氣功或打坐冥想 Points of Qigong or Meditation:
First, the practice is "Qi → (EN-type) Qi". It's the ability to EN. That is, it works in harmony with your own intermediary system. The intermediary system, is the EN-type self-consciousness, is "EGO", is also "scattered superimposed ENTs (bodies)". It is mainly the intermediary layer within space-time and SELF, to assists oneself in "field conversion" or "initiating EN instructions". The rough beginning of the EN line of the word "炁" I have drawn and attached. As you can see the EN line of "炁", it's basically a person meditating, with two hands inverted V upwards.
Second, in the process, "the EN that is agreeable with SELF" is conceived through SELF to figure out a circular mechanism (=EN) to enhance the "self-healing power" and "the smoothness of mind , body and spirit(EGO)".

大紀元 epochtimes.com 新唐人亞太電視台 神韻 神韻-台灣粉絲後援會 遇見法輪大法的美好
【氣功或打坐冥想 Points of Qigong or Meditation】
【氣功或打坐冥想 Points of Qigong or Meditation】
First, the practice is "Qi → (EN-type) Qi". It's the ability to EN. That is, it works in harmony with your own intermediary system. The intermediary system, is the EN-type self-consciousness, is "EGO", is also "scattered superimposed ENTs (bodies)". It is mainly the intermediary layer within space-time and SELF, to assists oneself in "field conversion" or "initiating EN instructions". The rough beginning of the EN line of the word "炁" I have drawn and attached. As you can see the EN line of "炁", it's basically a person meditating, with two hands inverted V upwards.
Second, in the process, "the EN that is agreeable with SELF" is conceived through SELF to figure out a circular mechanism (=EN) to enhance the "self-healing power" and "the smoothness of mind , body and spirit(EGO)".
I think this is also the highest state pursued by Falun Dafa, Tai Chi, or various martial arts or so-called internal skills.
1. 打坐冥想中,請問人的意識會呈現哪幾種情況?
1. In the mediation, what kinds of situations may be presented in people's consciousness?
2. 氣功或太極,無論是強身或使之柔韌,請問在我們吐納的過程中,最重要的是什麼?
2. Qigong or Tai Chi, whether it is to strengthen the body or make it flexible, what is the most important thing when we breathing?
以上先想兩個問題。Two questions for you to think about.
This question is more interesting. When Qigong or Meditation, how to combine with the so-called EN (mind)? This issue is also very important with yoga that is prevalent in India and other places!
In my current experience, breathing can convert into EN-type, that is, through the EN of inhaling and exhaling, the body (chest cavity) can naturally feel the inflow and flow of the breath. That is, the respiratory system that turns into a latchup. Then, establish your own internal and external EN field, and then enter the advanced stage, that is, through the operation in harmony of the intermediary system (symbiosis), homogenization and assistance to convert your own physiological field.
日後再分享吧。share it later.
2022-06-02 淺聊氣功或打坐冥想之內容節錄如下。
A brief excerpt from Qigong or Meditation is provided below.
It is very correct and important of "the key to QiGong is not meditation, but good thoughts" mentioned in the article. "Good thoughts" is the most important starting point for the first half of "The Cycle of Goodness": "Keep all the good, not the bad." In the other half, "As long as you don't die, beauty is the most important.", the key lies in "seeking yourself". I must honestly say that "seeking yourself" cannot be achieved by any physical exercise, whether through yoga or meditation. It depends on each person's repeated "self-inhibition and praise others" of their each existence. In the next few days, I will share the most important points, but just only five points. It's easy to say, but I think it's only after repeated practice that you can experience the most wonderful process. However, the most rare thing is "into the mind and personality".