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→∑GOOGLE雲端_Manuscript 重要手稿與資料
→2021-04-30_⭓⭓預備寫給Google的內容_Google Search網址和PLAY的異常_2022-02-02發Facebook
→2022-01-29_⭓⭓怡品電腦發現KaKao的韓文電磁檔案_About the Field, COVID-19, and the Future...please check it!! - Microsoft 社群
→2022-02-01_⭓⭓Porsche Wu的部落格_ 【場域】【能量】NFT_元宇宙?有catch到重點嗎?初一優先分享好玩事! PDF MP4
→H、R→【修己揚他/aAskSelf】【意念/EN】 合宜自清明
2021一整年發生什麼事?很多人突然急著上廁所,身體不適和過敏等現象,都是一種自己與世界的場域轉換! What happened throughout 2021? Many people are suddenly anxious to go to the toilet, and the phenomenon of physical discomfort and allergies is a kind of field conversion between themselves and the world!
→【意念/EN】【場域/FIELD】【新冠肺炎/COVID-19】 2021台灣COVID-19說明 2021 Taiwan COVID-19 Description
觀察能量/意念的最好範例,是我被攻擊意念持續攻擊數十年的小腿。各位可試試能否感受或描出能量路徑(可用手指),這對感知能量或意念及介接天道系統,包含元宇宙與未來會有幫助;進而才能理解絕妙的「NFT」是時空的「純淨美麗意念」;透過全面萬象地凝觀,能孕育最多的可能,那是合於該時空最好的作品,合於那些「時空NFT意念」的作品,絕對是上乘的佳作。 The best example of observing EN/energy is my calf being continuously attacked by aggressive EN for decades. You can try to feel or delineate the energy path (with your fingers), which will be helpful for perceiving EN/energy and connecting the system, including the metaverse and the future; In addition, we can understand that the wonderful "NFT" is the "pure and beautiful idea" of space-time; through the comprehensive contemplation of each phase, it can give birth to the most possibilities, the best work in the space-time. And the work that fits into those "space-time NFT EN" is definitely a superior masterpiece.
⭓修己揚他(AskSelf, self-cultivation and other-promotion)
→問自己,要求自己Ask yourself;觀自在賞其他
「不優秀」才能見到「最優秀」;這也是「自抑修己」的精神和道理。 "Not excellent" can see "the best"; this is also the spirit and truth of "self-inhibition and self-cultivation, appreciation and promotion of him"
與人來往,修己之道(2019-04-16手稿潤飾) Self-cultivation (2019-04-16 Manuscript)
過去指向未來,而未來感恩過去!保護自己=留在過去+造成斷裂。所以當然無須保護自己,因為無傷便可以。 The past points to the future, and the future is grateful for the past! Protect yourself = stay in the past + cause a break. So of course there is no need to protect yourself, because it is okay to be harmless.
→念 N(Nien)、意念 EN(en-Nien)
元宇宙/非同質化代幣?有抓到重點嗎?NFT只是每個時空當下小結「純淨美麗意念」的產出,所以重要的並非去追流行湊熱鬧,而是透過「修己揚他」,讓自己越來越合宜,凝煉出孕育精彩萬分之良善意念。 Metaverse/NFT(Non-Fungible Tokens)? Got the point? NFT is only the work of the "pure and beautiful EN" of each space-time summary, so the important thing is not to chase the trend and follow the trend, but through "self-cultivation and other-promotion", let yourself become more and more appropriate, and condense the idea of goodwill that gives birth to wonderful and wonderful.
→意念語言 Psychokinesis Language(PKL)
請把PC或NB中的舊程式(超過一年)全移除;大多檔案都疊合著不好的意念,會透過「人的眨眼動作」來做意念發動。Please remove all old programs (more than 1 yr) from PC or NB; most of the previous files are superimposed with bad , which will be activated through "human blinking".
⭓能量(ENG, Energy)
孩子、親友和我們所有人,都經歷了部分或極大的自我散形 Children, friends and relatives, and all of us have experienced partial or great self-disintegration
⭓場域(FD, Field)
→[GOOGLE雲端硬碟]Nice Field Photos 良好場預攝相
→[GOOGLE雲端硬碟]Net Field Theory 淨場域理論
未來的關鍵,在於每個人對於場域以及時間空間有正確的認知;場域則因意念而建置,合宜而增幅,靠的是每個人對於「修己揚他」的共同實踐。 The key to the future lies in everyone's correct understanding of the field, time and space. The field is built according to the EN, and the appropriate increase depends on everyone's common practice of "self-cultivation and other-promotion".
意念空間存在於何處? Where is the EN Space?
意念空間是需要有質量做為能量載體,所以全世界的水分子團簇越來越大,而潔淨小分子水則越來越少,所以天災不斷,包含地球暖化,這才是主因!EN space must be mass as an energy carrier, so the world's water molecule clusters are getting bigger and bigger, and clean small molecule water is less and less, so natural disasters continue, including global warming, this is the main reason!
腐涎和油霧的意念場域的能量色彩為暗色與淡粉紅紫色,都需要大量的潔淨水幫他們反轉!The energy colors of the EN Field of rotting saliva and oil mist are dark and pale pink and purple, and they all need a lot of clean water to help them reverse!
⭓重力(G/GF, Gravity Field)
⭓時空(TS, Time-Space)
→虛擬貨幣 Crypto-currency
→質能(M.ENG, Mass Energy)與光速的限制
⭓天道系統(MS, META System)的走向與發展
→一元相生系統(1-Dim System):
→三元系統(3-Dim System):人性、純淨、美麗)
除舊佈新和反覆檢視權衡,方能反轉向上,進入好的循環 Continue to organize your past and gather new meanings to share. Only then everyone can enter the cycle of being better.
→〈平等持平 - 萬物共生〉
〈街友好朋友〉城市翻轉進化 〈Street Friendly Friends〉 Society flips and evolves.