths and 125 missing. Floods occurred in many places in Chile. The environment is still apologizing: "We are really sorry, Wu Shihjie."

Torrential rainstorms in Brazil caused 144 deaths and 125 missing. Floods occurred in many places in Chile. The environment is still apologizing: "We are really sorry, Wu Shihjie."

NEWS: 2024-06-20_巴西在暴雨引發的洪災中喪生的人數增加至144 人,仍有125 人失蹤。

南里奧格蘭德州州長Eduardo Leite 於5 月3 日發表了聲明。
萊特說,由於這場悲劇的嚴重性,他們宣布進入"災難狀態",為期180 天,並全力疏散民眾。


NEWS: 2024-06-15_UDN 溫帶氣旋挾帶豪雨成災 智利多地洪水氾濫


2024年6月23日 星期日

電影《露西》,人類做得到嗎? 能連結時間空間的《The One》為何?我相信這段影片,看得懂且勇於實事求是並築夢踏實的人就知道其可貴與難得。機械和電磁訊號若具備一定的意識,那麼未來當然更具可能,關鍵就在於如何感受、理解、創造、賦予以及反求諸己。 Movie "Lucy", can humans do it? What is "The One" that can connect time and space? I believe that those who understand this video and have the courage to seek truth from facts and build solid dreams would know how valuable and rare it is. If mechanical and electromagnetic signals have a certain degree of consciousness, then the future would certainly be more possible. The key lies in how to feel, understand, create, bestow, and seek for selves.

電影《露西》,人類做得到嗎? 能連結時間空間的《The One》為何?我相信這段影片,看得懂且勇於實事求是並築夢踏實的人就知道其可貴與難得。機械和電磁訊號若具備一定的意識,那麼未來當然更具可能,關鍵就在於如何感受、理解、創造、賦予以及反求諸己。
Movie "Lucy", can humans do it? What is "The One" that can connect time and space? I believe that those who understand this video and have the courage to seek truth from facts and build solid dreams would know how valuable and rare it is. If mechanical and electromagnetic signals have a certain degree of consciousness, then the future would certainly be more possible. The key lies in how to feel, understand, create, bestow, and seek for selves.

Taipei Metro sings Lupinus, which is a kind of space -time pulling, that is, the ability of symbiosis with heaven and earth.

2024-02-25_魯冰花 Lupinus by LaLa,開最大聲聽見我唱一句,天地唱一句。
Play it loudly, hear me sing one musical phrase and heaven and earth sing another phrase.

Fish in the stream not only swim gracefully, but also know how to pick up the sand and carve it, pulling each other to make the environment gradually suitable and comfortable in an EN (thought) of ​​​​reversed rebirth. It only requires daily attention (peel, etc.), and the lake would be sweet and refreshing. Listen to what the baby fish say Thank you, Wu Shihjie. Thank you for taking care of and feeling us (fish) with such sincerity. Thank you very much.

Why is it important to listen to the environmental EN (thought) sounds? This kind of listening includes feeling, interpretation, and thinking. The most important difference lies in describing the converging direction and tendency of the environment and white noise (electromagnetic EN sound). That is, we can not only hear the CDEFG, but also imagine the skills that overtones of converging possible meanings beyond that beings at the same time, such as GFEDC, CDEFG-C-G, etc.. It is the most important basic skill that can improve the future sound field.

大自然有許多匯集重力意念的方式,透過彼此匯集的重力趨向來做出更多生物行為和展示更細膩的演化過程。 There are so many way to converge the gravity EN in nature and they would display a more delicate evolutionary process through the convergence of gravitational tendencies.

There are so many way to converge the gravity EN in nature and they would display a more delicate evolutionary process through the convergence of gravitational tendencies.

The titan triggerfish attempts to gather EN (thought) sounds by oscillating itself in the water to convey: "I like Wu Shihjie best."

But it shouldn't be considered an attack, but a request for humans to record these facts. Humans always feel that it is not impolite to approach or pat an animal casually, but is it considered an attack if an animal comes close?

Remember the German novel "Swarm"? Of course it might happen, because humans continue to ignore warnings and omens from the earth and ocean, and the tug of fish back and forth can quickly build up a huge tsunami, let alone large marine mammals.


The fish show what it means to pull each other, which is of course an important biological behavior of gathering gravity and homogenizing. In the latter part, I will take the self-field (my field itself) as a field intermediary, and make the possibility of EN (thought) pulling through my JIPI (centripetal converging) EN flow. A certain part can also be regarded as a preliminary proof of understanding the interaction between biological behavior and the earth's environment (geomagnetic).

