《What would happen if sun goes away from solar system?》
《What would happen if sun goes away from solar system?》
There are four levels to this problem:
1. Going away from the center of the solar system = expand the solar system
2. Pulling closer to the center of the solar system = converging the solar system
3. Rapidly disappearing into the center of the solar system
4. Slowly disappear into the center of the solar system

《What would happen if sun goes away from solar system?》
There are four levels to this problem:
1. Going away from the center of the solar system = expand the solar system
2. Pulling closer to the center of the solar system = converging the solar system
3. Rapidly disappearing into the center of the solar system
4. Slowly disappear into the center of the solar system
【1】遠離太陽系中心。Going away from the center of the solar system = expand the solar system.
If the sun is going away from the center of the solar system, in other words, the entire solar system expands and widens, it means that the sun's EN can become stronger. The gravity EN field relative to the entire universe must be elevated, that is, the intermediary layer of EN fields between us and the sun increases. There are at least a few advantages:
a. 氣候變遷會減緩。Climate change will slow down.
b. 能量勻質與轉圜的耐受度與轉換速度會提升。The tolerance and conversion speed of energy homogenization and room for mediation will be improved.
c. 物種繁衍的關聯性與多元性增加。動植物間的關係更緊密與重要,也就是互補互助的意念連結越強→共生共好。The correlation and diversity of species reproduction have increased. The closer and more important the relationship among animals, plants and all beings, that is, the stronger ENs of complementarity and mutual assistance. → symbiosis and co-goodness
【2】拉近太陽系中心。Pulling closer to the center of the solar system = converging the solar system.
In fact, it is almost the opposite of [1]. The point is that the gravity field of the universe is relatively declining, and the same is true for [1] itself. That is, the earth is the EN center, and this is the case when the earth (the whole world = the universe) is greatly scattered and cracked as in the past 2018. The problem is that humans are not paying attention to the decline of the intermediary layers and the variation of species at all.
【3】急速消失於太陽系中心。Rapidly disappearing into the center of the solar system.
If the Sun rapidly disappears into the Solar System, it is equivalent to the Sun being directly scattered and cracked. After that, another cracked sun will quickly be converged from the ENs of the sun, moon, galaxy and heaven and earth and all beings. Then the EN energy of the entire universe will drop dramatically, and it is also possible that 1-SYSTEM will not operate well, greatly affecting all human beings, animal and plant ecosystems, and all living things.
【4】緩慢消失於太陽系中心。Slowly disappear into the center of the solar system.
If the sun slowly disappears into the solar system, it is equivalent to the sun being naturally pyrolysis. That is to say, everyone continues not to do things that emit good and beautiful ENs, and the EN energy of space-time and the universe can continue to decline. Next, it points to [2] the worst space-time convergence.
