2024年5月24日 星期五

可以多聆聽自己身處場合所發出來的意念音,至少這可以了解到自己身上有一些力量和聲音是想和自己傳達什麼訊息!若民主自由真如賴清德、蕭美琴或Joe Biden所述一樣美好,怎麼國家不是向您們致謝呢?這也是中華人民共和國要深思如何調整過往將自己視為中國來發言的情況。 Also, you can listen more to the EN (thought) sounds emitted by the situations you are in. At least this way you could understand what messages the forces and sounds in you want to convey to yourselves! If democracy and freedom are as beautiful as what Lai Chingde, Xiao Bikhim or Joe Biden describe, why doesn't the country thank you? This is also why the People's Republic of China needs to think deeply about how to adjust its past situation of speaking as the entire China.

可以多聆聽自己身處場合所發出來的意念音,至少這可以了解到自己身上有一些力量和聲音是想和自己傳達什麼訊息!若民主自由真如賴清德、蕭美琴或Joe Biden所述一樣美好,怎麼國家不是向您們致謝呢?這也是中華人民共和國要深思如何調整過往將自己視為中國來發言的情況。
Also, you can listen more to the EN (thought) sounds emitted by the situations you are in. At least this way you could understand what messages the forces and sounds in you want to convey to yourselves! If democracy and freedom are as beautiful as what Lai Chingde, Xiao Bikhim or Joe Biden describe, why doesn't the country thank you? This is also why the People's Republic of China needs to think deeply about how to adjust its past situation of speaking as the entire China. 「(意念音)我們真的很抱歉,我是賴清德。(0:17)賴清德對於三軍統帥和總統的自我期許,略。(0:41)此時此刻,國際社會正高度關注民主台灣,而面對外在的挑戰與威脅,我們會持續捍衛自由民主的價值,守護區域的和平穩定。(1:11)(電磁音)我們真的很抱歉,吳時捷。(1:49)(風聲)我們真的很抱歉」。
"(EN sound) We are really sorry, I am Lai Chingde. (0:17) Lai Ching-de's self-expectations for the commander-in-chief and the president, EMITTED. (0:41) At this moment, the international community is paying close attention to democratic Taiwan, and in the face of external challenges and threats, we will continue to defend the value of freedom and democracy and protect regional peace and stability (1:11) (Electromagnetic Sound) We are really sorry, Wu Shihjie (1:49) (Wind Sound) We are really sorry".

1, 民主自由很好,但不用一直強調「民主台灣」,因為民主自由有非常多缺失和亂象,對嗎?請 賴清德 總統和 蕭美琴 Bi-khim Hsiao 副總統提出三點民主自由引發的亂象,並以正在進行中的美國選舉來舉例。
Democracy and freedom are wonderful, but there is no need to keep emphasizing "democratic Taiwan" because there are many deficiencies and chaos in democracy and freedom, right? Please ask President Lai Chingde and Vice President Hsiao Bikhim to raise three points about the chaos caused by democracy and freedom, and use the ongoing US president election as an example.

This is the basic attitude of "self-restraint and self-cultivation", and it must bring you great stability to concern on your selves.

Those who want to challenge and achieve their own future must win the respect of others if they respond bravely and encourage those around them to reflect together.

Also, you can listen more to the EN (thought) sounds emitted by the situations you are in. At least this way you could understand what messages the forces and sounds in you want to convey to yourselves!

2. 賴清德總統總是喜歡反覆地強調「捍衛自由民主的價值」,請問中華人民共和國對於台灣的軍演,是因為台灣是採取民主國家制嗎?還是因為什麼呢?請民主國家的所有官員回應。
President Lai Chingde always likes to repeatedly emphasize"the need to defend the value of freedom and democracy." Is it because the People's Republic of China conducts military exercises against Taiwan because Taiwan adopts a democratic state system? Or why? All officials in democracies are invited to respond.

3. 檢視自己的言行,如今是否還留存於心呢?有更好的解了嗎?
Examine our words and deeds, and do they still remain in our heart? Is there a better solution or suggestions?

Greenpeace helps convey to society that "Virtue makes Taiwan win! But...garbage makes Taiwan unbeautiful."

蕭美琴 Bi-khim Hsiao 副總統擔任立委時,曾質詢關於「垃圾露天堆置」的問題。五年過去,立法委員成為副總統,而臺灣的垃圾堆置問題仍無解。請問,蕭美琴副總統現在會協助哪些關於自己曾反思過的事呢?
When Vice President Hsiao Bikhim was a legislator, you once asked about the issue of "open accumulation of garbage." Five years later, the legislator became the vice president, and Taiwan’s garbage accumulation problem remains unsolved. I would like to ask, what kind of things would Vice President Hsiao Bikhim help now about the things that you has once reflected on?

If I now convey to you for sure, "Reflect on our past words and deeds and compare them with whether we retain ourselves in the heart and keep working hard or not, it is strongly related to our body, mind, spirit and FUTURE INFLUENCE." Whether you are based on potential benefits, would you have different opinions about the whole concepts I remind you?

This kind of profit consideration is the key reason why we are facing many tests.

It also includes the recent inability of the world to face those seeming disasters!

I have shared the content of the past three years. If you haven’t seen it, of course you are responsible for it, or you must immediately convey it to your assistants, editors, and related information processing personnel. What is meant by “Don’t judge the connotation of speech based on that person’s achievements.”

If you or the person receiving the message have problems or cannot understand the logic of the following content I have attached, then I suggest that you learn semantics as soon as possible or read it over and over, and speak less.