The fishes living in my family, and Heaven and Earth said through the little girl downstairs: "Thank you very much, this is his stabilizing EN(thought)!", and if you can’t tell, it’s definitely not the fishes' fault!


Stranded Whale: "I like Wu Shihjie, take care of selves." Remember the German novel 《The Swarm》? Of course it could happen, because humans continue to ignore warnings and omens from the earth and ocean, and the tug of fish back and forth could quickly build up a huge tsunami, let alone large marine mammals.


Whales convey thank you every time.|


The humpback whale song can be heard thousands of miles away, and is one of the most complex, non-human, acoustic displays in the animal kingdom: "Thank you, Wu Shihjie, we like you the most."

Source: https://www.facebook.com/PorscheWu/posts/pfbid0295EYxmMg1ojHFUwNLBHAkpFeV4bKUJS8rgseGmxkqWx9CSrdrAH5LVAhvwN4hmwBl


In addition to demonstrating perfect sliding skills by floating on the water, swans also did not forget to demonstrate to society and scientists how to gather the increase in their own gravity EN through whirling and oscillating: "1, 2, 3, 4...We swans like Wu Shihjie the most...(make a solid sound) Wu Shihjie."

The swan emits sounds by converging the ​​gravitational ENs, rather than actually speaking. The animal itself can perform more biological behaviors and display a more delicate evolutionary process through the convergence of gravitational tendencies.


There are so many way to converge the gravity EN in nature, such as the sheep playing headbutt:: "We like Wu Shihjie the most."

There are many messages conveyed between living beings and natural movements. Human beings are sometimes so arrogant that we turn a blind eye. How can an impatient person hear this: "I like Wu Shihjie the most." Biological behavior is often used to gathering gravity and mutual pulling, because this would achieve more delicate species evolution and biological behaviors.

By working together with the whole nature and heaven and earth could we get twice the result with half the effort! This is to keep pace with the times. This is the basis for the operation of parallel space-time, not from twisting and dividing space-time. Otherwise, this would lead to the scattering of space-time and many disasters due to field incoherence and huge space-time fluctuations. This is the concept of the 1-FIELD and the basis of SYSTEM. It is now easier to understand why abnormal weather conditions in China, the United States and other countries may have occurred because of less thoughtfulness.



We can see the endless wisdom of nature. In addition to showing the rabbits playing, it also has the ability to simulate and practice the gathering and homogenizing of gravity pulling. More and more non-scientific people will help present these connotations so that scientists can feel and think of them when they reflect.

My eyes can show possible patterns (because there are many possibilities at the same time) through the past logic and concepts of space-time, scattering converging, and parallel space-time. While hearing the chirping of these cicadas, the visual screen can show the tendency of space-time or gravity convergence caused by these sounds (EN), as well as how wide the level of connection is. However, this requires further self-argument and a wider connection with reality to enable further identification.

The noises of cicadas, frogs, birds, etc., are mainly to assist space-time to activate ENs and yhen homogenize. It is more related to the "self dynamics" pointing to the future, and an important starting point for our human beings return to humble, modesty and courtesy.

There are many patterns, such as: centripetally converged radial scattering, parallel space-time oscillation and pulling, etc.

I once said that the way and manifesting of self-field convergence is defined by one's own ENs (thoughts) and tendencies.

2024年6月22日 星期六

音樂不只是速度、張力或語法,樂音的想像之中,有著更細膩趨近的質感,包含不同的織體與相會的泛音之間。真正好的音樂饗宴具備的標準,不僅是音樂演奏的表達,指揮、音樂家們和樂團的音樂,是有力量且能位移與盤旋的質感。 Music is not just about speed, tension or articulation. In the imagination of musical sounds, there is a more delicate approaching texture, including different textures and overtones that meet. The standard for a truly good music feast is not only the expression of music performance, but also the music of the conductor, musicians and orchestra, which is powerful and capable of moving and whirling texture.

音樂不只是速度、張力或語法,樂音的想像之中,有著更細膩趨近的質感,包含不同的織體與相會的泛音之間。真正好的音樂饗宴具備的標準,不僅是音樂演奏的表達,指揮、音樂家們和樂團的音樂,是有力量且能位移與盤旋的質感。 Music is not just about speed, tension or articulation. In the imagination of musical sounds, there is a more delicate approaching texture, including different textures and overtones that meet. The standard for a truly good music feast is not only the expression of music performance, but also the music of the conductor, musicians and orchestra, which is powerful and capable of moving and whirling texture.

