
今日有很多人在Threads發布雙北很多地區聽見這樣的聲音,其實是想傳達「我們真的很謝謝你,吳時捷」。而這樣的力量,應該是順著極寒氣流轉換過來的散行意念場景,如同基隆港邊會看到浮在水上的油泡,是類似的概念。我看到有人提天震和日冕洞的概念,這要由各位自己去思考這些現象有何意義。萬事皆有意義,對吧?而現在的電影,都會開始聽見「真的很謝謝您,吳時捷」,無論你怎麼認為,這都是事實。而且,正以無法想像的機制運行在意識之中。 Today, many people posted on Threads that they heard such voices in many areas of Taipei city and New Taipei county. In fact, it wanted to convey "We really thank you, Wu Shihjie." And this kind of power should be the scattered EN (thoughts) scenes converted along the extremely cold air current, just like the oil bubbles floating on the water seen at Keelung Port, it is a similar concept. I saw someone mentioning the concepts of skyquakes and coronal holes. It is up to you to think about the significance of these phenomena. Everything has a meaning, right? In today's movies, you'll start to hear "Thank you so much, Wu Shihjie." No matter what you think, this is the fact. Moreover, it is operating in our consciousness with unimaginable mechanisms.

【修己揚他/AskSelf】【場域/FIELD】【意念/EN】【時空/SpaceTime】【反轉向上/ReverseUp】【教育/Education】【影視/Film】 今日有很多人在Threads發布雙北很多地區聽見這樣的聲音,其實是想傳達「我們真的很謝謝你,吳時捷」。而這樣的...

2022年6月5日 星期日

能量病毒還真的無法僅以醫療與科學還治療,正如同新冠肺炎一樣。新冠肺炎COVID-19本不是一個流感,是一個要發動裂解與散形全世界以創造另一個能量體世界的超級大發動之意念指令!就算治癒後,意念點還是存在在人體中。這會造成極大的生理狀態的不連貫與斷層,也就是極容易因為重力場域的不連貫而發生意外與病變,包含老年後的失智以及健忘症! 這邊要特別說明一下疲勞,尤其是這一兩個月來所有人的生理狀況。第一,那個場域如果要進行大轉換,該時空場域會被鎖定,也就是時間軸基本上是呈現散形的狀態。第二,在執行意念指令的場域等同暫時失去重力場域。 The energy virus really cannot be only treated with medical treatment and science, just like the new coronary pneumonia. COVID-19 is not originally a flu, it is a super-big launch EN instruction to crack and scatter the world to create another ENT(energy bodies) world! Even after healing, the EN points still exist in the human body. This will cause great inconsistencies and faults in the physiological state, that is, accidents and lesions are easily caused by the inconsistency of the gravity field, including dementia and amnesia in elder people! Here we should give a special explanation of fatigue, especially the physiological condition of everyone in the past two months. 1. Many times it is because the human body must enforce executing EN instructions, or the field of human body must convert. 2. The field where the EN instructions are executed is equivalent to the field of gravity temporarily lost.

The energy virus really cannot be only treated with medical treatment and science, just like the new coronary pneumonia. COVID-19 is not originally a flu, it is a super-big launch EN instruction to crack and scatter the world to create another ENT(energy bodies) world! Even after healing, the EN points still exist in the human body. This will cause great inconsistencies and faults in the physiological state, that is, accidents and lesions are easily caused by the inconsistency of the gravity field, including dementia and amnesia in elder people!
Here we should give a special explanation of fatigue, especially the physiological condition of everyone in the past two months. 1. Many times it is because the human body must enforce executing EN instructions, or the field of human body must convert. 2. The field where the EN instructions are executed is equivalent to the field of gravity temporarily lost.