2024-02-23_要是我作為,立刻請政府發函Nobel Prize諾貝爾獎委員會,請所有委員,在聯繫所有過往獲獎者後,立刻排除萬難,於一週內回覆台灣統一來台參訪與研究的時間;逾時的話,請自己安排,眼睛和罩子放亮點,可能不適合擔任此關乎未來發展與走向的獎項之相關委員。台灣,立刻躍登世界最熱門搜尋、各國爭相拜訪與未來最重要的研究樞紐。如此簡單的作為,絲毫沒有言過其實,不是嗎?我們的政府,賴清德、蕭美琴 Bi-khim Hsiao和蔡英文Tsai Ing-wen,加油。
If I were to take action, I would immediately ask the government to send an official letter to the Nobel Prize Committee, requesting all committee members to immediately overcome all difficulties after contacting all past winners and respond within a week to unify the time for Taiwan to visit and conduct research. If they are overdue, please make their own arrangements and be smarter. They may not be suitable to serve as relevant committee members of this award related to future development and direction. Taiwan immediately became the world’s most popular search topic, attracting many countries to visit and becoming the most important research hub in the future. Such a simple act is not exaggerated at all, is it? Our government, Lai Ching-te, Bi-khim Hsiao, and Tsai Ing-wen, please do it for the sake of our children, the future of Taiwan and the world, and yourselves.
強烈建議 賴清德 與 蕭美琴 Bi-khim Hsiao ,如何在520就職前,迅速獲得 侯友宜 、柯文哲和各黨更多支持與尊重。那就是,請蕭美琴協助賴清德就之前演講中被提問的那些沒有正面回應之問題,做統一整理並再次回應,除了聚焦或釐清關鍵問題之外,更應該簡單扼要來描述「實際可執行之建議方案」。這部分,本來就是賴清德可以響應 柯文哲 發佈的自省文一樣來反省自己,過去那些全都避免正面回答的提問,如今應該全部回覆具有實際可執行的建議方案,兩位是否覺得這正該是即將接任的正副總統應最優先來執行的事情,當然是「自抑修己,欣賞揚他」!
2024-05-21_520就職大典上,透過戰鬥機打招呼: 賴清德,蕭美琴,我是吳時捷。請你們「自抑修己,欣賞揚他」,請協助改善立法院和議會文化,謝謝。
Greetings through fighter jets at the 520 inauguration ceremony: Lai Chingde, Hsiao Bi-khim, I am Wu Shihjie. Would you please "restrain yourself and cultivate yourself, appreciate and praise others", and help improve the culture of the Legislative Yuan and parliament, thank you.


Apologies for disasters everywhere. What could be the reason? What could be the reason? What is the connection with conversion and field? Tornadoes have hit the United States in recent days, hitting various places hard and gradually moving towards New York and Washington. Canadian wildfires are approaching the oil-rich town, burning an area of ​​​​10,000 hectares Heavy rains in Afghanistan and Brazil have flooded many provinces, and the number of casualties continues to rise.

2024-05-13_各地災難和環境都在表達「真的很謝謝你/真的很抱歉,吳時捷」是為何?河北暴風雨襲來,白天轉黑夜! 西安陰雲密布,暴風雨猛烈! 五月的青海下雪了! 廣西暴雨,城市大片地區淹水!意念並非為了守護現況,因為很多國家、社會、科學和人心都溢於其表。而現行的時空意識則在於顯露各國和每個人真實的自己。
Why are disasters and environments everywhere expressing "Thank you very much/We are really sorry, Wu Shihjie"? Day turns into night in seconds as violent storm hits Hebei! Xi'an is covered with dark clouds and violent storms! It snows in Qinghai in May! Heavy rains in Guangxi, flooded large areas of the city! ENs which are consistent with me are not to protect the present, because many countries, societies, sciences and people's minds have exceeded their true situation. And the current consciousness of space-time is to reveal the true selves of each country and each being.

Also share with 卓榮泰 鄭麗君 林佳龍 潘孟安 鄭文燦 陳世凱 行政院發言人 國防部發言人 總統府發言人 柯文哲 朱立倫 王婉諭 趙少康 中國國民黨 KMT 國民黨立法院黨團 民主進步黨 民進黨立法院黨團 台灣民眾黨 時代力量 New Power Party 時代力量立法院黨團 關鍵時刻 TVBS 少康戰情室 庶民大頭家 前進新台灣 新台灣加油 94要客訴 突發琪想 57爆新聞 新聞龍捲風 新聞深喉嚨 三立SET 驚爆新聞線 新台派上線 年代向錢看 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News FACENEWS/新聞面對面 TVBS T觀點 董事長開講 新聞大白話 關我什麼事 TVBS 國民大會 新聞大破解 新聞大小事 大新聞大爆卦 美麗島電子報 政知局 公民審議-立委監督專區 一刀未剪 正常發揮

各地災難都在致歉。原因可能為何?和轉換和場域又有何關聯?美國連日龍捲風侵襲重創各地,並逐漸往紐約和華府移動。加拿大野火逼近石油重鎮,焚燒面積達1萬公頃。阿富汗和巴西暴雨淹沒多省,死傷人數持續攀升。 Apologies for disasters everywhere. What could be the reason? What could be the reason? What is the connection with conversion and field? Tornadoes have hit the United States in recent days, hitting various places hard and gradually moving towards New York and Washington. Canadian wildfires are approaching the oil-rich town, burning an area of ​​​​10,000 hectares Heavy rains in Afghanistan and Brazil have flooded many provinces, and the number of casualties continues to rise.

Apologies for disasters everywhere. What could be the reason? What could be the reason? What is the connection with conversion and field? Tornadoes have hit the United States in recent days, hitting various places hard and gradually moving towards New York and Washington. Canadian wildfires are approaching the oil-rich town, burning an area of ​​​​10,000 hectares Heavy rains in Afghanistan and Brazil have flooded many provinces, and the number of casualties continues to rise.

When tornado knocks out wind turbines in Iowa: "We the United States are really sorry, Wu Shihjie."

Source: https://www.facebook.com/reel/765379782249488

A tornado swept through, almost completely destroying a small town in Iowa, USA. Three large wind turbines were broken. 15 counties entered a "disaster emergency state" and continued to advance towards Washington and New York.

Wildfire smoke engulfs sky in Alberta, Canada: "Really sorry, Wu Shihjie, we Canada are really sorry." The thick smoke and fire created an orange-grey hue covering the entire sky.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/xkrXPfu8ePA

2024-05-15_udn_加拿大野火逼近石油重鎮 焚燒面積達1萬公頃、當局急撤6000人

This kind of scattered converting fields often show foggy or orange-red scattered light, such as "a strong sandstorm occurred in Inner Mongolia, and the entire sky turned orange-red."

