洛杉磯山火,看看消防員的Go Pro看(聽)到什麼,留在當地的人在協助世界(科學、宗教)紀錄什麼?消防人員想代美國傳達「我們真的很抱歉,吳時捷,請您繼續散發這樣的自己」,如同韓國那位回頭多次鞠躬致歉的年輕軍人。我現在還在想,覺得這些與自己何干的人,是怎樣的人? Los Angeles wildfire, see what the firefighters saw (heard) through their Go Pro POV, and what the people who stayed in the area are helping the world (science, religion) to record? The firefighter wanted to convey on behalf of the United States, "We are really sorry, Wu Shihjie, please keep sharing such your selves," just like the young Korean soldier who turned around and bowed many times to apologize. I am still wondering what kind of people are those who think these things have nothing to do with them?
【修己揚他/AskSelf】【場域/FIELD】【意念/EN】【時空/SpaceTime】【反轉向上/ReverseUp】【教育/Education】【影視/Film】 Donald J. Trump The White House U.S. Department of St...
2023年2月14日 星期二
2023-02-05_祕魯土石流,數千棟民房被沖垮。請你們最大聲播放,看看聽到什麼?這跟我們親友的健康和情緒都有很大的關聯啊! Thousands of houses were washed away by stone flows in Peru. Would you please play it out loudest and see what you can hear? It has a lot to do with the health and emotions of our relatives and friends!
2023年2月11日 星期六
重力並非單純來自於地心,還來自於重力意念(動態)。我也再次提醒所有國家,你們不主動來理解我分享給這個世界的內容,各地就會持續地發生意外與傷亡,包含極寒現象。 Gravity does not come simply from the center of the earth, but also from gravitational EN(it's dynamics). I also remind all countries once again that if you do not take the initiative to understand what I share with the world, accidents and casualties will continue to occur everywhere, including extreme cold.
Gravity does not come simply from the center of the earth, but also from gravitational EN(it's dynamics). I also remind all countries once again that if you do not take the initiative to understand what I share with the world, accidents and casualties will continue to occur everywhere, including extreme cold.
2023年2月7日 星期二
土耳其大地震,所有的意念能量體都在說「我們對不起吳時捷哥哥」。The earthquake in Turkey, all EN energy bodies are saying "WoMen DuiBùQĭ Wú Shí Jié GéGé" (We are sorry, Wu Shihjie)?
The earthquake in Turkey, all EN energy bodies are saying "WoMen DuiBùQĭ Wú Shí Jié GéGé" (We are sorry, Wu Shihjie)?
吳鳳 Rifat 各位可知道土耳其大地震,只要你們把這段影片開最大聲,便能聽到所有的意念能量體在說「我們對不起吳時捷哥哥」嗎?
2023年1月27日 星期五
用心聆聽與轉發給高層。全世界會加速反轉到一個更美的境界!Please repeatedly, listen attentively and forward it to the senior management. We must accelerate to a more beautiful world!
反覆觀看我內容Youtube的影片,用心聆聽與轉發給高層。全世界會加速反轉到一個更美的境界!Please watch the Youtube video in this email repeatedly, listen attentively and forward it to the senior management. We must accelerate to a more beautiful world!
It affects everyone's health and shakes the entire medical field, so be sure to face it!
Listen loudly and repeatedly, and you will get different info each time. If you cannot turn on the sound, please be sure to find a time and a quieter place to come back and watch it louder. This is a big event in the whole world and the universe!
If you want to expand the possibility of consciousness, you must first find the self (EGO), and then find the compression (self-inhibition) mechanism, and then it is possible to activate bioresonance.
Please pass it on to the top management and scientists, thank you. Just do it, not asking, but we could be like this!
A single thought of us affects many things ; it's the true meaning , and might be the very beginning, of "Singularity", isn't it?
影片無法附檔,請反覆觀看YouTube數次。 The video cannot be attached, please watch the video repeatedly.
https://youtu.be/VtA-ODrv6K0 (youtube可zoom in)
==Blog, Facebook, YouTube==
部落格更多重要內容(建議以桌機模式檢視) More important content on the blog (recommended in desktop mode):
(分享給Nassim Haramein)天道系統的發展脈絡說明。 (Share with Nassim Haramein) Explaination of the development of 1-SYSTEM.
2022年12月24日 星期六
看看台灣的場域有多好。我只是協助你們能跟台灣的時空意念(福德正神)對話。 Look at how good the field in Taiwan is. I'm just helping you to have a dialogue with Taiwan's space-time ENs(so-call GODs).
2022年12月19日 星期一
關於干涉儀與重力波之一些見解。 Insights on interferometers and gravitational waves.
Nobel Prize 中央研究院 Academia Sinica
為何發生網路大延滯?這是因為全世界的網路(電磁象限)大轉換啊! Why the network cannot work? This is because of the big conversion of the Internet (electromagnetic quadrant) all over the world!
Why the network cannot work? This is because of the big conversion of the Internet (electromagnetic quadrant) all over the world!
Nobel Prize 中央研究院 Academia Sinica
2022年12月18日 星期日
請各位趕快踮起腳尖,感受一下從宇宙透過重力牽引回到地球的紮實。任何人都能感受到被按著踏回到地面的絕對力量。 Please stand on your tiptoes quickly and feel the solidity of being pulled back from the universe to the earth through gravity EN. Anyone can feel the absolute force of being pressed back to the ground.
Nobel Prize 中央研究院 Academia Sinica 請各位趕快踮起腳尖,感受一下從宇宙透過重力牽引回到地球的紮實。任何人都能感受到被按著踏回到地面的絕對力量。
有三件事情具有無限重力意念,那便是: There are three things that have infinite gravity EN, and that is: 1. 每一份真實 each truth 2. 每一道目光(關注,舉凡人權、自由或是平等) each look (gaze, attention, or eyes contact, for example, human rights, liberty or equality) 3. 每一個當下。 each moment
Nobel Prize 中央研究院 Academia Sinica 如果想進一步理解意念世界,真的請大家先自我抑制,抑制那些自己好像差不多已經了解的事。
2022年12月16日 星期五
(分享給龍應台)是否有更好一些的可能呢?(Share with Lung Yingtai)There any better possibility?
This sharing can be converging into "observing and thinking (LEARN) → starting from trying (DO)→ beginning to assist (SHARE)". What would you summarize and converge into yourself?
皮膚上的皮屑每天都從身體之中代謝出來。這不正是未來再生醫學最重要的關鍵嗎?當皮膚形成一個良好的中介時,身體自然可以形成一個更緊密的自體場域。 這便是身體總是能自體修復及進化的關鍵。 The dander on the skin is metabolized from the body every day. Isn't this the most important key to future regenerative medicine? When the skin converges into a good intermediary, the body can naturally form a tighter self-field. This is the key to the body that begins to restore itself and evolve at each time.
2022年12月9日 星期五
(分享給陳文茜)歸零學習,以禮待之;持以尊重,平等視之。 (Share with Sisy Chen)Return to zero, treat with courtesy; Be respectful, treat as equal.
2022年12月8日 星期四
指揮中心的意念人移動和講話是如何呈現,大部分都靠意念來驅動。 How the movement and speech of the EN bodies of the command center are presented. Most of them are driven by EN.
2022年12月7日 星期三
有許多看起來負面的事情或聲音。但請各位一定要理解,這是現行能協助全世界反轉的最重要時刻。 There will be many things or voices that seem negative. But please understand that this is the most important moment that can help the world reverse up.
There will be many things or voices that seem negative. But please understand that this is the most important moment that can help the world reverse up.