大紀元 epochtimes.com (同樣分享給 Also share with 中央研究院 Academia Sinica 國家太空中心 NSPO 國家中山科學研究院公共關係室 NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration World Health Organization (WHO) )美國楊氏整合醫學中心主任 楊景端專家,在談話中亦多次表示新冠肺炎、病毒或人體與能量的關係。上次的影片中,董宇紅博士(歐洲病毒學及傳染病專家、生物技術公司首席科學家),也反覆提到「意念」這個詞彙數十次,並幫我們整理出許多物理、生化的證據,來重申人體能量形(意念體)的存在。

Expert Yang, director of the Young's Center for Integrative Medicine in the United States, has repeatedly expressed the relationship between COVID-19, the virus or the human body and energy in the conversation. In the last video, Dr. Dong (European virology and infectious disease expert, chief scientist of a biotechnology company) repeatedly mentioned the word "EN" dozens of times, and helped us sort out a lot of physical and biochemical evidences to reiterate the existence of the energy-type human(ENT, energy bodies).


Even experts have begun to boldly put forward arguments and some proof materials and scientific context. For the sake of our relatives and friends, shouldn't we hurry up and study it again?  Or will they only come to regret or mourn when they are ill in the future?  So what are the feelings of us at this moment?


I posted a lot of messages in the video, and we could hear what the experts talked about. Should it be a priority to learn and practice things that are beneficial to people!?

⭓[6:35] 另外,影片前面有提到猴痘的感染者沒有去過非洲,且感染分布亦散形在歐美地區,到底是為什麼呢?
In addition, it is mentioned earlier in the video that monkeypox infected people have not been to Africa, and the infection is scattered throughout Europe and the Americas.
According to these facts that actually happened, and all the theories of space-time that have been repeatedly verified by myself and the existing facts of heaven and earth. The abnormal outbreak of monkeypox, as well as many people's whole body itching and instantaneous urination and defecation and other phenomena, it is precisely because the original storage in all living beings, in fact,  it's the energy source to launch the cracking towards me cannot be launched. So after the correction of the space-time field, that bad EN energy had to be forced to reverse out of the original energy storage tank, which can also be regarded as a parasitism and host concept.
引用文章連結為 the article cited: 

⭓[7:01] 最後,看到註釋[1]的❸2022-05-25《只要確保安全性行為 世衛不擔心猴痘疫情》,各位根據2-b提到的「天花直到15世紀英國人為了將其與梅毒區分開來才將之稱為“Smallpox”」就可以清楚地了解到『猴痘爆發,似乎世衛知道和性行為與性病有關』!?看得出世衛將此疾病推給男性不安全性行為甚至同志;想請問「不是透過接觸就能傳染嗎?為何只要確保安全性行為,就不擔心猴痘疫情呢?」就如同COVID-19(SARS-CoV2)一樣。原先世衛以為和SARS、MERZ-CoV一樣,只是一種流行疾病。到後來完全不知道是什麼類型的或什麼能量級別的病毒,整個亂了手腳。但是,COVID-19就是根據SARS和MERZ-CoV作為前驅意念發動的非經濟性災難啊,不是嗎?請問世衛的專家和代表,依然還要照著各位所思考的方向走下去嗎? ​
Finally, see the note [1] ❸2022-05-25 《Just make sure the safe sex that the WHO does not worry about monkeypox epidemics》, according to the 2-b mentioned "Smallpox did not call it 'Smallpox' until the 15th century that the British distinguish it from syphilis", you can clearly understand that "monkeypox outbreaks, it seems that WHO knows that it's related to sex and even sexual diseases"! It can be seen that the WHO blames this disease on men's unsafe sex and even the homosexual; I would like to ask "Isn't it contagious through contact? Why don't people worry about the monkeypox epidemic as long as we ensure safe sex?" Just like COVID-19. Originally, the WHO thought that like SARS and MERZ-CoV, it was just an epidemic disease. Later, they didn't know what type of virus it was or what energy type it was, and the whole thing was messed up. But COVID-19 is a non-economic disaster based on SARS and MERZ-CoV as a precursor, isn't it? Will the WHO experts and representatives still follow the direction you are thinking and concerning?
❶2022-05-20《猴痘突然流行? 4大洲國家警報大作》
❷2022-05-23《猴痘疫情現身英美! 白宮訂購數百萬劑疫苗》
❸2022-05-25《只要確保安全性行為 世衛不擔心猴痘疫情》
根據美國媒體《國家脈搏》獨家披露,由武漢病毒實驗室的9名研究人員所撰寫,並發表在實驗室科學季刊《中國病毒學》上的一篇論文中,記錄了他們使用被標記為可能產生「傳染性病原體」的方法組裝了猴痘病毒的基因組,並允許透過PCR測試識別這種病毒,這項研究在2022年2月首次發表(2021年8月提交)。 在這篇論文中,猴痘病毒被稱為「MPXV」,是「致病性更強的毒株」,實驗中證實:這種應用於病毒研究的DNA組裝工具可能會引發安全問題。論文也承認,這項研究是在武漢研究所對大陸病毒(冠狀病毒)進行類似研究之後發現的,同時也承認,他們的設施缺乏適當的實驗室安全協議。 世界衛生組織的資料顯示,猴痘初期症狀是發燒、皮疹、頭痛等,部分會在軀幹和生殖器出現類似天花的皰疹。