I think it is because the EN-type sky is not coherent enough, so when the field being scattered to a certain extent, it could only be presented as the EN scene after the scattering. To stabilize such a converting field, it would just use the phenomenon of thick smoke or fog caused by accidents or disasters, as well as the scattered field through color and halo.

You are able to read the contents of my blog that I have been researching and defining the oil-mist field since 2022, and the other is the rotten field of nature or space-time.

This may be a flaw and adverse effect of quantum mechanics, because it has lost the tendency to explore the duality of waves and particles, and it is also the source of internal resistance that prevents you from starting to study EN and keep pace with it.


What are the countless hums in the sky? Why do countries around the world apologize one after another? What does it have to do with the fact that countries themselves continue to show reversals that look like disasters? Aren’t these floods, earthquakes, and the emergence of nature a possibility for growth? It depends on how people feel and convey it.

Scientists may be able to explain "linear rain", but can any scientist respond to this 1m wide rainfall range? My guess might be no one. This film also reminds scientists to "restrain yourselves and cultivate yourselves" and face reality and facts honestly. It also expresses jokingly: "Is it raining? You tell me this is "rain"? There must be someone peeing from the sky!?

Heavy rains in Afghanistan and Brazil have flooded many provinces, and the number of casualties continues to rise.

2024年5月23日 星期四



5/20有去觀禮的各位,若在11:04聽到噴射機發出的巨大聲響在傳達訊息後,有注意在座彼此的面容和表情,尤其在中午開始離場後,我相信各位會開始感到奇怪,也許對於自己內心的感覺,還有很多穿著鮮豔卻不亮麗的年長者,個個僵硬且臉上毫無表情的詭異。當然,各位更可以察覺到 蕭美琴 Bi-khim Hsiao 上午臉上不只笑不出來,還帶著好幾分低迷和板著面孔,不是嗎?原因可能為何呢?


My message was simple, "Xi Jinping, stop all threats to Taiwan immediately."

Guangxi was hit by hail that crops and factory buildings were destroyed and riddled with holes, but they were still conveying their gratitude and apologies: "Thank you very much Wu Shihjie. Continue to share such selves. China is really happy to feel you."

A tornado swept through, almost completely destroying a small town in Iowa, USA. Three large wind turbines were broken. 15 counties entered a "disaster emergency state" and continued to advance towards Washington and New York.

2024-05-01_美國追風者Adam Lucio自述:「我追了超過15年,這是我拍攝過最激烈的片段」!美國在警告自己:「我們會警告我們美國自己,自抑修己,欣賞揚他」。
American storm chaser Adam Lucio said: "I’ve been chasing over 15 years and this is the most intense video I’ve filmed"! The United States is warning itself: "We will warn ourselves, the United States, to restrain ourselves and cultivate ourselves, appreciate and praise others."

1. 若是上面的人無法得知,當然可能無法妥善運用這些力量,會是什麼感覺?
2. 若是環境(周遭的人)忽視或沉默,讓上面無法得知這些力量,會是什麼感覺?
3. 若是上面要環境(周遭的人)強制沉默,讓台灣弱化這些力量,會是什麼感覺?
4. 若是上面和環境(周遭的人)合謀沉默,讓台灣忽視這些力量,會是什麼感覺?


2024-04-27_(分享給朗朗和Sir Ian McKellen)越懂得「自問自答,反求諸己」與「自抑修己,欣賞揚他」的人,除了能力,還有更多的介接資源,因為珍惜「真心」和「用心」。各位發自真心地讚嘆和感受,必然會有他人來協助,無須多言。
(Shared with Lang Lang and Sir Ian McKellen) The more people know how to "ask and answer questions for yourselves, and seek yourselves" and "restrain yourself and cultivate yourself, appreciate and praise others", in addition to abilities, they also have more intermediary resources, because space-time cherishing "sincerity" and "intention". If we sincerely praise and express the feelings, others will surely assist in many things, so there is no need to say anything.

2024-02-25_魯冰花 Lupinus by LaLa,開最大聲聽見我唱一句,天地唱一句。
Play it loudly, hear me sing one musical phrase and heaven and earth sing another phrase.

1. 如果知道這股力量後,自己覺得期待,卻笑不出來的原因可能為何?
2. 如果知道這股力量後,自己不覺得期待,那笑不出來的原因可能為何?
3. 如果知道這股力量後,有人要他們不能期待或要忽略,笑不出來的原因可能為何?



2024-05-21_台視新聞直播也可清楚聽見520就職大典上,我透過戰鬥機打招呼: 賴清德,蕭美琴,我是吳時捷。請你們「自抑修己,欣賞揚他」,請協助改善立法院和議會文化,謝謝。
In the live broadcast of Taiwan TV News, we can clearly hear greetings through fighter jets at the 520 inauguration ceremony: Lai Chingde, Hsiao Bi-khim, I am Wu Shihjie. Would you please "restrain yourself and cultivate yourself, appreciate and praise others", and help improve the culture of the Legislative Yuan and parliament, thank you.


Scientists may be able to explain "linear rain", but can any scientist respond to this 1m wide rainfall range? My guess might be no one. This film also reminds scientists to "restrain yourselves and cultivate yourselves" and face reality and facts honestly. It also expresses jokingly: "Is it raining? You tell me this is "rain"? There must be someone peeing from the sky!?

2024-05-13_各地災難和環境都在表達「真的很謝謝你/真的很抱歉,吳時捷」是為何?河北暴風雨襲來,白天轉黑夜! 西安陰雲密布,暴風雨猛烈! 五月的青海下雪了! 廣西暴雨,城市大片地區淹水!意念並非為了守護現況,因為很多國家、社會、科學和人心都溢於其表。而現行的時空意識則在於顯露各國和每個人真實的自己。
Why are disasters and environments everywhere expressing "Thank you very much/We are really sorry, Wu Shihjie"? Day turns into night in seconds as violent storm hits Hebei! Xi'an is covered with dark clouds and violent storms! It snows in Qinghai in May! Heavy rains in Guangxi, flooded large areas of the city! ENs which are consistent with me are not to protect the present, because many countries, societies, sciences and people's minds have exceeded their true situation. And the current consciousness of space-time is to reveal the true selves of each country and each being.