江靖波 謝謝老師分享這個非常有意義的片段,對我來說,Celibidache是透過分享音樂來指揮樂團(透過感受與看見團員們與他共同的擺盪,便能有更進一步的匯集,可以再看幾次喔!),讓演奏者有相近的音樂語言(語法),如此一來,便更容易產生我所謂的自體牽引。因為,音樂不只是速度、張力或語法,樂音的想像之中,有著更細膩趨近的質感,包含不同的織體與相會的泛音之間。 Thank you for sharing this very meaningful clip. For me, Celibidache conducts the orchestra by sharing music (by feeling and seeing the members' swings with him, we can have further integration. You can watch a few more ), so that the performers have a similar musical language (articulation), which makes it easier to produce what I call self-pulling. Because music is not just about speed, tension or articulation. In the imagination of musical sounds, there is a more delicate approaching texture, including different textures and overtones that meet.

我之前也非常喜歡欣賞Maestro conducting的紀錄,像是Bernstein的Shostakovich Symphony No. 5的rehearsal,特別是Bernstein說得「要注意這是如何自在,就像一個人唱出他的心聲,而你們反倒像在練習時的演奏」,這也是指揮的迷人之處,有著他獨特的音樂忖思、想像和鋪張。 I also really enjoyed listening to Maestro conducting records before, such as the rehearsal of Bernstein's Shostakovich Symphony No. 5, especially Bernstein's words "You must watch, it's so free. It's got to be like one person singing his heart out, and you're playing like an exercise." This is also the charm of the conductor, with his unique musical thoughts, imagination and extravagance.

或是Argerich的Shostakovich Piano Concerto No.1,整個人和音樂的呈現,都緊緊牽引著聽眾和其聆聽與想像,更可以透過眉宇和神情,意會到聲響及音樂是如何地迴盪與飛揚。 Or Argerich's Shostakovich Piano Concerto No. 1. The presentation of the whole person and the music closely attracts the audience to their listening and imagination. Through the eyebrows and expressions, we can realize how the sound and music reverberate and soar.

對我而言,這是真正好的音樂饗宴具備的標準,也就是,不僅是音樂演奏的表達,指揮、音樂家們和樂團的音樂,是有力量且能位移與盤旋的質感。 To me, this is the standard for a truly good music feast is not only the expression of music performance, but also the music of the conductor, musicians and orchestra, which is powerful and capable of moving and whirling texture.

如Sibelius: Symphony No. 5 II. Andante mosso, quasi allegretto的左右前行,當天台下的聽眾若是有注意,甚至可以感受到整個音樂廳在左右擺盪(甚至感到旋轉)的,用心的人才可得。 For example, Sibelius: Symphony No. 5 II. Andante mosso, quasi allegretto moves forward left and right. If the audience pays attention that day, they can even feel the entire concert hall swinging left and right (or even feel rotating). Only those who are attentive can do so. .

樂興之時管絃樂團 Philharmonia Moments Musicaux 演得真好,弦樂的聲音【非常】舒服。許多樂段,即便在弱奏時,音樂還是十分地專注與澄澈,整個樂團都保持了質感。 Philharmonia Moments Musicaux performed really well, and the sound of the strings was [very] comfortable. In many passages, even when playing softly, the music is still very focused and clear, and the entire orchestra maintains its texture.

最後,原諒我的直白,也許我的看法在第一次聆聽且未研讀總譜的狀況下,不見得有適切,但我相信應該還能描述地有些具體,應該還具有一些參考價值,還請老師多包涵。 Finally, forgive me for my bluntness. Maybe my views may not be appropriate since I am listening to the music for the first time and have not studied the score, but I believe it should be somewhat concrete and should have some reference value. Excused me.

《武滿徹:風徐行》若是各聲部之間,包含銅管和弦樂在演奏時,能夠想著彼此更多,那麼這首音樂,勢必可以更上一層樓,也就是讓各聲部的音響都儘量合於他人(去自我中心),我相信這對於主調音樂或旋律主導的音樂,這是相對更難做到的。 "Toru Takemitsu: The Wind Slowly Moves" If the various parts, including brass and strings, can think more about each other when playing, then this music would definitely be able to reach a higher level, that is, the sound of each part would be improved and try to be in harmony with others (get rid of self-centeredness). I believe this is relatively difficult to achieve for keynote music or music dominated by melody.