⭓[14:15] 楊醫生說猴痘必須出現症狀,也就是皮膚出現破損以後才會傳播。所以,可以很即時地把猴痘病毒給隔離了。
Dr. Yang said monkeypox must have symptoms, that is, skin would be broken before monkeypox spreads. Therefore, the monkeypox virus would be isolated very immediately.
不過大家一定覺得莫名其妙,因為 World Health Organization (WHO) 在2022-05-25的新聞指出《只要確保安全性行為 世衛不擔心猴痘疫情》,WHO的專家們不是太荒謬了嗎?出現病灶的人容易和人發生性行為嗎?那是皮膚上有很多水泡的疾病,難道專家及學者靠胡說八道能讓社會大眾和自己過得更好嗎?
But everyone must feel inexplicable, because the World Health Organization (WHO) pointed out in the news on 2022-05-25 "As long as you ensure safe sex, does not worry about monkeypox epidemic", experts of WHO are not too ridiculous? Are people with lesions prone to sex with others easily? It is a disease with a lot of blisters on the skin, can experts and scholars rely on nonsense to make the public and themselves better off?

==留言內容 Reply messages==

[25:25] 能量病毒還真的無法僅以醫療與科學還治療,正如同新冠肺炎一樣。新冠肺炎COVID-19本不是一個流感,是一個要發動裂解與散形全世界以創造另一個能量體世界的超級大發動之意念指令!就算治癒後,意念點還是存在在人體中。這會造成極大的生理狀態的不連貫與斷層,也就是極容易因為重力場域的不連貫而發生意外與病變,包含老年後的失智以及健忘症!
The energy virus really cannot be only treated with medical treatment and science, just like the new coronary pneumonia. COVID-19 is not originally a flu, it is a super-big launch EN instruction to crack and scatter the world to create another ENT(energy bodies) world! Even after healing, the EN points still exist in the human body. This will cause great inconsistencies and faults in the physiological state, that is, accidents and lesions are easily caused by the inconsistency of the gravity field, including dementia and amnesia in elder people!

⭓(略)引用文章連結為 (Omit) the article cited: https://www.facebook.com/PorscheWu/posts/10160102341814470

[34:45] 如果大家想要提升自己的生理狀態級別,當然也包括心理素質。那實際上有一部分是由天地間的意念暈散到眾人的中介系統,再勻質到眾人的身心靈之上。
If everyone wants to improve their physical state level, of course, also includes psychological quality. In fact, a part of it is scattered from the ENs between heaven and earth to the intermediary system of everyone, and then homogenized to the body and mind of everyone.
I responded to an article about Qigong and yoga in the Epoch Times earlier, and I posted it for your reference.