There are a few points to convey to Lai Chingde. Please pay more attention to clarify the space-time background and meaning.

1. 您所謂渡讓主權不會換來和平,應該是指渡讓中國主權吧?所以,你認為中華民國擁有中國大陸的主權嗎?這個問題應該只能避答。因為,根據中華民國憲法,是涵蓋的,但現實中,沒有台灣的人會說包含,對嗎?而實際上,中國大陸還有台灣的主權,應該都是與中華人民共和國共有,不是嗎?不然,請問你過去都在「台獨」個什麼東西?所以中華人民共和國強調一個中國原則,其實也沒什麼錯,對吧?
When you say that transferring sovereignty will not lead to peace, you should be referring to the transfer of China's sovereignty, right? So, do you think the Republic of China has sovereignty over mainland China? This question should only be avoided. Because, according to the Constitution of the Republic of China, it is covered, but in reality, no one in Taiwan would say it is covered, right? In fact, the sovereignty of mainland China and Taiwan should be shared with the People's Republic of China, right? Otherwise, may I ask what you were talking about "Taiwan independence" in the past? So there is actually nothing wrong with the People's Republic of China emphasizing the one-China principle, right?

According to the content of Taiwan's constitution (according to the "Constitution of the Republic of China", there is only one China and it is owned by the Republic of China), the international community should not recognize Taiwan as a country in the first place. This is only right!

2. 我不知道您怎麼會說出這種言論,就是「香港是被迫走進中國」?1997年,香港由英國依據1984年《中英聯合聲明》交還中華人民共和國,請問您是有認為是要交還給台灣的中華民國嗎?應該是「沒有」吧?那請問你怎麼會說出香港回歸是被迫的呢?
I don’t know how you could make such a statement, that “Hong Kong was forced to enter China”? In 1997, Hong Kong was handed back to the People's Republic of China by the United Kingdom in accordance with the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration. Do you think it was to be handed back to the Republic of China in Taiwan? It should be "no", right? Then how could you say that Hong Kong's return was forced?

It's upright because you don't speak against your conscience! There is no need to shout about democracy and freedom to pretend that Taiwan is strong.

The Republic of China (Taiwan) is a country, and it does not use this kind of cover-up to gain recognition.

2023-10-10_RFAChinese的標題寫著【杭州亞運 | 傳遞什麼政治訊號?】,放最大聲聽清楚,捫心自問,各位聽到什麼訊息(聲音)?
The title of RFAChinese reads [Hangzhou Asian Games | What political signal does it send? ], listen as loud as you can, and ask yourself, what message (sound) do you hear?

3. 我曾發文並寄送政府和政治人物們,請問您為何會說出「中國應該要感謝台灣人」?在您沒有回應這個問題之前,請少談論兩岸議題,因為這樣的邏輯會顯露格調不夠。
I have published articles and sent them to the government and politicians. Why do you say "China should thank the Taiwanese people"? Before you respond to this question, please talk less about cross-strait issues, because such thinking would reveal a lack of style.

Song Tao, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, told Ma Ying-jeou, "When you come to the mainland, you cross the strait; if you want to understand the mainland, you cross the space-time." Why? If you can't answer or have no ideas, you should really study from zero! Both the Chinese and Taiwan governments need to think carefully about the important connotation of how to pragmatically improve the current situation on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and look forward to the future! It is precisely because no one really wants to discuss the problem (dilemma) and just wants to go where they want to go (as their will), completely ignoring what impact it will have on the world or what waves it would cause. We think that this world (the place we exist = space-time) seems to be our own (who taking the land is king), so we could do whatever we want. Is this really the case?

There are many things that we don’t understand that well, including the principles of the operation of heaven and earth and considerations for the existence of communist/democratic countries.

We must face and think about these issues. Why not discuss this calmly and with self-restraint?

2024年5月21日 星期二

連美國前總統Barack Obama都發文鼓勵我們要關心與留意周遭的世界,並盡一份心讓它更好。我的「用心」,便是為何全世界現在面臨到看似的天災,而大自然卻在致意的緣故。照以下步驟嘗試、反思、反覆確認、和現實印證,開始分享介接者,必然感到天地環繞,以我版上的內容之天地內涵都願協助。 Even former US President Barack Obama wrote an article encouraging us to care and be aware of the world around us, and do our part to make it a better place. My "sincerity and concern" is why the world is now facing seemingly natural disasters, but nature is expressing its respects. We who follow the steps below to try, reflect, repeatedly check, confirm with reality, and begin to share and interface would definitely feel that heaven and earth are surrounding us, and the ENs (thoughts) on my board is willing to help any sincere living being with the connotation of heaven and earth.

連美國前總統Barack Obama都發文鼓勵我們要關心與留意周遭的世界,並盡一份心讓它更好。我的「用心」,便是為何全世界現在面臨到看似的天災,而大自然卻在致意的緣故。照以下步驟嘗試、反思、反覆確認、和現實印證,開始分享介接者,必然感到天地環繞,以我版上的內容之天地內涵都願協助。
Even former US President Barack Obama wrote an article encouraging us to care and be aware of the world around us, and do our part to make it a better place. My "sincerity and concern" is why the world is now facing seemingly natural disasters, but nature is expressing its respects. We who follow the steps below to try, reflect, repeatedly check, confirm with reality, and begin to share and interface would definitely feel that heaven and earth are surrounding us, and the ENs (thoughts) on my board is willing to help any sincere living being with the connotation of heaven and earth.

2024-05-13_各地災難和環境都在表達「真的很謝謝你/真的很抱歉,吳時捷」是為何?河北暴風雨襲來,白天轉黑夜! 西安陰雲密布,暴風雨猛烈! 五月的青海下雪了! 廣西暴雨,城市大片地區淹水!意念並非為了守護現況,因為很多國家、社會、科學和人心都溢於其表。而現行的時空意識則在於顯露各國和每個人真實的自己。
Why are disasters and environments everywhere expressing "Thank you very much/We are really sorry, Wu Shihjie"? Day turns into night in seconds as violent storm hits Hebei! Xi'an is covered with dark clouds and violent storms! It snows in Qinghai in May! Heavy rains in Guangxi, flooded large areas of the city! ENs which are consistent with me are not to protect the present, because many countries, societies, sciences and people's minds have exceeded their true situation. And the current consciousness of space-time is to reveal the true selves of each country and each being.

