2022年6月26日 星期日

是否可以針對這些傷口或新冠肺炎的MIC-C或腦炎患者的場域偵測能量級別或輻射能等數據嗎?在散形的場域一定是有一定趨向的微不可見光,甚至微波的頻率在微震動(振盪),或具有一定的跳動間格或頻率!請試著想像地震震源在產生的時候,產生的自體壓縮後釋放(能量或意念指令)的過程。 Is it possible to detect data such as energy levels or radiant energy in the field of these wounds or patients with MIC-C or encephalitis of COVID-19? In the EN field of scattering there must be a certain tendency towards micro-invisible light, and even the frequency of microwaves is slightly vibration (oscillation), , or has a certain beating compartment or frequency! Try to imagine the process by which an earthquake source is generated, produced by compressing and then releasing it (energy/EN instruction). 是單純猴痘病毒導致的水泡,還是我說的腐涎油霧意念能量病毒與場域反轉,拍了就知道。尤其是天文科學家們很會觀星與大膽假設和推測!是否請他們用全世界只有幾片的濾鏡來看一下,會比大家一直窺視天體後來說故事要好,對吧? Is it the blisters caused by the simple monkeypox virus, or the EN energy virus and EN field reversal of the rotten oil mist as I said, you will know when you take a picture. Especially astronomical scientists are very good at stargazing and bold assumptions and speculations! Would it be better to ask them to look at it with only a few filters in the world than to tell stories after they peek at the celestial bodies, right?

Is it possible to detect data such as energy levels or radiant energy in the field of these wounds or patients with MIC-C or encephalitis of COVID-19? In the EN field of scattering there must be a certain tendency towards micro-invisible light, and even the frequency of microwaves is slightly vibration (oscillation), , or has a certain beating compartment or frequency! Try to imagine the process by which an earthquake source is generated, produced by compressing and then releasing it (energy/EN instruction).
Is it the blisters caused by the simple monkeypox virus, or the EN energy virus and EN field reversal of the rotten oil mist as I said, you will know when you take a picture.  Especially astronomical scientists are very good at stargazing and bold assumptions and speculations! Would it be better to ask them to look at it with only a few filters in the world than to tell stories after they peek at the celestial bodies, right?


Is it possible to detect data such as energy levels or radiant energy in the field of these wounds or patients with MIC-C or encephalitis of COVID-19? In the EN field of scattering there must be a certain tendency towards micro-invisible light, and even the frequency of microwaves is slightly vibration (oscillation), , or has a certain beating compartment or frequency! Try to imagine the process by which an earthquake source is generated, produced by compressing and then releasing it (energy/EN instruction).


Is it the blisters caused by the simple monkeypox virus, or the EN energy virus and EN field reversal of the rotten oil mist as I said, you will know when you take a picture.  Especially astronomical scientists are very good at stargazing and bold assumptions and speculations! Would it be better to ask them to look at it with only a few filters in the world than to tell stories after they peek at the celestial bodies, right?


It is recommended to zoom in and compare the photos after downloading. You can even try to observe how the energy flow of the EN line is identified. I think it will have a significant impact and great progress on science, as well as traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine. The area circled in red is where there is a lesion. After taking a shot, we vould know that the EN (light) was scattered and could not be clearly imaged, so it was obviously the EN field of rotten oil mist. The yellow line and the green line are some identifying positions of the numerous JIPI (centripetal condensation) energy flow through in our body, which are provided to scientists for reference.


Everything else has already been announced, so why should I say more?



If the definition of the science fails to explain many phenomena, it means that the definition is not precise in some aspects. If the definition itself has expandable or multiple interpretations, we don't need to define things in one point of view all the time. It doesn't affect what we already know, and it's more able to think about the problem more comprehensively, doesn't it? Isn't this the same as many people imagine that they can jump in time and space, and then try to explain this phenomenon from many viewpoints?

Geoffrey Taylor於1909年的楊氏雙狹縫干涉之改進實驗後,發現光至少具備了粒子與波的特性。在此之後,光才被定義為波粒二元性。「持續思考更多可能」,我想愛好科學的人或科學家應該會具備這種特質,是吧

After Geoffrey Taylor's 1909 improvement experiment on Young's dual-slit interference, we found that light has at least the properties of particles and waves. It was only after this that light was defined as wave-particle duality. "Keep thinking about more possibilities", I think people who love science or scientists may have such personality, right?


Information is inherent in the details, and science is defined and observed in the simplest way under the premise of being as precise as possible. The truth of life and the operation of the universe needs more dimensions of science to be able to explain and understand it, isn't it?


So, if we can't detect any information in seemingly ordinary things, should we think more first?

2022-06-24 https://porschewu0714.blogspot.com/2022/06/en-scene-is-very-important-to-evolution.html
I think I can talk about this on the premise that is as follows.
1. 我走過各種意念場域,看過意念場景貼圖,清楚了解其中差異。
1. I walked through various EN fields, see EN scene stamps, and clearly understood the differences.
2. 我知道各位大腦中如何被置入感覺因子(影響因子),也就是許多在各位腦中產生畫面和聲音的意念點(意念場景)。
2. I know how "feel factors" (impact factors) are placed in the brain, that is many EN points (EN scenes) that produce pictures and sounds in your brain.
3. 我研究過「夢的解析」這本專論夢與大腦各種科學現象的名著。
3. I have studied 《The Interpretation of Dreams》, a famous book on various scientific phenomena about the brain and dreams.
4. 我進去過別人的意念場景。
4. I've gone in to other people's EN scenes.
5. 預覽過自己的中介系統凝煉的意念場景。
5. I have previewed the EN scene which is converged of my own intermediary system.

2022-06-16 https://porschewu0714.blogspot.com/2022/06/scientific-theories-are-full-of-not-so.html
Scientific theories are full of not-so-few nonsense fallacies and attributions. Just like many setting are a random assumption, then they design a set of experiments, and then through the inexplicable data, with statistics and research methods to continue the nonsense!

I dare respond because I went into the acceleration world last year 2021-02, and I've also seen people who physically really accelerate instantaneously, including myself.

I walked through more than 1,000 different fields¹ (worlds) from the EN field(the so-called underworld) and returned to the current time and space coordinates.

Doubtless, the underworld is a world in which there are just few people except convenience stores, delivery people or taxis, MRT or train station attendants. Note that there are no people in each house, or it is just some EN field scenes²; it is some paper people who are like puppets or slightly moving projection films on the windows; the people or animals in these projection images only have some simple movements or very short moving paths, which are played repeatedly. Think of it as a simple gif, which is a very small number of very slow frames, and nothing changes!