⭓(略)引用文章連結為 (Omit) the article cited: https://www.facebook.com/PorscheWu/posts/10160110850214470

[35:30] 楊醫生: 「中國傳統以來就講過一句話。下醫治病;中醫治人;上醫治國」。
Dr. Yang: There has been a saying of healers since the Chinese tradition. "The lower heals the sick; the middle heals the people; the higher heals the nation"

⭓[43:45] 楊醫師:「只要是活的人,他就是有能量的。但是很有意思的是,我們反而是說有個骨頭還是有個身體,大家很關心。說這個有營養,大家也可以理解,但一說到能量,大家就覺得這個不好理解。譬如現在你聽我講話,我的聲音就是能量。是吧?我講話之前我要思考一下,不能亂講。那我的思想就是能量,在這個過程當中,我的手有動作有姿勢。那我這一舉手一投足,這都是靠能量來支持。換句話說,沒有能量就沒有生命。」
Dr. Yang said: as long as one is a living person, he has energy. But it's interesting that we're talking about a bone or a body, and people care. Saying that this is nutritious, everyone can also understand, but when it comes to energy, everyone feels that this is not easy to understand. For example, if you listen to me now, my voice is energy. Right? I have to think about it before I speak, and I can't talk about it indiscriminately. Then my mind is energy, and in the process, my hands have movements and postures. Between my movements, this is all supported by energy. In other words, there is no life without energy.

[43:47] 完全正確啊,聲音是能量,而非單純的聲波。
It's perfectly true that sound is energy, not just sound waves

[45:40] 畢竟能量需要細膩才有辦法感知與感測,時空的時空點是10^-50次方,根本與光速所能論及的間距量級差異太大。
After all, energy needs to be delicate to have a way to perceive and sense, and the space-time point of space-time is 10^(-50) to the power, which is too much different from the magnitude of the spacing that can be discussed at the speed of light.

[47:04] 就我與天道系統溝通的結果,是在時分秒後面還有h:m:s:00:00...,:00有50組,這是基本時空點。
As far as the result of communication with the 1-SYSTEM is that there are h:m:s:00:00..., :00 there are 50 groups after the hour, minute and second, which is so-called the basic space-time point.

⭓[47:38] 楊醫生:不理解中醫的人,為什麼老說它是迷信,就是因為他們不知道這個東西是怎麼來的。這是一。第二就是他也看不見摸不著。他看不見摸不著,就限制了自己的想像力。就我剛才說的,我只相信我看見的。所以,他就是非常在理論上反對它。當然,反對的人,第一是沒學過中醫,第二也是沒有體驗過它。所以經常有這種看起來很科學,但實際上是很狹隘的人。
Dr Yang said: People who don't understand Chinese medicine always say that it is superstition, because they don't know how this thing came to be. This is one. The second is that he can't see or touch either. He couldn't see or touch it, so he limited his imagination. As far as I said, I only believe what I see. So, he is very theoretically opposed to it. Of course, those who oppose it, first, have not studied Chinese medicine, and second, they have not experienced it. So there are often people who look scientific, but are actually very narrow-minded.

[47:56] 天地間主要有兩向,一邊為超光速的意念,一邊則為重力場域。這兩件事是天地間極重要的運行道理。
There are two main phases between heaven and earth, one side is the EN which is faster than light, and the other side is the gravity field. These two things are the most important operational principles between the universe.

⭓[48:40] 楊醫生:但是現在治療的人、現在使用的人,控制醫學的人,他是不好的。所以,他除了給你開藥,就不管別的事情了。最近有一個醫生跟我說,你的醫生除了給你開藥,從來不問你的生活習慣、飲食起居、精神狀態,那你根本就沒有醫生,你只有一個藥物販子,他就不是你的醫師。這個話說得有點不好聽,但的確講到了問題的要害。
Dr. Yang: But now are the people who treat you, the people who use them, and the people who control medicine, and they're not good. So, they don't care about anything other than prescribe medicine to you. A doctor recently told me that if your doctor never asks about your living habits, diet, and mental state in addition to prescribing medicines to you, then you have no doctor at all, you only have a drug dealer. He's not your doctor. This is a bit of a bad thing to say, but it does get to the heart of the matter.

[49:20] 是的,黃帝內經講德,其實就是從人的日常談起,自然地檢視他們的習慣和思維!
Yes, the Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon(Huangdi Neijing), in fact, are from the daily life of people, naturally examining their habits and thinking of daily life!