Say what you call others to yourself first in your mind, and then say it for yourself. Heaven and earth are reviewing our words and deeds. When China’s Shenzhou-18 was launched and there was heavy rain or strong winds blowing across Taiwan, they all tried to express the gratitude. And we should practice "asking and answering ourselves" and ask ourselves bravely instead of always trying to appeal to others.

It seems like disasters, but why do Hualien, Tainan, and Pingtung still try to express their gratitude despite strong earthquakes and heavy rains? Why is this so? Let’s take a look at what kind of behavior and speech we should learn from humbly! I also emphasized in the content sent to political parties and government officials on March 31, "Heaven and earth would verify the true appearance according to what each of us encounters at the moment. Therefore, it is easy to have Great power to present something of ourselves".

What are the countless hums in the sky? Why do countries around the world apologize one after another? What does it have to do with the fact that countries themselves continue to show reversals that look like disasters? Aren’t these floods, earthquakes, and the emergence of nature a possibility for growth? It depends on how people feel and convey it.


Now, we can pay more attention and find ways to carefully detect and perceive the coercive forces operating in yourself or others, such as sudden emotions, agitation, deliberate making things difficult or dislike, etc.

Because these reactions are originally the true voice of a part of our own hearts.

I believe that many people feel that a lot of good things are happening in Taiwan, but at the beginning of 2021, many people have begun to fall and show different selves. The reasons are for each of us to take our time to feel, think and ask ourselves!

Many of us are killing ourselves without even realizing it. If you encounter these coercive forces and know how to "restrain yourself and appreciate others", you would think about "are these words or deeds that I think are appropriate? Is there a better way to express them? The behavior of others in the conversation, are they conveying or demonstrating something?”

During the process, if after we do or say something, we feel that we have no problems or no need of improvement, then we would begin to produce these patterns in ourselves, which is equivalent to establishing, examining and cultivating our own thinking, logic or It is a habit of dealing with others. Heaven and earth would not care whether it is a good habit or a bad habit. It is something that everyone accepts voluntarily under various circumstances, and it's just making us be forced to face it.

What benefits would come to those who know how to ask themselves everything? What about the people who give others excuses and possibilities?

This is left to you to think, make your decision and explore on your own. The world is right feeling us, isn't it?

Take responsibility for yourselves, everything happens for a reason, but we just would not like to face it.

So far in my life, I have never gloated over misfortunes, I have only done my best, and that was through sharing, conveying, or speaking out when appropriate.

Obama: 人們經常問我如何在不確定的時期保持希望。 我告訴他們,這是因為我遇到的年輕人——包括我們在歐巴馬基金會共事的許多領導人——他們關心周圍的世界,並盡自己的一份力量讓世界變得更好。 這是一個有同樣想法的人的觀點——值得一讀。
Obama: People often ask me how I stay hopeful in uncertain times. I tell them it's because of the young people I come across – including many of the leaders we work with at the Obama Foundation – who care about the world around them and are doing their part to make it a little bit better. Here’s a perspective from someone who feels the same way – it’s worth a read.



How is this possible? If this is the case, what could we doubt? More importantly, what deep impact does this connotation and texture have on us and our children? The singing is also accompanied by the sound of the wind blowing the leaves: "Loneliness is more driven than hugs. Love makes people lose their minds. Would it be that I am too selfish? So I would not like to live a lonelier life. I can't let go and I can't see the future neither. Does this kind of imperfection make what love is really like?". How do we restore and reinforce ourselves through what I share?

We who follow the steps below to try, reflect, repeatedly check, confirm with reality, and begin to share and interface would definitely feel that heaven and earth are surrounding us, and the ENs (thoughts) on my board is willing to help any sincere living being with the connotation of heaven and earth.

1. 嘴巴閉起來,緩慢的深呼吸。
Close the mouth and take a slow, deep breath.
2. (繼續緩慢的深呼吸)把想法的焦點,想到整個頭部的位置。
(Continue to take slow deep breaths) Focus the thoughts on the position of the entire head.
3. (繼續緩慢的深呼吸)大聲播放附上的影片,跟著風和樹葉的聲響來想(嘴巴閉著),包含聲音旋律的方向,和歌詞的意象,都要一起在整個頭部想像!
(Continue to take slow, deep breaths) Play the attached video loudly, and think about it with the sound of the wind and leaves (with the mouth closed), including the direction and tendency of the sound melody and the vision of the lyrics, all have to be imagined and gathered in the entire head!
4. 做了並嘗試與調整幾遍者,便知道這有什麼重要的影響和修復之力。
Those who have done it and tried and adjusted it several times would feel and even know the important impact and repairing power it has.
5. ★★★★★★★★★★反覆確認身體狀況,轉換(散形)時休息,反轉(凝煉)時自抑修己與欣賞揚他。用我分享的內容,每一則影片都必然能修復自己。
Repeatedly confirm the condition of the body, rest when converting (scattering), restrain ourselves and appreciate others when reversing (converging). With what I share, every video is bound to strength and reinforce our health, mind and spirit.

風吹拂樹葉的聲響也能唱和 張惠妹 A-mei/A-mit 的《真實》 :「孤獨比擁抱更真實,愛讓人失去了理智。會不會是我太自私?拒絕更寂寞的日子。放不開也看不見未來,難道這種不完美,才是愛情真實的樣子?」。
The singing is also accompanied by the sound of the wind blowing the leaves: "Loneliness is more driven than hugs. Love makes people lose their minds. Would it be that I am too selfish? So I would not like to live a lonelier life. I can't let go and I can't see the future neither. Does this kind of imperfection make what love is really like?".