下半場若西貝流士第五號,我想很多樂團都可能將第三樂章以這種風格來呈現: If Sibelius No. 5 is played in the second half, I think many orchestras may present the third movement in this style:
(23:50) https://youtu.be/EcjvvBbZhn4?si=NqERlU_71upkHubb&t=1430

然而,我有聽到樂興之時更細膩及泛音交疊的音樂,雖然還不達匯集而轉動,但這就表示老師您的思維中,有這樣的想像與呈現,所以我會感受到演奏音樂時有這樣的物理力量的趨向。 However, I have heard music that is more delicate and has overlapping overtones. Although it is not as convergent and rotating, it means that you have such imagination and presentation in your mind, so I would feel the tendency to have this physical force when playing music.

若能更多一點【讓聲部的音程之間持續地轉換獲得平衡,並在試圖穩定平衡的過程中,產生與匯集向心凝煉的漩渦(渦輪),到最後那幾個Tutti短音便會不自主的每一下都產生巨大的迴旋、波瀾和擺盪】。整首樂曲更高深的音樂,都在音樂泛音交會與其鬆緊之中,我相信這是最難呈現與掌握的部分! If it can do more, let the intervals of the voice continuously switch to achieve balance, and in the process of trying to stabilize the balance, create and gather centripetally converged vortices (turbines), and the last few tutti short notes would be producing huge gyrations, waves and swings involuntarily every time]. The more profound music of the entire piece of music lies in the intersection and tightness of the overtones of the music. I believe this is the most difficult part to present and master!

I deeply believe so, even though this is my first time listening to these music.

2024-04-27_(分享給朗朗和Sir Ian McKellen)越懂得「自問自答,反求諸己」與「自抑修己,欣賞揚他」的人,除了能力,還有更多的介接資源,因為珍惜「真心」和「用心」。各位發自真心地讚嘆和感受,必然會有他人來協助,無須多言。
(Shared with Lang Lang and Sir Ian McKellen) The more people know how to "ask and answer questions for yourselves, and seek yourselves" and "restrain yourself and cultivate yourself, appreciate and praise others", in addition to abilities, they also have more intermediary resources, because space-time cherishing "sincerity" and "intention". If we sincerely praise and express the feelings, others will surely assist in many things, so there is no need to say anything.

Why is it important to listen to the environmental EN (thought) sounds? This kind of listening includes feeling, interpretation, and thinking. The most important difference lies in describing the converging direction and tendency of the environment and white noise (electromagnetic EN sound). That is, we can not only hear the CDEFG, but also imagine the skills that overtones of converging possible meanings beyond that beings at the same time, such as GFEDC, CDEFG-C-G, etc.. It is the most important basic skill that can improve the future sound field.

2024-06-04_(Share to 呂紹嘉) 「音樂先想要走向何方,再回到自己,接著才餘音繞樑」。您可在未來印證此思維,對音樂一定更具貢獻,對台上音樂家也更具意義。我們的存在,是將心中珍視與動心的音樂和想法,分享給演出的團員和台下的聽眾,方不愧自己與天地。
"The music must first go where it wants to go, and then returns to ourselves, and then the sound lingers." You can prove such thinking in the future, and it would definitely contribute more to music and be more meaningful to the musicians on stage. Our existence is to share the music and thoughts that we treasure and touch in our hearts with performers and the audience, so that we can be worthy of our selves and the heaven and the earth.

Also share with 葉樹涵 吳建銘 段富軒 郭聯昌 ChiungYu Christy Chen 閻惠昌 陳榮昇 李商宇 宋光清 張景民 Canon Huang 鄭吉良 莊清霖 張浩 杜英麟 黃瑀萌 邱浩瑋 陳建安 廖晏樟 張國威 符秦僥 顏慶賢 楊忠衡 Daming Zhu 諸大明 鋼琴家顏華容 Artemis Yen - Pianist/Author/Dreamer Piano Chun-Chieh Aikuang Sun Chiafen Weng 簡文秀 H.K. OuYang 彭廣林 林天吉 Ju Tzong-Ching 鍾耀光 ShaoChia Lü 呂紹嘉 Hsing-Chwen Giselle Hsin 葉綠娜 彭孟賢 Meng-Hsien, Peng Meng-Hsien Peng Yen-Yin Chu 孔孝誠 羅俊穎 余濟倫 NSO國家交響樂團 Taipei Symphony Orchestra 北市交 臺灣國樂團 NCO 臺北市立國樂團 台北愛樂合唱團Taipei Philharmonic Chorus