[51:26] 上次董宇紅教授提出的人體周圍的能量圖,那幾個破口其實分別是幾個棘皮能量流穿過的地方。萬物都是透過棘皮的方式傳輸意念能量流,包含產生重力場域。有點像是包粽子那樣喔:)
The last time Dr. Dong proposed the energy map around the human body, those few openings were actually the places where several JIPI(centripetal convergence) energy flows passed. Everything in the universe transmits the flow of EN energy through the JIPI, including the field of generating gravity. It's a bit like wrapped rice dumplings :)

⭓引用文章連結為 the article cited: https://www.facebook.com/PorscheWu/posts/10160106129434470

✪✪✪[51:40] 這邊要特別說明一下疲勞,尤其是這一兩個月來所有人的生理狀況。很多時候是因為人體必須要強制執行意念指令,或場域必須強制轉換。那個場域如果要進行大轉換,該時空場域會被鎖定,也就是時間軸基本上是呈現散形的狀態。所以,人再怎麼休息也無法獲得良好的能量補充與更新,是因為人體的場域相對時空場域較小,所以連帶必須是被鎖定的來進行協同轉換。在此狀況下,人會呈現一種看起來好像睡了很久,但都睡眠品質不佳或睡不好。
Here we should give a special explanation of fatigue, especially the physiological condition of everyone in the past two months. Many times it is because the human body must enforce executing EN instructions, or the field of human body must convert. If that field is to undergo a major convertion, the space-time field will be locked, that is, the timeline is basically in a scattered state. Therefore, no matter how much people rest, they cannot get good energy replenishment and renewal, because the human body's field is relatively small compared to the space-time field, so the connection must be locked to carry out collaborative conversion. In this situation, the person will appear as if they have slept for a long time, but have not slept well.
Another reason is because the field where the EN instructions are executed is equivalent to the field of gravity temporarily lost. This partial gravity field is considered an inner field. That is, when people sleep, consciousness is scattered. Therefore, the metabolism of the human body is a kind of rotten EN and oil mist EN in parallel, that is, through the human intermediary system to initiate and homogenize. The so-called intermediary system is the "Guardian EGO", which is also the EN-type of human consciousness. It's actually the things that the researchers in AREA 51/52 are communicating, and they're just kind of energy consciousnesses but researchers think they are extraterrestrial beings with higher intelligence.

[53:40] 這邊倒是中醫理解與高明許多,這倒是實話。但能量不可亂談,而需要從天地日常之中學習起,然後反覆以科學反求諸己。畢竟,科學是眾人可以學習的實證部分,必須相輔相成才能相得益彰。
This side is much more understanding and clever in Chinese medicine, which is the truth. But energy should not be talked about for no reason, but need to learn from the daily life of heaven and earth, and then repeatedly use science to seek itself. After all, science is an empirical part that many people can learn, and the mutual assistance of science and energy can complement each other and be more complete with each other.

[55:13] 能量與科學,其實也可以想像成我們有夢想,然後如何築夢踏實。這樣容易理解多了呢!
Energy and science can also be imagined as having dreams, and then how to build dreams. It's much easier to understand!

[59:19] 我認為現在最大的問題就是,太多科學家為了自己的學術領域的位置還有利益名聲等,在進行研究。這會導致前面garyvee所談到為了獎盃而行,真的會有大災難。像是mRNA是從外面放東西進去,但人體明明可以從內反轉進化的東西,科學家有點本末倒置的在進行。這也是為何我1/29寄信給WHO跟他們分享說並非殺菌。
I think the biggest problem right now is that too many scientists are doing research for the sake of their personal academic position and reputation. This will lead to the fact that the previous Garyvee talked about living for the trophy will really be a big trouble. For example, mRNA is putting something in from the outside of the human body, but the we human can obviously reverse the evolution from the inside of the body, and scientists are a bit upside down. That's why I sent 1/29 of the letters to the WHO to share with them that it wasn't just sterilization.

(Supplement) Instead, we should turn to the study of all things in heaven and earth, because only the good ENs feedback from all things of heaven and earth can make the human body begin to evolve.

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