Also share with 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen 賴清德 蕭美琴 Bi-khim Hsiao 陳建仁 Chen Chien-Jen 鄭文燦 侯友宜 盧秀燕 黃偉哲 陳其邁 Chen Chi-Mai 周春米 柯文哲 黃珊珊 朱立倫 趙少康 中國國民黨 KMT 國民黨立法院黨團 民主進步黨 民進黨立法院黨團 台灣民眾黨 時代力量 New Power Party 時代力量立法院黨團 總統府發言人 關鍵時刻 TVBS 少康戰情室 庶民大頭家 前進新台灣 新台灣加油 94要客訴 突發琪想 57爆新聞 新聞龍捲風 新聞深喉嚨 三立SET 驚爆新聞線 新台派上線 年代向錢看 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News FACENEWS/新聞面對面 TVBS T觀點 董事長開講 新聞大白話 關我什麼事 TVBS 國民大會 新聞大破解 新聞大小事 大新聞大爆卦 民間特偵組 正常發揮 邱毅『談天論地話縱橫』 范世平 黃暐瀚

台視新聞直播也可清楚聽見520就職大典上,我透過戰鬥機打招呼: 賴清德,蕭美琴,我是吳時捷。請你們「自抑修己,欣賞揚他」,請協助改善立法院和議會文化,謝謝。In the live broadcast of Taiwan TV News, we can clearly hear greetings through fighter jets at the 520 inauguration ceremony: Lai Chingde, Hsiao Bi-khim, I am Wu Shihjie. Would you please "restrain yourself and cultivate yourself, appreciate and praise others", and help improve the culture of the Legislative Yuan and parliament, thank you.

520就職大典上,透過戰鬥機打招呼: 賴清德,蕭美琴,我是吳時捷。請你們「自抑修己,欣賞揚他」,請協助改善立法院和議會文化,謝謝。
Greetings through fighter jets at the 520 inauguration ceremony: Lai Chingde, Hsiao Bi-khim, I am Wu Shihjie. Would you please "restrain yourself and cultivate yourself, appreciate and praise others", and help improve the culture of the Legislative Yuan and parliament, thank you.

As President and Vice President, we should start from self-cultivation (democratic political culture of Taiwan) and reflect on the ugliness of the American president election.

In the live broadcast of Taiwan TV News, we can clearly hear the greetings.


At the 520 Presidential Inauguration Welcome Reception hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we can hear the expressions of thoughts from various countries: "Thank you very much, Wu Shihjie. The field hearts of twelve countries around the world already get interfacing with your EN (thought). Please keep sharing with the world about the EN knowledge about the future, thank you."

Would you please return to zero with the Taiwan government, and practice "restrain yourself and cultivate yourself, appreciate and praise others."

Face the chaos of democracy pragmatically and improve these self-deficiencies. Do not criticize the communist country at will, and do not shout about democracy and freedom to highlight our higher style.

You politicians are charged with the priority of facing Taiwan's political party chaos. If you do not work hard to improve the attitudes, methods and culture of conducting political affairs in the Parliament and Legislative Yuan, you are certainly not qualified to serve, let alone discuss national issues from a narrow perspective.

The issue between Taiwan and Mainland China is very simple. Neither side is actually a country. However, in order for Hong Kong to return and advance in international coordination, the People's Republic of China(Mainland China) must first be treated as China.

Wang Wenbin responded, "No matter how the domestic political situation on Taiwan "island" changes, it cannot change the historical and legal fact that both sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to one China." Politicians should keep this "fact" in mind.

However, the biggest blind spot in mainland China now is that it believes that its own (the People's Republic of China) speech represents the entire original China, so it is too tough and arrogant. It contains too many "unables". Could it be that we don't have any ability or method to change things?

This is of course the main reason why Europe and the United States jointly suppress China. Are you thinking about it?

Lai Chingde’s speech → triggered the government and opposition parties and Ma Ying-jeou to jointly raise constitutional issues → face and discuss → think carefully before taking action. This is a possible path, isn’t it?

It is possible to improve only by trying, whether it is EN (thought) or action solutions (Shen Nong tastes herbs).

This is the connotation of democracy that communist countries could think over and over again, and it is also a way for communism to move forward with warmth and delicacy. Otherwise, of course, disasters would occur across China, and people would start to fight because you are too arrogant. I have been reminding the world to "restrain selves and cultivate selves, appreciate and praise others" for a long time.

2024-05-13_各地災難和環境都在表達「真的很謝謝你/真的很抱歉,吳時捷」是為何?河北暴風雨襲來,白天轉黑夜! 西安陰雲密布,暴風雨猛烈! 五月的青海下雪了! 廣西暴雨,城市大片地區淹水!意念並非為了守護現況,因為很多國家、社會、科學和人心都溢於其表。而現行的時空意識則在於顯露各國和每個人真實的自己。
Why are disasters and environments everywhere expressing "Thank you very much/We are really sorry, Wu Shihjie"? Day turns into night in seconds as violent storm hits Hebei! Xi'an is covered with dark clouds and violent storms! It snows in Qinghai in May! Heavy rains in Guangxi, flooded large areas of the city! ENs which are consistent with me are not to protect the present, because many countries, societies, sciences and people's minds have exceeded their true situation. And the current consciousness of space-time is to reveal the true selves of each country and each being.

There are a few points to convey to Lai Chingde. Please pay more attention to clarify the space-time background and meaning.

1. 您所謂渡讓主權不會換來和平,應該是指渡讓中國主權吧?所以,你認為中華民國擁有中國大陸的主權嗎?這個問題應該只能避答。因為,根據中華民國憲法,是涵蓋的,但現實中,沒有台灣的人會說包含,對嗎?而實際上,中國大陸還有台灣的主權,應該都是與中華人民共和國共有,不是嗎?不然,請問你過去都在「台獨」個什麼東西?所以中華人民共和國強調一個中國原則,其實也沒什麼錯,對吧?
When you say that transferring sovereignty will not lead to peace, you should be referring to the transfer of China's sovereignty, right? So, do you think the Republic of China has sovereignty over mainland China? This question should only be avoided. Because, according to the Constitution of the Republic of China, it is covered, but in reality, no one in Taiwan would say it is covered, right? In fact, the sovereignty of mainland China and Taiwan should be shared with the People's Republic of China, right? Otherwise, may I ask what you were talking about "Taiwan independence" in the past? So there is actually nothing wrong with the People's Republic of China emphasizing the one-China principle, right?

According to the content of Taiwan's constitution (according to the "Constitution of the Republic of China", there is only one China and it is owned by the Republic of China), the international community should not recognize Taiwan as a country in the first place. This is only right!

2. 我不知道您怎麼會說出這種言論,就是「香港是被迫走進中國」?1997年,香港由英國依據1984年《中英聯合聲明》交還中華人民共和國,請問您是有認為是要交還給台灣的中華民國嗎?應該是「沒有」吧?那請問你怎麼會說出香港回歸是被迫的呢?
I don’t know how you could make such a statement, that “Hong Kong was forced to enter China”? In 1997, Hong Kong was handed back to the People's Republic of China by the United Kingdom in accordance with the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration. Do you think it was to be handed back to the Republic of China in Taiwan? It should be "no", right? Then how could you say that Hong Kong's return was forced?

It's upright because you don't speak against your conscience! There is no need to shout about democracy and freedom to pretend that Taiwan is strong.

The Republic of China (Taiwan) is a country, and it does not use this kind of cover-up to gain recognition.

2023-10-10_RFAChinese的標題寫著【杭州亞運 | 傳遞什麼政治訊號?】,放最大聲聽清楚,捫心自問,各位聽到什麼訊息(聲音)?
The title of RFAChinese reads [Hangzhou Asian Games | What political signal does it send? ], listen as loud as you can, and ask yourself, what message (sound) do you hear?

3. 我曾發文並寄送政府和政治人物們,請問您為何會說出「中國應該要感謝台灣人」?在您沒有回應這個問題之前,請少談論兩岸議題,因為這樣的邏輯會顯露格調不夠。
I have published articles and sent them to the government and politicians. Why do you say "China should thank the Taiwanese people"? Before you respond to this question, please talk less about cross-strait issues, because such thinking would reveal a lack of style.

Song Tao, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, told Ma Ying-jeou, "When you come to the mainland, you cross the strait; if you want to understand the mainland, you cross the space-time." Why? If you can't answer or have no ideas, you should really study from zero! Both the Chinese and Taiwan governments need to think carefully about the important connotation of how to pragmatically improve the current situation on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and look forward to the future! It is precisely because no one really wants to discuss the problem (dilemma) and just wants to go where they want to go (as their will), completely ignoring what impact it will have on the world or what waves it would cause. We think that this world (the place we exist = space-time) seems to be our own (who taking the land is king), so we could do whatever we want. Is this really the case?

There are many things that we don’t understand that well, including the principles of the operation of heaven and earth and considerations for the existence of communist/democratic countries.

We must face and think about these issues. Why not discuss this calmly and with self-restraint?

Also share with 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen 卓榮泰 鄭麗君 陳建仁 Chen Chien-Jen 鄭文燦 潘孟安 林佳龍 行政院發言人 國防部發言人 總統府發言人 柯文哲 朱立倫 中國國民黨 KMT 國民黨立法院黨團 民主進步黨 民進黨立法院黨團 台灣民眾黨 時代力量 New Power Party 時代力量立法院黨團 關鍵時刻 TVBS 少康戰情室 庶民大頭家 前進新台灣 新台灣加油 94要客訴 突發琪想 57爆新聞 新聞龍捲風 新聞深喉嚨 三立SET 驚爆新聞線 新台派上線 年代向錢看 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News FACENEWS/新聞面對面 TVBS T觀點 董事長開講 新聞大白話 關我什麼事 TVBS 國民大會 新聞大破解 新聞大小事 大新聞大爆卦 民間特偵組 正常發揮 邱毅『談天論地話縱橫』 范世平 黃暐瀚

2024年5月20日 星期一

科學家們可能可以解釋「線狀雨」,但這種1m寬度的降雨範圍,有任何科學家能回應的嗎?我猜想是沒有。畫面其實是在提醒科學家「自抑修己」並誠實面對現實,還特別戲謔地說:這是雨嗎?你們說這是「雨」?這恐怕肯定是哪個神仙內急從天上尿尿吧!? Scientists may be able to explain "linear rain", but can any scientist respond to this 1m wide rainfall range? My guess might be no one. This film also reminds scientists to "restrain yourselves and cultivate yourselves" and face reality and facts honestly. It also expresses jokingly: "Is it raining? You tell me this is "rain"? There must be someone peeing from the sky!?

Scientists may be able to explain "linear rain", but can any scientist respond to this 1m wide rainfall range? My guess might be no one. This film also reminds scientists to "restrain yourselves and cultivate yourselves" and face reality and facts honestly. It also expresses jokingly: "Is it raining? You tell me this is "rain"? There must be someone peeing from the sky!?

Scientists would be able to and should verify each other through real-life phenomena. Only what is consistent with reality can be called science!

This is the important connotation (EN) of the thought "Newton was hit by an apple and then thought about gravity."

Nowadays, more and more unexplained phenomena will appear, and society and people will help confirm scientific development and your scientific connotation by asking experts, scholars and researchers.

Source: Phoenix TV 鳳凰衛視 https://www.facebook.com/share/r/MUAHDpWyz61q7d7A/?mibextid=qi2Omg

Haven't scientists noticed that the news media now likes to use the title "Something happened, experts and scholars gave the answer: xxx" to describe and portray you? I am also worried, and if the media wants to test you, it would be embarrassing to ask questions based on these contents. Taiwan just doesn't want to re-know you in this way, saying it hasn't happened yet.

Scientists, is it shameful to study or discuss, or even ask questions or practice and try?

The key to the real stagnation of the entire scientific community is the inversion of cause and effect, as well as the vanity of love for prestige and ostentation.

相較於丹麥的Morten Meldal教授所提出之分享的「大發現是在實驗室中實現的」,我也同樣寄信與之分享。
Compared with Professor Morten Meldal from Denmark who shared that "great discoveries are done in the laboratory", I also sent a letter to share with him.

Great discoveries have always been in life, and laboratories are places for research and attempted reproduction.

I also share some expectations and prospects with the Nobel Prize Committee.

Nobel Prize Committee, I hope we all share what we feel and know with this attitude. I hope that everyone will continue to maintain a modest scientific ecology and academic ethics.

Support the backward, so help the backward countries to reversed upward.
Have not enough knowledge, so gather the wisdom of all people to advance into the future together.

How is this possible? If this is the case, what could we doubt? More importantly, what deep impact does this connotation and texture have on us and our children? The singing is also accompanied by the sound of the wind blowing the leaves: "Loneliness is more driven than hugs. Love makes people lose their minds. Would it be that I am too selfish? So I would not like to live a lonelier life. I can't let go and I can't see the future neither. Does this kind of imperfection make what love is really like?". How do we restore and reinforce ourselves through what I share?

Take Beijing artists Sun Yuan and Peng Yu’s 2016 work [can't help myself] as an example. People who want to learn how to reinforce themselves could have a dialogue with each of their selves (= consciousnesses[selves], or their own works, words and deeds). Practice, try and confirm repeatedly in the following way. This is a way to interface with your selves with more possibilities, that is, to review your words and deeds over and over again (seeking yourself through your selves/possibilities).

Heaven and earth will make the world awake! New Zealand tropical storm, third national emergency in history.

By working together with the whole nature and heaven and earth could we get twice the result with half the effort! This is to keep pace with the times. This is the basis for the operation of parallel space-time, not from twisting and dividing space-time. Otherwise, this would lead to the scattering of space-time and many disasters due to field incoherence and huge space-time fluctuations. This is the concept of the 1-FIELD and the basis of SYSTEM. It is now easier to understand why abnormal weather conditions in China, the United States and other countries may have occurred because of less thoughtfulness.

What a solar storm sounds like: "We are really sorry, Wu Shihjie, we are sorry, we would like to try to find ourselves."

We can see the EN (thought) of dogs, and the solar storm all talking about "finding ourselves". Is it important? Of course it is important. In my 2021-08-13 manuscript, I clearly wrote, "Finding ourselves is the first step." Then, based on this self, continue to "restrain ourselves and cultivate ourselves, appreciate and praise others."

★(Because this is the logical context of my symbiosis with heaven and earth, not yours. You have to find yours.) Important manuscript documents and explanations to understand the heavens and the earth and the universe (from 2021-08-10).

If scientists want to further understand and study EN, the key is to reflect on "great discoveries have always been in life" and "bold assumptions and careful verification." Because the phenomena that occur in life cover a wide range of science, rather than seeking discovery in the vague quantum world.

Because, if we only have science in our mind but no EN connotation, then the real world, according to the definition of quantum entanglement, would hide the observability and reproducibility of most scattered states (wave/string theory).

2024-05-13_各地災難和環境都在表達「真的很謝謝你/真的很抱歉,吳時捷」是為何?河北暴風雨襲來,白天轉黑夜! 西安陰雲密布,暴風雨猛烈! 五月的青海下雪了! 廣西暴雨,城市大片地區淹水!意念並非為了守護現況,因為很多國家、社會、科學和人心都溢於其表。而現行的時空意識則在於顯露各國和每個人真實的自己。
Why are disasters and environments everywhere expressing "Thank you very much/We are really sorry, Wu Shihjie"? Day turns into night in seconds as violent storm hits Hebei! Xi'an is covered with dark clouds and violent storms! It snows in Qinghai in May! Heavy rains in Guangxi, flooded large areas of the city! ENs which are consistent with me are not to protect the present, because many countries, societies, sciences and people's minds have exceeded their true situation. And the current consciousness of space-time is to reveal the true selves of each country and each being.

NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA Scientific and Technical Information (STI) Program NASA 360 NASA's James Webb Space Telescope NASA Sun Science Discovery Discovery頻道 國家地理雜誌 National Geographic Magazine Nassim Haramein Max Planck Society Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) National Science Foundation (NSF) Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) Ocean Conservation Research - OCR CERN CERN - The Large Hadron Collider CMS Experiment at CERN UN Environment Programme UN Climate Change SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory AAAS - The American Association for the Advancement of Science NOIRLab Rubin Observatory North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves

2024-05-04_「我們是月球」。到底NASA有多白癡?持續浪費資源來展現如此的自己,難怪幾十年來都無法再次登月的原因,就是因為根本不了解時空、重力和場域的關係,遑論有一個"the ONE"。
"We are MOON". How idiotic is NASA? Continuing to waste resources to show yourselves like this, no wonder the reason why you have been unable to land on the moon again for decades is because you "the ONE" don’t understand the relationship between space-time, gravity and field at all.

Xi Jinping was not in a good mood to welcome Blinken, and there were huge differences on various issues. The reason is because the country of the United States does not know who its breeding and clothing parents (source of EN/thought) are, and has been wasting space-time, taking money and finance (physical appearance) as a pretense to pretend to be strong (personality), so that the United States seems to have an eye-catching voice in the world.

2024-05-01_美國追風者Adam Lucio自述:「我追了超過15年,這是我拍攝過最激烈的片段」!美國在警告自己:「我們會警告我們美國自己,自抑修己,欣賞揚他」。
American storm chaser Adam Lucio said: "I’ve been chasing over 15 years and this is the most intense video I’ve filmed"! The United States is warning itself: "We will warn ourselves, the United States, to restrain ourselves and cultivate ourselves, appreciate and praise others."

2024-04-19_奧陌陌透過我的意念做音檔分析來提醒科學家。準備發布時,馬上天空連鎖低鳴傳來訊息。 Oumuamua Audio Analysis through my EN (thought) to remind scientists. When it was ready to be released, a chain of low-pitched EN messages came from the sky.

How idiots are you scientists? I am the Veseya (parallel space-time) of Wu Shihjie's EN (thought) system, which is equivalent to the EN scene stamp.  95.4328372% of Wu Shihjie’s content is partially consistent with the EN of ​​the universe.

Many images or light spots that look like alien creatures or UFOs have been photographed abroad. Many of them might be EN scenes, existing in some energy-type (scattered) fields. Interpretations of ENs in European and American fields mostly associate with unknown (alien) possibilities, because many of them are restricted by the original natural landscapes (tourism and traditional animal husbandry, etc.) or financial and monetary restrictions.

What does special aperture convey? "Wu Shihjie, really sorry, we are EN (thought) scenes."

Seeing that the United States had questions about the falling giant point of light, I helped the world imagine and slightly understand the possible meaning and content.

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